Chapter 150 - The Divine Cat Mii-chan greeted Kai and Terra upon their return.
150 The Divine Cat Mii-chan greeted Kai and Terra upon their return.
Time passed quickly, and it was time to head to the royal capital.
“Nero-san, Mii-chan, everyone, come visit anytime, woof!”
“We’ll be back soon.”
After exchanging farewells with everyone, Nero reluctantly left the Kobold village.
On their journey back, they bought and sold local specialties in the villages and towns along the way. As a result, it took them three days to reach the royal capital.
After securing a room at their usual inn and taking care of Sumire, Nero headed to the Hunter’s Guild.
As he entered the guild, Terra and Kai gave an adorable greeting, rushing to Mii-chan as soon as they saw her. Mii-chan happily licked both of them, a way of saying “I’m back.”
After petting the two familiars, Nero spotted Jin at his usual spot in the guild’s tavern and joined him at the table. Meanwhile, everyone else was busy playing with Terra and Kai.
“Oh, Nero! You’re back?”
“Yes, just a little while ago. Here’s a gift for you.”
“Wait… is this what I think it is?”
“It’s distilled liquor, and it’s aged five years.”
“You managed to get your hands on that? That’s a rare find.”
“Well, it’s thanks to the ‘blessings of the cat.'”
“What? ‘Blessings of the cat’? …Well, I’ll take it gratefully.”
“So, how are things going?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah. There’s been a lot of movement. Something big might happen soon.”
Jin, still fixated on the small keg of liquor, spoke distractedly. Nero borrowed a glass from the tavern’s master, made some ice, and returned to the table. He filled Jin’s glass with ice and poured a small amount of the liquor.
“Damn… this is good.”
I’m glad you like it. Even the Duke of Hildenburg praised its flavor.
“Vittelsbach will likely make a move soon. With the goblin conflict already underway, now’s the perfect time for him.”
It seemed that the battle against the goblins had escalated. Although things were currently going well, Nero understood that the command structure was fragile, making the situation unpredictable. Jin was convinced this was seen as an opportunity.
The royal capital was currently defended by only the First Knight Order. Most of the other defense forces and noble troops had been dispatched to the front lines, leaving the capital somewhat vulnerable.
“Vittelsbach, the eastern border margrave, has a large private army. He’s likely already moving his forces this way under the pretense of goblin subjugation. It gives him a legitimate excuse to mobilize his troops.”
I see. He’s taking advantage of the situation without realizing that everything is playing right into the script. How pitiful.
“Even so, we can’t underestimate his numbers. There are nearly 2,000 rebels inside the royal capital alone. That’s a real headache.”
“How many people do you have on your side, Jin-san?”
“Right now, we’ve gathered about 200. We could call in some more hunters, bringing us to about 500.”
Even with support from the royal palace, the enemy would still have the advantage in numbers. However, when it came to the quality of troops, Nero believed their side had the upper hand.
“If they coordinate with forces outside the capital, things could get even more complicated.”
That would indeed be troublesome.
“Enjoying some fine liquor, I see. Mind if I have a glass too?”
“Hey, old man! This is mine!”
“Don’t be stingy, you young brat.”
Nero poured a glass for Zest, the guildmaster.
“My… my liquor…”
“It’s a bit strong, but it’s good. Distilled liquor, huh? The Dwarves are famous for making it, but I’ve heard Forte produces a small quantity as well.”
“Yes, it’s from Forte. I was lucky enough to get my hands on it.”
“You’re quite the lucky one, aren’t you, Nero? It’s enviable.”
Is that so? I don’t really feel like I have a ‘luck’ skill, but maybe it’s influencing things more than I realize.
“So, where have you been?”
“I went to the Grand Duchy of Hildenburg, passing through Brocken Mountain.”
“Through Brocken Mountain, huh?”
Zest glanced at Sera and Lu-kun, who were playing with Terra and Kai. Had I ever shown him Sera in her black leopard form before? Well, he’s the guildmaster, so I’m sure he knows plenty. Lu-kun might be recognizable as a white wolf to some, though to me, he just looks like a dog…
“Yes, I have some connections that let me pass through.”
“That must be something merchants would envy.”
“So, Nero, what took you all the way to the Grand Duchy?”
“I went to buy fish. Though, I took care of a few other things while I was there.”
“Fish, huh…”
“I’ll be supplying some to the guild here, so you can all enjoy some seafood soon. But speaking of, what’s going on with the hero situation?”
Zest had gone to the guild headquarters to investigate that matter, after all.
“Rotaringia’s guild headquarters refuses to reveal anything. It seems the nation has placed heavy restrictions on information. It’s troubling that the Hunter Guild is under the thumb of the country. Our guild has sent scouts to Rotaringia, but so far, there hasn’t been any good news.”
“Is travel in and out of the country free?”
“There are some regulations, but merchants can move relatively freely. Others, though… it’s a bit stricter.”
I might need to head to Rotaringia soon. If they start regulating merchant travel, things will become even more complicated.
“So, Nero, are you planning on heading to Rotaringia?”
“I’ve been asked to take care of something, so I’m thinking of going soon.”
“You’re going at such a time? You’ll have to pass through the lands of the eastern border margrave. That could be tough for you.”
Even though I briefly served as an inspector, passing through the land of a rebel leader might not be the best idea. Even if I don’t have any ill intentions, they might see me as a spy…
Hmm, this is troublesome.