Chapter 187: What?!
I forgot to add a crucial plot point in the last chapter so I had to fix it. If you have already read the chapter, you may want to read it again to avoid confusion. If you haven't, then you're golden.
Also, some may not like the end of this chapter but it wasn't written to offend anyone. If you still think it isn't right, let me know and I will remove it.
Wei Jun entered the room and looked at the blue-eyed girl sitting nonchalantly on a chair where she was supposed to be seated.
As she saw Wei Jun, she was about to launch herself at him when he said, "Sit down."
Hearing the authoritative tone in his voice, Yan Rong smiled and said, "Ahhng! So harsh of you, darling."
"Stop that." Wei Jun said,
"Ahng! How manly of you." Yan Rong again made a cute voice that for some reason irritated Wei Jun.
"Stop doing that." Wei Jun said.
"Ahng. Ahng." Yan Rong made that sound again just to annoy Wei Jun which worked as an imaginary line of anger appeared on his forehead.
Yan Rong chuckled and said, "Sorry, darling. It's just been so long since I saw you. I couldn't hold back."
"Well, hold back." Wei Jun said in a reprimanding tone before he said, "Did Xiang Fan confer with you?"
"Yes. Don't worry. Everything is ready." Yan Rong said before she asked in a confused tone, "But what if they ask for proof? You know, a picture or something?"
"Why would we have proof of me cultivating?" Wei Jun asked.
The plan was simple. Wei Jun was behind closed-door training and breaking through to the next stage of cultivation, from the Qi gathering realm to the Qi empowerment realm.
Yan Rong was there to guard him and make sure nothing went wrong. There was the issue of Yan Rong being spotted in the last two weeks with other people but those records were completely destroyed and if the D.A. brought someone in to testify, they could just claim it to be without proof.
For all purposes, Wei Jun was training and Yan Rong was with him, watching over him.
Combined with the fact that Zhao Hui would also be giving his statement and that Wei Jun had no connection with the victim, a base for a frame job could be set and Wei Jun was most likely to win.
Yan Rong nodded and asked, "I see you have the prison under your control. As expected of you."
It wasn't a praise. Wei Jun smiled as he replied, "Once the warden made the mistake of revealing his name to me by calling me to his office, the rest was easy."
Yan Rong nodded and said, "We have covered every topic but we didn't cover one."
"And what is that?" Wei Jun asked.
"The fact that you're not mentioning the frame job means you already know who did it." Yan Rong said.
Wei Jun smiled but didn't say a word. It was clear to Yan Rong that Wei Jun knew about it but he wasn't going to tell her.
It wasn't because he didn't trust her. That had never been the reason. He never trusted her so the question of trust was meaningless in the first place.
He simply wasn't telling her because he didn't want her to interfere in his plans by encountering the other party. And with him not out there, he couldn't be sure what Yan Rong would do.
Yan Rong nodded and said, "Then we will see each other at the hearing."
Clearly, she wasn't pleased with that fact and even though Wei Jun knew he couldn't push her away because he needed her for the testimony, he knew this much wasn't enough to push her away.
She would most likely just get back at him for that and Wei Jun wasn't worried about that. What was the most she could do?
Three days passed and the hearing was set. And that day, Wei Jun regretted offending Yan Rong because even though he knew she would get back at him, he had no idea it would be like that.
"We were having se* all two weeks."
"So you think it wasn't something done by the defendant?" The D.A. prosecutor asked Zhao Hui, who was sitting on the witness stand and answering questions.
"No. I'm giving my opinion that it's a frame job. The evidence points to him doing it." Zhao Hui replied.
"What exactly do you mean to say?" The D.A. prosecutor asked, irritated by such an answer.
"I'm saying that in my experience, it looks like a frame job but in the court, only proof matters." Zhao Hui said.
He then looked at the prosecutor and said, "I was merely giving my opinion."
"Well, we don't need your opinion," The prosecutor said before he said, "What does the evidence point to?"
"Oh, the evidence points to him, the defendant." Zhao Hui said.
"Thank you," The prosecutor said in an irritated tone before he said to the judge, "No more questions, your honor."
"Your turn, Mister Fan." The Judge said.
Xiang Fan stood up and asked Zhao Hui, "You said in your experience, it looks like a frame job. What else makes you think it was a frame job?"
"I have been after your client for a long time. I know he did something and he isn't stupid enough to leave proof of his crimes lying around." Zhao Hui said.
"Objection!" The prosecutor stood up but before he could give the reason for his objection, Xiang Fan said, "Withdrawn."
The judge nodded and said, "Then carry on."
Since it wasn't a proven case yet, there was no jury. The judge was the sole decider of whether or not that case would reach the jury.
"Anything else, Mister Hui? Something that doesn't show just your opinion." Xiang Fan rephrased his question.
"Well, for starters, we didn't find anything about the man. Who is he? Who was he before a week? Nothing. Also, nothing links him with your client. No bad blood or anything." Zhao Hui said.
"Objection." The prosecutor once again stood up and said, "That isn't just grounds for ignoring such massive evidence."
"But that raises the question, doesn't it, your honor? How were the victim and my client related in any way?" Xiang Fan asked the judge.
"Overruled. Continue." The judge favored Xiang Fan's argument.
"Mister Hui, can you tell us anything about the whereabouts of my client when he was accused of this crime?" Xiang Fan asked.
"Yes. Your client, the defendant, went MIA for two weeks. The only people who know about it refused to answer any of our questions. However, after getting a warrant, we were able to obtain the company records of his whereabouts." Zhao Hui told the truth. Well, his truth anyway.
"And where did the records show him to be?" Zhao Hui asked.
"Luo Zhen City." Zhao Hui said.
"Did you discover anything else?" Xiang Fan asked.
"Yes. We found that there were two seats booked and everywhere while his stay there, there were traces of two people. However, the company logs didn't disclose who the other person was. The people at the company didn't seem to know either." Zhao Hui explained.
"That's it, your honor." Xiang Fan said.
"The witness is excused." The judge said.
"Mister Kao," The Judge asked the prosecutor for the next witness.
"I would like to call the defendant." The prosecutor said.
"Very well. The defendant, please make your way to the witness stand." The judge said.
Wei Jun quietly stood up, still in chains, and was brought to the witness stand where he took a seat.
"Mister Ruan, do you know the man named Wu Li?" The prosecutor asked.
"No. I don't." Wei Jun simply replied.
"Well, that's funny. Because he was found dead in your apartment. With your fingerprints on the murder weapon." The prosecutor said before he picked up a bag and showed the contents to Wei Jun.
"Do you recognize this knife, Mister Ruan?" The prosecutor asked.
"Yes. It's mine. I bought it along with the set for 10,000 yuan." Wei Jun gave a detailed reply.
"So you admit this is yours?" The prosecutor asked.
"Yes. It's mine." Wei Jun honestly replied.
"Then you admit that you killed Wu Li with this knife?" The prosecutor asked.
"No." Wei Jun simply replied.
"Where were you on the night of the murder?" The Prosecutor asked.
"I was in closed-door training and breaking through to the next realm of cultivation." Wei Jun replied.
"Is there anyone who can testify to that?" The prosecutor asked.
"Yes." Wei Jun replied.
"Who?" The prosecutor asked to which Wei Jun simply replied, "Yan Rong."
Zhao Hui had a strange expression on his face when his niece's name was taken.
Soon enough, Yan Rong was called to the stand.
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As she came, the prosecutor asked, "Describe your relation with the defendant, please."
Yan Rong nodded and replied, "We came to know each other when I approached him to thank him for helping my uncle with the fund he provided to the police."
"And then he asked you to watch over him while breaks through in his cultivation? He came to trust you that much?" The prosecutor asked.
"I didn't know my private life was being discussed." Yan Rong remarked.
The prosecutor sighed and asked, "Were you with Mister Ruan on that trip out of the city? And if you were, then why you?"
"Well, he asked me since I knew much about the cultivation and then there was the other matter." Yan Rong replied.
Wei Jun narrowed his eyes and an ominous feeling overtook him.
"What other thing?" The prosecutor asked.
"We didn't just focus on cultivation. We also did some other stuff." Yan Rong replied.
"What other stuff?" The prosecutor asked.
"Well, I'm a bit shy to say it out bluntly but he was checking out my sisterhood while I did the same for his brotherhood." Yan Rong bashfully replied.
"What?" The prosecutor asked with a ridiculous expression on his face.
"You know, buttering his corn with my honey dip." Yan Rong again said.
"What?" The prosecutor again asked, quite well irritated now.
"Haa… We wrestled. The dirty kind." Yan Rong replied.
"Miss Rong, please stop wasting the court's time and reply otherwise I will have to move to the motion of holding you in contempt." The prosecutor said.
Finally, seeing no other option, Yan Rong replied, "We were having se* all two weeks."