Chapter 156 - The Divine Cat Mii-chan persuades Perro to save money.
156 The Divine Cat, Mii-chan, persuades Perro to save money.
The fluffy mattress on the large bed is the best. There are two beds in the bedroom: one for me and Mii-chan, and the other for Perro, Sera, Lu-kun, and Lal-kun. Sera doesn’t seem to like sleeping with Perro, but Lal-kun is happy.
The bath was spacious and pleasant. It may not have been made of cypress wood, but it had a nice fragrance. Everyone was relaxed.
When I told Lucas and the others to use the bath later, they were surprised but very happy. What would they have done if I hadn’t said anything?
For the time being, we’ll stay in the royal capital and take it easy until things settle down. Perro left early in the morning, saying he and Sera were taking on a request from the Hunter Guild. Lu-kun and Lal-kun went to the ranch to play with Sumire.
Mii-chan is enjoying being brushed by Lara and Yana, looking very content.
Meanwhile, I’m planning to test the teleportation device. First, I teleport to the cave in Brocken Mountain. It took a while for my eyes to adjust after coming from a bright place to a dark one, but this is definitely the cave in Brocken Mountain. Next, I teleport to Wilhelm. It seems the carpenters haven’t arrived yet, and since the stalls aren’t there, Alex and Claudia must have gone to the central plaza.
Let’s take a quick look.
When I get to the central plaza, even though it’s still early morning, there are already many people in front of the stalls. Judging by their attire, they’re hunters. The ratio of men to women is about equal, and it looks like they’re ordering dumplings.
Each time Alex hands the dumplings to the female hunters, they squeal with delight. Meanwhile, the male hunters are trying to woo Claudia while waiting for their dumplings. Handsome men and beautiful women… I’m not jealous at all! Let’s head back…
When I returned to the branch office, the carpenters were gathering, so I asked them about the progress, and they said everything was going well. That’s good to hear. After they began working and left the stable area, I teleported to Beruna’s house. Right in front of me is the stable next to Beruna’s house. So, I can teleport here too… Unlimited, perhaps? I need to be careful not to let others know about this.
I entered the house and peeked into the library on the first floor. There are many books on the shelves, and it seems I’ve been allowed to keep them as they were. Since there are plenty of shelves, I might as well move the large number of books stored in Mii-chan’s bag here.
I picked up a book that caught my eye and sat on a chair in the living room. Mii-chan climbed onto my lap and curled up.
Since she was just brushed, her fur is shiny like silver threads.
“As expected, you prefer being with Nero-sama, huh?”
Well, of course.
In the afternoon, after a light sandwich, I transferred ingredients from Mii-chan’s bag to the refrigerator in the kitchen.
“Wow, is that fish!”
“Isn’t that for sale?”
“Well, it is, but there aren’t many buyers yet.” Yana, being a cat beastman like Perro, seems to have a weakness for fish.
“Nero-sama, do you still have a large amount of seafood?”
“Yes, I do.”
“In that case, I’d recommend using the Commercial Guild.”
According to Katia, when you have too much of the same product, it’s better to have the Commercial Guild mediate. They charge a fee, but they gather people who want the product, which can lead to new trade connections.
Oh, I should definitely take advantage of that.
So, I quickly rode Sumire to the Commercial Guild.
“Fish, you say. That is urgent. Alright, we’ll gather interested buyers by noon tomorrow. There’s always demand for it.”
I handed over my guild card to the attendant, paid the fee, and that was it. Tomorrow, all that’s left is to pay the tax, which is cheaper than I expected. If I can sell the fish, I’ll be raking it in.
On the way back from the guild, I stopped by Wheeler’s Tool Shop to help Schwarz unpack his goods. Mii-chan, in her own way, tried to help by scratching and nibbling on the strings, but it didn’t seem to work, so I asked her to cheer us on with her adorable smile instead. Her happy face brought joy to both Schwarz and me.
I helped until evening and then returned home. I plan to keep helping until his nephews arrive.
Mii-chan seems to agree, naturally. In a way, she’s a business partner.
“Perro and Sera-nyan are top-tier hunters, nya!”
Perro and Sera animatedly told Lara and the others about their day at the Hunter Guild, using gestures to make the story funny and engaging.
It seems they took on a goblin extermination request and took down about ten of them. Since Perro has a storage skill called “Cat Pouch,” he must have brought the goblins back and exchanged them for money.
“How much was the reward?”
“I spent all of it, nya.”
“All of it? Where?”
“At the food stalls, nya. We hadn’t eaten lunch, so Sera-nyan and I ate a lot, nya.”
You didn’t eat lunch? What about the sandwiches Katia gave you this morning?
“We ate them along with the food from the stalls, nya.”
So, you did eat them… Mii-chan looks exasperated. This isn’t good.
“From now on, you’re going to save one-third of your earnings. That’s final. Make sure you bring it home!”
“Nya… That’s so cruel, nya…”
I explained that if they saved their money, they’d be able to buy something they really wanted in the future, and with Mii-chan’s input, they reluctantly agreed.
Despite having eaten a large amount of food at the stalls, they devoured dinner as well. Truly terrifying, these bottomless pits.
After dinner, I got to work making ice at the outdoor well, preparing for tomorrow’s fish sale at the Commercial Guild. I filled a bath barrel, which I bought for camping, with about 10 cm of water and froze it, storing the ice in Mii-chan’s bag.
Lu-kun and Lal-kun were playing on the ice, even though it must’ve been cold.
I made a good amount, so there shouldn’t be any issues unless something unexpected happens. The ice should keep the fish fresh. I want to sell them at the highest price possible and attract top-tier customers… Hehehe.
When I looked at Lu-kun and Lal-kun, they were shivering. Aren’t they supposed to be from a race that’s resistant to cold…?
I wrapped both of them in bath towels along with Mii-chan and headed straight to the bath. After pouring warm water on them, they finally stopped shivering and dove into the bathtub. Since I was there, I decided to join them. Mii-chan will come too, right?