Slime Girl

Chapter 215


- Felion Varros -


"They did what!?" (Varros)


I can't believe what I just heard!


"Sir, these agents of the crown delivered the Hellhound gang to the guard's barracks. All of them. Well, aside from those they killed. It got completely wiped out." (Gareth)


Royal agents!
Just why?!


I tried so hard not to get on anyone's bad side, carefully treading the muddy-icky waters of the local politics in order to avoid conflict, but now the crown has decided to engage with me directly!

How did a group of three even take out a whole gang by themselves?!
They are clearly as dangerous as Captain Gareth made them out to be.
I already got a bad feeling when he told me about their appearance.
My guard captain even came through the brewing storm to report about their newest actions.

The worst thing is, I can't do anything about it.
Agents of the crown hold a certain level of diplomatic immunity.
It's dangerous to try getting rid of them.
If it gets out, this will be seen as an attack on the crown itself.
And if someone else does so, I'll be one of the first on the list of suspects.
Although, it’s not like they would go quietly.
They aren't even keeping a low profile, to avoid this kind of attention.
No, the opposite is the case, as they just had to do the most flashy thing possible.


"Milord, there's more I need to report." (Gareth)


As if this mess wouldn't already be bad enough!
What else could there be in store for me?


"The agents, they took the chance to request that we'd join their cause to annihilate all of the criminal factions." (Gareth)

"Why would we do that?! What are we?! Charity!?" (Varros)

"It's... well, they provided plans for all the relevant sites with according information. It sounds... applicable. With some outer help they could all be taken down. We could truly cleanse the city." (Gareth)


The way he talks about it, he sounds inclined to follow them.
The biggest issue is that this certainly wasn't just a recommendation.
I'm in a pinch.

It's all so ironic.
All I ever wanted was to enjoy my life, dwelling in peaceful and quiet serenity.
Just a bit of time to myself to spend at my leisure, while all this craziness in this world can screw itself.
Why can't it just stay calm?

And now even this!


"You can't be serious!" (Varros)

"Milord, please, hear me out." (Gareth)

"About what?! Some random strangers pressing us into engaging in this foolishness?!" (Varros)

"They are royal agents. Ignoring them might be considered disobedience to the crown. It could be unwise to insist on refusing them." (Gareth)


As if I didn't know that!
Yet what am I supposed to do here?
This whole city is on the verge of blowing up, like these novel appliances some alchemists developed, and now those people come here and try setting it ablaze!


"Royal agents may not be targeted, yet they can't issue official warrants. Unless I get one, I won't submit to them." (Varros)

"Milord, the plan isn't all that crazy. If we truly get support it might actually be possible to deliver a decisive blow to the underworld. We could even reclaim control over the city." (Gareth)


I know Gareth is a good subordinate.
One of the most reliable captains I have ever had.
Coming from what I gathered about his living standards I'd even say he doesn't embezzle all that much.

But things aren't as easy as he’s making it sound, and he knows that.
Even if his troops could apprehend hundreds of criminals, this wouldn't do anything against the nobles behind them.
It's all too clear what this is about.
If I'd truly agree to this venture, which is already completely ridiculous by itself, then it would set me up against the pact.
Just what the crown wants.


"You're aware of the implications, right Gareth? If we act here as they want, this could drag us right into the civil war." (Varros)


The collaboration of nobles against the crown.
It's not like I favor them.
They're all power-hungry, and I just happen to have inherited one of the biggest and most valuable pieces of land they could quarrel over.
They already do so.
Nothing else are these attempts to solidify their presence by supporting the various factions inside the town.

Because of this, I have little reason to support them.
It's obvious that their grand promises of improving each individual person's position can't benefit everyone.
Naturally, there'll be a bit of a vacuum in the government to distribute, yet it's so clear that I won't be on the receiving end if it comes to this, even if I support them.
On the other side, supporting the crown would directly make me a target for all their ambitions.
At this very moment, all the factions they already have under control will turn against me.
From the lowest criminal to the corrupt guard, they'll send me every assassin they can get under contract.


"I understand, milord. Yet if I might say so, it could serve our side to weaken the underworld. They are a detrimental factor." (Gareth)


This might be true, but the downsides of upsetting the local nobles are just as bad.
No, the best option is to lay low and prevail through this.
Ekoras is remote enough not to become a direct battlefield of the conflict.
Let them blow off everything they got against each other, while I make myself as impervious as possible to their attacks.


"Don't do anything without my permission, Gareth. We need to see first how things are going to develop." (Varros)

"Then what about the criminals from today? They all confessed. The town is already talking about the incident. I fear just setting them free will have dire consequences." (Gareth)

"Let me sleep on it. I don't expect any messengers of any party coming through the storm today." (Varros)


Who knows, they might either be abandoned for their incompetence or are about to be silenced.
Whatever it is, waiting it out is the best option for now.

For the time being, all I can do is mitigate the consequences for myself.
All that worrying won't help me, so I'll rather retire to my quarters.
At the very least, I won't make for an easy target there.
Not for nothing is my residence a true fortress.
The most-fortified one in all these lands.
The walls are thick, the guards numerous, and there's only one way in.
The other sides are all surrounded by a deep moat, that sadly currently isn't filled due to maintenance.
The current rain won't be enough to refill it.
However, the walls are steep and sturdy, created from massive stone.
From there, it goes straight up, windows only starting at the fifth floor.
Everything else would be a security risk.
Especially here.

I climb the stairways upward.
For my personal safety, I had my lodgings to be arranged on the highest floor.

I pass several heavy doors and checkpoints with confirmedly loyal guards.
This is the only way I can sleep undisturbed in this town.
Today the dark clouds are making me uneasy.
The darkness might grant cover to shady folks trying to get their profit out of me.
On the other hand, the rain should make it all the more difficult to get up the slick walls.

Finally, I reach my place.
While Ekoras can't compare to the wealth in Siras, the profits of the adventurer business in the Evergrove make for a decent income.
So I can not only afford all the guards but also an interior that fits my status.




Was there something?!

No, it was just a lightning strike.
Damnit, my heart almost stopped.

Sometimes, I wish I wouldn't have to worry as much, but I always need to assume that someone might finally get the idea that my death will profit them in some way.




Abruptly, my heart truly skips a beat.
The sounds of the storm now clearly reach my ears, and a momentary flash of lightning briefly scatters the shadows.
Just beside the suddenly open window stands a dark figure.
A golden mask glimmering through the darkness of the room.


"Good day, Lord Varros. I'd like to talk with you about a certain endeavor. Would you be willing to spare some time for me?" (?)


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