The hero of DC and Marvel

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

"Thank you, Ed. It's nice to know someone is in my corner," Lena said, offering a small smile.

"And I'm happy to be there," I replied.

Lena and I talked for almost an hour. At first, the conversation revolved around her company—what she was shutting down and the new areas she planned to expand into. She told me she was halting all Kryptonite and Kryptonian-related research, instead redirecting resources toward medical advancements and cutting-edge technology.

I shared my own plans, explaining that I was about to start a company focused primarily on medicine. I mentioned that I was open to working with the military—not to create weapons, but to develop better armor and clean energy solutions.

We would have continued talking, but some investors approached her, forcing us to end our conversation.

"I'm sorry, Ed, but I have to go," Lena said apologetically.

"It's all right. It was a pleasure talking to you, Lena," I assured her.

She smiled. "It was a pleasure talking to you as well, Ed. I hope we can meet again."

"I hope so too. Goodbye for now," I said.

As I walked away, I reflected on our conversation. I genuinely enjoyed talking to Lena, and I felt confident that we could become good friends. Investing in her company was the right decision, and I was determined to help steer her away from the path that led to her downfall in other timelines.

I made my way back to our table, but Anissa was nowhere to be seen. Scanning the room, I spotted her at the bar, her expression tense. A man was talking to her, and judging by her posture, she was seconds away from punching him.


The last thing we needed was for her to draw unnecessary attention by accidentally killing or seriously injuring some random guy.

I quickly stepped between them. "Hey, Anissa, is everything okay?"

Her eyes flicked to me. "Yes. Just an annoying fool."

"Fool? Ouch. I thought we were making a connection," the guy said.

I turned to look at him properly and nearly sighed. Johnny Storm.

Of all the Marvel characters, he was probably the second biggest flirt, right behind Tony Stark. The guy had literally slept with Doctor Doom's fiancée the night before her wedding. He looked like Joseph Quinn in this universe, which probably didn't help his ego.

"I think it's best you leave my friend alone," I said firmly.

Johnny smirked. "So, you guys are just friends? Not dating?"

"Yes," I confirmed.

His grin widened. "So that means I've got a chance."

Anissa rolled her eyes, but I sighed. "Trust me, you don't. I think she made it pretty clear she's not interested."

Johnny leaned against the bar, undeterred. "Nah, I think she's just playing hard to get."

Before I could respond, a hand smacked Johnny on the back of his head.

"When a woman says she's not interested, that means she's not interested," a familiar voice said.

We turned to see Sue Storm standing there, looking mildly exasperated.

She sighed. "I'm sorry about my brother. He was dropped on his head as a kid."

"It's all right, but I think my friend deserves an apology," I said.

"Of course," Sue said before looking at Johnny.

Johnny sighed. "I'm sorry, Anissa. I should've backed off the moment you said you weren't interested."

Anissa nodded. "Apology accepted."

With that settled, I extended my hand to Sue. "Now that everything's smoothed over, my name is Edward Valtheris, but you can call me Ed."

She shook my hand. "Sue Storm. Nice to meet you."

"So, Sue, what's your field, and what brings you to this party?" I asked.

"I'm a scientist," she explained. "I'm here because Tony Stark is an old friend of my boyfriend. But I was also hoping to find investors for the Baxter Building."

"You need investors? For what?" I asked.

"My boyfriend, Reed Richards, is a physicist," she began. "He believes that evolution on Earth was triggered millions of years ago by cosmic radiation, and he's calculated that another one of these cosmic energy clouds will soon pass near Earth. We're looking for more investors to help us test his theory, but the ones we have now aren't particularly interested in the project."

I paused, processing her words. I glanced over at Ben Grimm. I knew they hadn't gotten their powers yet. It seemed like this universe was following the plot of the first Fantastic Four movie, at least for now. They all looked like their movie counterparts, except for Johnny.

"That sounds interesting. I think I'd be willing to invest in that project," I said.

Sue's eyes widened slightly. "You are?"

Johnny scoffed. "You can invest? You look younger than me."

Sue immediately elbowed him in the side.

I chuckled. "Yeah, I'm 18, but I can invest. The reason I'm even here is because I'm an investor in Stark Industries. I'd also like to speak with Reed Richards directly."

Sue nodded. "I'd be happy to introduce you to him." She grabbed Johnny and walked away, probably to make sure he didn't say anything else that might offend me.

Anissa, who had been silent until now, turned to me. "What's the real reason you want to invest in their company?"

I looked at her. "In the future, all four of them will become heroes because of their exposure to cosmic rays. There are two reasons why I want to invest. First, the world could always use more heroes. Second, I want to keep a close eye on Reed Richards. He's a genius, but sometimes he does things that nearly end the world."

Anissa raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"

I sighed. "Once, he opened a portal to a place called the Negative Zone. It's filled with hostile alien bugs and ruled by a being called Annihilus—an evil entity that wants to conquer our dimension. Reed should have shut the portal the moment he realized the danger, but instead, he kept opening it, hoping to find something useful."

Anissa frowned. "That sounds reckless."

"It is," I admitted. "Another thing he did—at least in one universe—was support hero legislation that required superheroes to reveal their identities to the government. In that world, it didn't go well."

Anissa folded her arms. "This human seems dangerous."

"He can be," I said. "In some universes, he even became a supervillain."

She gave me a skeptical look. "And you still want to support him and his company?"

"Different versions of him exist across the multiverse. I can't judge this Reed based on what I've seen elsewhere. I want to get to know him first. Yes, he's been a threat in some realities, but in most, he's done a lot of good—mainly because his family kept him on the right path," I explained.

Anissa exhaled. "So, this is about more than just investing. You want to influence him, to make sure he stays on the right path."

I smirked. "Exactly. Sometimes, the right people in someone's life make all the difference."

It took a few minutes, but eventually, Reed Richards arrived with Sue.

"Reed, this is Edward Valtheris. He's a potential investor, and he wants to talk to you about your project," Sue said.

Reed extended his hand. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Valtheris."

I shook his hand. "You can just call me Ed."

"Well, Ed, this experiment is very important—it could help us understand humanity on a deeper level," Reed said.

"I can see that. I'm something of a scientist myself," I replied with a smirk. "I'm curious—when exactly are the cosmic rays expected to appear?"

"In about a year. That gives us plenty of time to build a spacecraft and all the necessary equipment," Reed explained.

I nodded. "I see. May I ask what you plan to do once this project is completed?"

There was a brief silence before Reed admitted, "We don't know yet."

"I have a suggestion," I offered. "I'm starting a company, and I could use some help. I want to focus on improving the environment—stopping deforestation, protecting wildlife habitats, and developing sustainable solutions. I think you could help with that."

Sue's eyes lit up with excitement. "Yes! We'd be more than happy to help with that."

"That's great," I said. "I'm also open to investing in more of your projects, but I'd like to review them first before you proceed."

"Why?" Reed asked, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"To ensure you don't create anything dangerous. I'm not a fan of weapons or anything that could harm the planet," I explained.

Reed considered my words before nodding. "I see. That won't be a problem."

Before we could continue, a voice called out, "Reed! Sue!"

We all turned to see Tony Stark approaching.

"Looks like you're needed elsewhere," I said. "Here's my contact information. We can talk more later."

I grabbed a napkin, pulled out a pen, and quickly wrote down my number before handing it to Sue. I didn't have business cards—hadn't expected to make more investments tonight.

"Thank you. We'll talk again soon," Sue said before they left.

After that, nothing particularly interesting happened—it was just a typical party. I stuck to drinking water while Anissa kept drinking alcohol, though no matter how much she had, she couldn't get drunk. Her body just wasn't built for it.

As we were getting ready to leave, Anissa went to the restroom, so I waited near the entrance. That's when someone approached me.

"So, your parents forced you to come too?" a girl asked.

I turned to look at her. She seemed about 17, a year younger than me.

"No, I decided to come with a friend," I replied.

"Really? And your parents just let you do that?" she asked curiously.

"I don't have parents," I said simply. "I'm just an investor."

Her expression faltered. "Oh… I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—"

I cut her off. "It's okay, you didn't know. My name's Edward Valtheris, but you can call me Ed."

She smiled. "Nice to meet you, Ed. I'm Thea Queen."

"Nice to meet you, Thea."

"So, aside from being an investor, what brought you to this party?" she asked.

"Just wanted to get out and have some fun. I've been working a lot lately."

"Oh? What kind of work?"

"I'm building a company."

Her eyebrows raised. "A company? What kind of company?"

"One that benefits the Earth. I want to work in the medical field and help the environment," I explained.

"That sounds interesting," Thea said.

"Thanks, but it's a long road ahead. I'm just getting started," I admitted.

She gave me an encouraging smile. "I'm sure you'll do great. I can't wait to see it."

"Thanks," I said.

We talked for a few more minutes until Anissa returned.

"It was nice talking to you, Thea, but it's time for me to go," I said.

"Same here. I hope we run into each other again—you seem fun," she said with a grin.

With that, we left. I got into my car, drove us back to my house, and then told Church to open the Ground Bridge. Moments later, we were back at base.

We appeared back at the base.

"That was a fun party. Thanks for taking me," Anissa said.

I nodded. "Thanks for coming with me. Are you hungry? You didn't eat anything at the party."

She scoffed. "I would have, but all those tiny appetizers wouldn't have done anything for my appetite."

"Then before we head to bed, let's go to the cafeteria. I can cook something up," I offered.

Anissa raised an eyebrow. "You can cook?"

I smirked. "Yeah, and I'm pretty good at it too."

"Okay then, lead the way."

We made our way to the cafeteria. Usually, the cooking was handled by the automated kitchen, but I decided to shut the robots down and do it myself. I figured I'd try making Krabby Patties. I had the knowledge and the skills—now was the perfect time to test them out.

Luckily, I had all the ingredients I needed. Cooking took about an hour since I was making a lot. Both Anissa and I needed large amounts of food due to the energy we burned from our abilities.

Once I finished, I carried the tray to the table, setting down twenty freshly made Krabby Patties. Anissa grabbed one and took a bite. Her eyes widened.

"Wow, these are really good!" she said, genuinely impressed.

I grinned. "Thanks. This is actually my first time making them."

We sat there eating in silence for a moment until Anissa finally spoke.

"So, when are you actually going to go out and be a hero? That's what you've been training for."

I took a sip of water before answering. "In a few more weeks. I still have a lot to do. I'm building my company, and I want Toshinori to teach me a few things about being a hero. Plus, we still need to locate more Hydra bases so we can take them down. We have to be careful and plan it out properly."

Anissa raised an eyebrow. "You're doing all that and still want to be a hero?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I'm actually looking for someone to help me plan Hydra's downfall—someone with way more experience dealing with them. The problem is, she's hard to find… and she's pretty old. I can fix the 'old' part, but we need to track her down first."

Anissa leaned forward. "Who is this woman?"

"Her name is Peggy Carter. She's a former director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Her eyes narrowed. "S.H.I.E.L.D.? You've told me about them. What makes you think she'll help us? Or even be loyal to us? If you tell her anything, she could easily report us to S.H.I.E.L.D. and destroy everything we're working for."

I smirked. "I've thought about that. That's why I have something that'll convince her."

"And what's that?"

I leaned back in my chair. "The person she loved most—she thinks he's dead. I'm still looking for him, though."

Anissa's expression shifted to intrigue. "I see… Well, good luck. This Peggy Carter sounds interesting."

"Thanks. I think you'll like her too."

After that, we finished eating and headed to bed.

The Next Morning

I woke up early, got dressed, and started my day. First stop: the workshop. I was designing a supersuit for Kimiko. I went for a sleek, high-tech look—primarily black with some white accents. The suit included a full-face mask, a hood, and gloves for added protection. It took me a few minutes to finalize everything, but once it was done, I was satisfied with the result.

image here

After that, I spent an hour in the training room, running drills and refining my combat skills. Once I was finished, I grabbed some breakfast before making my way to the briefing room.

"Gamma," I called out.

A soft hum echoed through the room as my AI responded. "Hello, Ed. How can I be of assistance?"

"I need you to call the Parker family to the briefing room."

"Understood. It is done."

"Thanks. Also, any progress on locating Captain America?"

"No, sir. The search remains difficult. This task would be significantly easier if we deployed robots to scan the area instead of relying solely on satellite imaging."

I considered the idea. The chances of my robots being detected in the Arctic were pretty low.

"All right. Deploy a small number of them, but make sure they stay off satellite radar."

"Yes, sir," Gamma confirmed before disappearing from the system.

I leaned back in my chair, waiting. After a few minutes, the Parker family arrived. They entered the room, looking a mix of curious and concerned, before taking their seats.

"Ed, is everything okay? Why did you call us all here?" Mary asked.

I offered a reassuring nod. "Everything's fine. I just wanted to let you all know—Peter is ready to go out."

"WHAT?!" The adults shouted in alarm.

"YES!" Peter cheered at the same time.

Richard narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean, 'he's ready'?"

"I mean he's completed all the necessary training. He finished his hand-to-hand combat lessons with Panda, and I even had All Might teach him a few things about being a hero. Plus, I personally designed his suit to ensure he's well-protected."

A tense silence followed.

I sighed. "Look, he's your son, so the final decision is yours. I just wanted to inform you that he's officially met your conditions."

Peter leaned forward eagerly. "And my grades are still all A's!"

May frowned. "I know we promised that if he completed the list, he could go out and be a hero… but we're just worried. He'd be out there alone."

"He won't be alone," I assured them. "If he ever needs backup, Starlight is stationed in New York, so she can reach him quickly. Plus, I'll be notified by Omega if he's ever in danger. I'll be right behind her. And Omega will provide combat strategy support as well."

The room fell silent again as the Parkers exchanged uncertain glances.

The Parkers sighed.

"Fine… you can go out and be a hero," Mary finally relented.

"Yes! Finally!" Peter cheered, practically vibrating with excitement.

Richard, however, gave him a firm look. "But Peter, don't overdo it. Even though you have superpowers, you're still a teenager. There are things you're going to see—things you're not ready for."

May nodded in agreement. "And don't drop everything just to be a hero. Annie is in New York too—take time to be a teenager. Hang out with your friends, get into a little trouble, go to parties… maybe even try to get a girlfriend."

I smirked. "That MJ girl seems to like you."

 Peter still went to Midtown High, and his Aunt May still owned the apartment there. His friends—Ned Leeds and MJ—looked exactly like their movie counterparts from Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Peter immediately stiffened, his face turning red. "W-what? No, she's just a friend!" he stammered.

Mary chuckled knowingly. "Aha. I hope one day we can meet this 'just a friend' of yours."

Peter looked absolutely flustered, clearly uncomfortable with where the conversation was heading.

"Okay, gotta go, bye!" he blurted before bolting out of the room.

The rest of us burst into laughter at his reaction. It took a few moments to calm down, but then Richard turned to me, his expression shifting to something more serious.

"Do you really think he's ready?" he asked, his concern evident.

I met his gaze and nodded. "If he wasn't, I wouldn't have suggested he go out."

Even with my reassurance, the Parkers still looked nervous—understandably so.

I leaned forward slightly, my voice calm but firm. "Look, Peter is a true hero at heart. He's a good kid. Even before he had proper training, he was already helping people, making his neighborhood safer. A lot of people in New York look up to him. He always watches out for the little guy. That's what makes him special."

I could see the worry in their eyes, so I continued.

"He might not be Superman—he can't lift entire buildings or freeze things with his breath—but he inspires people to be better. He believes in second chances, even for criminals. He shows them they can find a different path instead of hurting others. Peter isn't just a hero in New York… he's the heart of it."

I glanced at each of them, making sure they understood.

"He doesn't do this for fame, money, or even recognition. He does it because people need help. Even when the world turns its back on him, he'll still be there, ready to fight for what's right. You all did an amazing job raising that kid."

Silence filled the room for a moment. The Parkers exchanged looks, their expressions softening, the fear still there—but now mixed with pride.


AN: I gave, A- train a better suit, I already replaced it

Also if you have any good ideas for powers or items let me know

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