Stuck in a Chinese novel

Chapter 188: Chart of problems


Wei Jun sat in his seat, with his mouth and eyes wide open and no recollection of his surroundings. He wasn't alone, even Zhao Hui couldn't believe what he was hearing.

His violent niece was claiming she was in a physical relationship, possibly a serious one, with a murder suspect in several cases.

"Wh…What—What did you say?" The prosecutor was stumped for words and couldn't help but ask.

Yan Rong smiled and replied, "I'm his mistress, of sorts. You see, his wife doesn't give him any. And then we went on a trip, the mood was set, drinks were down, and certain things happened. And then they happened again and again. And again. And again.

And agi--"

"Are you saying that you and Mister Ruan were having an affair out of the city?!" The Prosecutor asked when Yan Rong kept going.

"Yes." Yan Rong replied before she added, "But not just out of the city. Even in the city. Conjugal." Yan Rong bashfully replied.

While everyone in the entire courtroom was speechless, one person was regretting his life choices at the moment.

[Wow host]

[I didn't know you would turn to ad.ul.te.ry]

'Shut the fu*k up.' Wei Jun said inwardly before he took deep breaths. Continue your journey with m|v-l'e m,p y r

"Are you intentionally trying to mislead the court? Because if you are, then you would also be punished even if you are who you are." The prosecutor said with a red face from anger.

"What have I lied about? We have an affair. We hide it so his bit*hy wife doesn't know. What's there to not believe?" Yan Rong confusedly asked.

"Your honor!" Xiang Fan stood up before he said, "Based on all the evidence and facts stated today, it is obvious that it is a frame job and my client is innocent since he also has a reliable alibi. I move to dismiss this case."

"If what she says is true, then she must have a way to prove it, right?!" The prosecutor asked.

"Prove what?" Yan Rong asked.

"A record of you being together." The prosecutor said.

"The company logs clearly state tha--" Xiang Fan began when the prosecutor interrupted him, "The company logs can be forged. I'm asking if she has evidence of her testimony."

"…" Xiang Fan remained quiet.

As for Yan Rong, she blushed again when she said, "Well, I did make a video of us secretly." But then she panicked and looked at Wei Jun while she said, "But I only made it for later purposes. You know, when you may not be able to give me some time. I needed something to blow my steam."

Wei Jun trembled in his seat, internally screaming at himself for pissing off Yan Rong that day.

As for the important matter of the court, the prosecutor was at a for what to do. Just an alibi wouldn't have been a problem but when it came from a lieutenant of the cultivator's special forces with significant backing, there was nothing to do.

The judge also knew that fact. So based on that evidence, there was only one thing that could be done.

"On account of the presented evidence, charge dismissed. You are free to go Mister Ruan." The judge said to Wei Jun and then turned to Zhao Hui, "Conduct your investigation on the basis that Mister Ruan was framed."

"Yes, your honor." Zhao Hui replied.


Wei Jun sat in his car, in the back seat. Xiang Fan sat with him, nervous about the quiet and suffocating atmosphere around him.

Wei Jun pulled out his phone after some time and contacted the person he always did for information.

"Boss! You ready for that super busty stripper now?" Li Wei asked with clear mockery in her voice.

"Find out some information." Wei Jun said.

"About?" Li Wei asked.

"About eight strippers." Wei Jun said before he ended the call. The next person he called was someone who could get him background info, something he could use as leverage.

"You find anything?" Wei Jun asked.

"Seeing as you are initiating our talk; it seems things are serious." Mark Wilson from the other end replied.

Wei Jun remained quiet and Mark Wilson continued after a second, "I have found a link to the Shi family."

"Who?" Wei Jun asked.

"Chan Shi," was all Mark Wilson said but it was enough for Wei Jun. He ended that call as well and turned to Xiang Fan, "There will be the aftermath of this situation. Deal with it properly."

"Yes, young master." Xiang Fan replied.

Soon enough, it was just Wei Jun in the car. With Lao Chen in the driver's seat, Wei Jun asked, "What are they doing?"

Lao Chen was hesitant for a while before he replied, "They're currently having a meeting. Elder Zhiang and Master aren't very bothered but Lady Yu is not dealing with it very well."

Wei Jun knew the news of his affair wouldn't stay in that courtroom. He wasn't just worried about Xia Lu's reaction to that fact, he was also worried about what would come from the political side of his family.

Allegedly, Wei Jun was allowed to have as many affairs as he could as long as they could be kept quiet.

An affair like this couldn't be kept quiet. Yan Rong wasn't just anyone. Not only was she a lieutenant in the cultivator's special forces herself, but even her father held a very high position that even Sun Ruan couldn't meddle with and make it all go away.

Not to mention that the cultivator's special forces were a giant organization that even the sect like Cloud Tempest sect couldn't do anything about.

Liu Yu was smart enough to pick up on that and she would definitely create problems for them. One of them was that she was betrayed by her husband.

Her obvious demand would be separation, not divorce, but separation. Along with a huge chunk of the Ruan family's fortune, she wouldn't only create a hole in the Ruan family financially, she would also create a drift in Sun Ruan's and Elder Zhiang's alliance.

And all of it would have been because Wei Jun couldn't keep his pants on.

It was obvious who would take all the blame.

Wei Jun chuckled as he remembered the moment his brother told him, 'Beware of a woman's fury. She wouldn't have to move her hand but you will still lose your balls.'

And Wei Jun clearly went through something similar. He offended Yan Rong which angered her. She took out that anger on him and made him suffer the consequences.

She was smart enough to know what it would do for Wei Jun yet she still did it anyway.

She was furious.

'Maybe I should try to placate her.' Wei Jun thought inwardly while smiling. Sure, he was in trouble but he wasn't mad. He was forbidden from going mad by his brother.

In such a case, it was always better to not further incur the woman's wrath.

But that was for later. For now, he had many more matters to deal with. First of all, his level problem. That was his top priority. The second priority was the protagonist. The third was his business.

And last but not least was his pending talk with Xia Lu.

[What about Liu Yu?]

The system asked.

'What about her?' Wei Jun asked.

[Isn't that a problem as well?]

[Yet it's not on your chart of problems]

'It's not on my chart of problems because it isn't a problem.' Wei Jun replied before he took out his phone and called Li Wei once again.

"Yes, boss." Li Wei asked.

"I changed my mind about those super busty strippers. But I need you to make a slight change in that order." Wei Jun said with a smile.


Liu Yu came home after a tiring day at work. Although she didn't do much of the work, she was still exhausted.

Well, a lot of that didn't have anything to do with her work. Most of that exhaustion was because of her cultivation practice and her acting.

Her acting took a great strain on her mind and it was the main reason for her exhaustion.

She couldn't afford to make a mistake in her acting because if she did, everyone would figure out she was acting.

And they would also know that she didn't really have a problem with her husband cheating on her.

That was why, her spacing out or an occasional tear show was a lot of work.

Finally, she could be herself at her home. Well, not her home. She hadn't lived at the Yu mansion since her marriage. She had to move to a separate penthouse where no one would disturb her.

As she entered her apartment, she sighed and made her way to the living room.

When she arrived, she stopped. A puzzled look on her face. She checked mentally whether or not she was in the right apartment because there were three buff men standing in the middle of her living room in just their underwear.

She was startled out of her daze when she heard a voice, "Hi honey. You're finally home for your order."

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