Chapter 9: Chapter 9
After my talk with the Parkers, I called for a meeting with the heroes—All Might, Starlight, A-Train, Green Ghost, and Kimiko. It took them a few minutes to gather and take their seats.
"Hello, everyone. The reason I called you here is to discuss a few things," I began. "First, for our newer members, there's an organization called Hydra. These people are obsessed with world domination, seeking to strip away free will and control the masses. Two months ago, All Might, Starlight, and I rescued eight kids and several scientists from their grasp. Hydra was experimenting on them—trying to create their own branch of super soldiers. These people are dangerous, ruthless, and highly resourceful. They've infiltrated major institutions, which makes our mission to take them down even more critical."
I paused for a moment, letting the weight of my words settle before continuing.
"We can't truly change the world while they're still around. They'll try to stop us at every turn and won't hesitate to kill us. That's why I'm looking for two people who can help us take them down. But when the time comes, I need to know—who here is okay with killing them during our raids?"
"They're fucking Nazis. Of course, I'm okay killing them," Reggie said without hesitation.
Kimiko signed her response: 'I have no problem killing them either. I don't like people who experiment on kids.'
Alana crossed her arms, frowning slightly. "I really, really don't like killing… but I am willing to do it if necessary. I had to in my old world sometimes."
"Good to hear. Now that we're done talking about the grim stuff, let's move on to something more exciting," I said, changing the topic.
A holographic display lit up, revealing a name: "Vanguard Initiative."
Annie raised an eyebrow. "Vanguard Initiative?"
I nodded. "Yeah. Since we're growing, I figured we needed a team name."
Reggie smirked. "And this was the best you could come up with?"
I rolled my eyes. "Yes. And it's way better than 'The Seven.' The name actually has meaning. 'Vanguard' represents us being at the forefront of Earth's protection. 'Initiative' signifies our mission for continuous growth, innovation, and making the world better."
"I like the name," Toshinori said with a nod of approval.
"Thanks, Toshinori. Now, onto the next order of business. You're all stationed in different cities, so I've assigned missions tailored to each location. Annie and Toshinori already have cities to protect, but for the rest of you…"
I turned to Reggie first.
"Reggie, you'll be stationed in Freeland. Your main mission is taking down 'The 100.' They're a powerful gang, led by Tobias Whale. He's old—took a serum to slow down his aging, giving him decades of experience. He's smart, ruthless, and will kill anyone in his way. Your job is to stop him. If you need backup, Church will assist you."
Reggie scoffed. "Cool. Nice to know you gave me something easy to start with," he said sarcastically.
I smirked. "Don't be like that. Freeland needs a hero. Black Lightning is still in retirement, so it falls on you."
"Black Lightning? Who's that?" Reggie asked.
"Black Lightning—aka Jefferson Pierce—was a hero back in the day. He stayed in Freeland, fighting gangs and trying to take down Tobias Whale, who murdered his father when he was a kid. Jefferson witnessed it firsthand while hiding under his bed. Later, he left hero work behind to start a family and became a school principal, trying to keep kids off the streets. But the 100 is still a major problem."
Reggie's expression grew more serious. "I see. Okay."
"Good. I've already made you a new suit to conceal your identity."
Next, I turned to Kimiko.
"Kimiko, you'll be stationed in Star City. You'll be dealing with gang activity, but your primary target is Malcolm Merlyn. His goal is to destroy The Glades—a low-income district—because his wife was murdered there, and no one helped her as she bled out. She had opened a clinic to help the people there, and after her death, he snapped. Church will assist you if needed. I also designed a suit to keep your identity hidden."
Kimiko nodded in acknowledgment.
Finally, I looked at Alana.
"Alana, you'll be in Central City. Your mission is to handle metahuman criminals. The police there are trying, but they're overwhelmed. They even built a prison specifically for them."
Alana sighed. "Of all the cities, you gave me the one with superpowered villains."
I smirked. "Yes. Out of almost everyone here, you have the most experience dealing with supervillains. The only one with more is Toshinori, but he's stationed in Gotham. If you need help, I'll be there."
Alana huffed. "Okay, thanks."
I leaned back in my chair. "That's everything I needed to discuss. Anyone have anything to bring to the group?"
Annie raised her hand. "Yeah, actually. Someone's been trying to contact me."
I narrowed my eyes. "Who?"
She shifted in her seat. "I started noticing them on my patrols. I'm pretty sure they've been tracking me. One day, while stopping a robbery, black SUVs showed up before the cops. People in suits got out, and they weren't focused on the criminals—they were focused on me. One guy approached me, but before he could say anything, I just… left."
I fell silent for a moment, already suspecting who it was.
"Can you describe the man?" I asked.
"He was about average height, white, and looked… maybe in his forties?"
Just as I thought—Phil Coulson. One of SHIELD's most loyal agents. The man had literally died multiple times for the organization. He was one of my favorite characters. This complicated things. Should I contact Fury? He could be useful in taking down Hydra, but I couldn't trust him. He'd do everything in his power to locate our base and uncover our identities. Before I made that call, I needed Peggy. She'd help me make sure Fury didn't do anything stupid.
I exhaled. "The people trying to contact you are from SHIELD. My guess? They want to recruit you. I want you to stay away from them for now. That goes for everyone. If you notice anyone tracking you or acting suspicious, don't engage. Report it to Church, and he'll inform me. Some of these people might actually be Hydra agents."
The team nodded, understanding the weight of the situation.
This was just the beginning.
"If that's all, you're all dismissed. I need to speak with Ashley—she's going to help me start a company," I said.
Everyone nodded and began leaving, but Reggie stayed behind. His expression was serious, his gaze locked onto mine.
"Look," he started, "Ashley and I are friends. Yeah, the way we became friends is kind of messed up—blackmailing each other and all—but in the end, we did become friends. And I care about her." His voice was firm, unwavering. "There's a lot of crazy shit in this world, and someone like her could easily end up dead. Even though she's just helping you build a company, that company is going to go against the government. I know they're not just going to let you cure diseases when it's more profitable to treat them."
He took a step closer. "You might be invulnerable, damn near impossible to kill, but she's just a normal human. Anyone could take her out—even that damn Pikachu, cute as it looks, could electrocute her to death. And when your company gets big, the government or Hydra will send assassins after her, either to kill her or kidnap her for information on you." His voice softened, but the weight of his words remained. "I don't want to see another friend die."
I sat in silence, letting his words settle.
"I promise you," I finally said, "I will protect her. And I'll make sure she has a way to protect herself. She's part of this team—one of my people. I will never let one of my people be in danger."
Reggie studied me for a moment before nodding and walking away.
As I sat there alone, my mind raced. Ashley wasn't the only one vulnerable—Marlize DeVoe, Richard and Mary Parker, May, and Mercy… they were all just regular humans. Even though Mercy had once been a hero, she no longer had the technology that gave her an edge.
I needed a way to protect them.
Nooroo could grant temporary powers, but they'd have to stay in costume, and that wasn't a permanent solution. Enhancing them was the only real option. Maybe something close to the Super Soldier Serum, but I had no idea how to make that, let alone where to start. Even with Brainstorm's intelligence, I didn't know everything—I hadn't studied that field yet.
The closest thing I could think of was the work being done by Osborne. If I could get my hands on his research, I might be able to perfect it. It wasn't as powerful as the Super Soldier Serum, but it was close.
"Church," I called out.
He appeared instantly. "What's up?"
"Call Ashley here."
"Done." He vanished just as quickly.
A few minutes later, Ashley walked in. She looked nervous, maybe even a little scared. I couldn't blame her—her last boss was a superhero, and he didn't treat her well.
"H-hello, sir. You wanted to see me?" she asked.
"Yeah. And you don't have to call me 'sir.' Just call me Ed."
"Oh. Okay, Ed."
"The reason I called you here is that I need help starting a company. You're the only person on this island who knows how to do that, so I need you to tell me what we need to do."
Ashley took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "Well, Ed, there are four main steps to starting a company. First, we need to file Articles of Incorporation—we can do that online. Second, we take those documents to a bank and open a business account. Third, we connect a payment processor to that account so we can receive money. And lastly, we need to provide value to people in exchange for money—which means we need a workforce."
"Is it that easy to start a company?" I asked.
"Yes and no. The first three steps are simple, but the last one is tricky. We don't have a reputation yet, and people—especially college graduates—won't want to take the risk of working for a startup. Most of them need a stable job to pay off student loans and afford a place to live." She paused. "We'll also need warehouses to store our products and, most importantly, connections. Without those, it'll be tough to get business opportunities."
"How do we get connections and build a reputation?"
"That depends on what kind of products you want to make—military or medical?"
"I want to do both, but I don't want to make weapons."
Ashley nodded. "Okay, that's a good start. My suggestion? Start with something for the police, preferably in the city where our company will be based. That'll help us build a reputation and establish credibility. Once people see the quality of our products, we can move into medical advancements. If we secure military contracts, we'll gain influence in the government, which will be important in the long run."
"I see… I already have some ideas," I said. "I can design better armor for the police, and I can make their weapons non-lethal."
"That's perfect. Once we establish a strong reputation, people will want to work for us. That's how we build our workforce."
I nodded. "Good. But we'll have to be careful who we hire—some of them might be S.H.I.E.L.D. agents."
I had to admit—Ashley was a damn good asset. With her around, I knew my company would be in good hands. And more importantly, I knew I could trust her.
"Thank you, Ashley. You'd make a great COO."
Her eyes widened. "Wait—you want me to be the second-in-command of the company?"
"Of course. You're the one helping me build this whole thing. Why wouldn't I give you that position?"
She smiled, a mix of excitement and disbelief on her face. "I… I see. Thank you, Ed. I won't let you down."
"No need to thank me—you were the obvious choice. And I trust you to do well."
After all the meetings, I headed to the lab. There was something I had been meaning to start for a while but never had the time—until now. A simple project.
And by "simple," I mean creating Cell. Yes, that Cell from Dragon Ball Z. Come on, with all the knowledge I have, did you really think I wouldn't try making a bio-android?
The lab already had everything I needed—the pod, the necessary incubation fluid—I just had to put it all together. I decided to start with my own DNA. I wasn't sure if he'd inherit my system-based abilities, but I did have an X-gene, which meant there was a chance he could develop one of his own.
As for other DNA sources, I wasn't entirely sure yet, but I knew I wanted Kryptonian and Martian genetics. And before anyone says anything—yes, Martians have a "fire weakness," but that's not natural. The Guardians of Oa implanted that fear into their minds because they were too powerful. I was also considering adding Inhuman and Atlantean DNA to the mix.
I got to work building the pod, which took me about an hour. Just as I was about to start on the incubation fluid, the room suddenly grew cold—I could see my breath in the air.
"I'm guessing you're here because you found one of the people I asked for," I said aloud.
Darkblood appeared behind me, holding a file. He handed it over, and I opened it to find information on Peggy Carter. One of the key people I needed to help take down Hydra.
According to the file, she was staying in a retirement home exclusively for old S.H.I.E.L.D. agents—something the public obviously didn't know about. It had decent security, but nothing too difficult to bypass. Her exact room number was listed.
"This is great work," I said.
"Thank you," Darkblood replied. "But what about the next person? Do you really think she'll be an ally?"
He was referring to Polaris.
"I don't know," I admitted. "But if she's anything like her father, she wants what's best for our kind. So there's a good chance she'll join us—assuming she's not already with him."
I really hoped she wasn't. And I hoped Wanda and Pietro hadn't joined him either. he was looking for them, too.
Darkblood didn't say anything else—he simply vanished.
With that, I went back to work. After a while, Marlize and Nooroo entered the lab.
"Hey, Ed. What are you up to?" Marlize asked.
"Just getting started on a new project—building a bio-android with enhanced DNA," I replied.
"If the past me had heard you say that, I would've thought you were insane," she said.
"Sounds like you're getting used to the weirdness," I smirked.
"I guess so," she admitted.
"So, what brings you here?" I asked.
"Nothing much, just wanted to return the Miraculous," she said, taking it off and handing it to me.
"Thanks," I said, putting it on.
"So, what kind of DNA are you putting in this 'project' of yours?"
"Kryptonian, Martian, Atlantean, Inhuman… and mine."
"Martian? Atlantean? Inhuman?" she repeated, curious.
"Right, I guess you wouldn't know about them yet. Martians are shape-shifting telekinetic aliens from Mars. Inhumans are humans who were experimented on by an alien race, giving them unique abilities. Atlanteans are an underwater race with enhanced physiology."
"Sounds like you're trying to build something very powerful," she noted.
"That's the goal," I said.
"Why not use Anissa's DNA? She's a strong alien, too."
I paused.
"Didn't even think of that. Guess I was too focused on everything else. I'll ask her later—I still need to collect DNA samples anyway. And that won't be easy."
"Kryptonians don't exactly bleed easily, so I'll have to steal something like a toothbrush or a cup. Problem is, they have enhanced senses, so sneaking into their homes won't be easy. I know a Martian is on Earth, but I don't know where. Same with the Inhumans. This is going to be a long-term project—maybe even years. Right now, I'm just preparing the groundwork."
"I see. Well, good luck," Marlize said before leaving.
I turned back to my work.
Peter POV
Now that I had the okay to be a hero again, I didn't waste any time. I grabbed my new suit and headed straight for New York.
And damn, this suit was amazing.
Way better than my old one. It made everything easier—web-swinging, mobility, even fire resistance. Just today, I went into a burning building and barely felt the heat. I got everyone out without a problem.
Plus, the new web-shooters? Incredible. I could swing twice as long without running out of web fluid.
Oh, and Ed made me a theme song.
Yeah, an actual theme song. Called Spectacular Spider-Man. It was catchy as hell.
I heard a scream while swinging through the city and changed course. When I reached the scene, I spotted a woman cornered in an alley by two men. Classic mugging.
"Don't scream, lady. All we want is the purse."
"Yeah, hand it over, and we won't hurt you."
"Man, I've been gone for two months, and New York still hasn't changed," I said, perched on the wall above them.
All three of them looked up.
"Spider-Man? You're back?" one of the guys stammered.
"That's right—and better than ever. New suit, new skills. Now, since neither of you have weapons, I'll give you a choice. Option one: you surrender, I web you up, and we call it a day. Option two: you don't surrender, I beat the crap out of you, then web you up, and we still call it a day. Your choice—pain-free or not?"
They exchanged a glance—then pulled out guns.
"Wrong choice."
Before they could pull the trigger, I shot webs at their hands, yanking the guns away.
"Looks like you two just picked the painful way."
I webbed their faces and jumped down, knocking them both out in a few quick hits. Once they were down, I tied them up with my webs.
"Nice to see criminals are still just as dumb," I muttered before turning to the woman. "You okay, ma'am?"
"Yes, thank you!" she said.
"No problem. Do me a favor and call the cops?"
"Of course!"
"Thanks! Gotta go!"
And with that, I swung off.
Watch out, New York—Spider-Man is back