Slime Girl

Chapter 214 – The Price of Quality


- Shari -


Once we're out of earshot we can talk again about our not-as-confidential-anymore mission.
So I don't waste any time and ask Michael about how exactly he thinks we're going to succeed.


"Do you really think this is going to work? You said yourself that this Lord Varros isn't known as someone who would take action. What makes you think he will now?" (Shari)

"Because now we're coming to phase two of my plan, which won't leave him with much of a choice." (Michael)


Right, naturally there is more to it.
Michael isn't stupid.
However, for someone who said he is just there to look after us, he's now quite in charge of everything.
Furthermore, I really would like to know in advance what we are actually trying to do.


"I know what you're thinking. Don't worry, I'll explain everything to you once we're back at our base." (Michael)


I sure hope so.

Eventually, we make it back to our home... and shop.
Is it fine if I'm still asking myself how it became that?
The pressing nature of this question gets a little more intensified by all the customers already queuing in front of the door.
If I'm right, it's even longer than yesterday.

Once inside, it seems like the kids are already very occupied with distributing my mass-produced budget potions among the people.
So it can just be said that business is booming.
I'm pretty sure many were asking themselves if we would still be in business after we got at odds with the gangs.
The others might have heard what happened last night and are curious.
So in some way, all this interest turned into popularity, which serves as advertisement, drawing in even more customers.
I probably shouldn't be so appalled about the situation.
Even though I promised the kiddos a ten percent share for their work, there'll be a generous profit for me in store.
In the end, I benefit quite a lot from this.

As soon as the boy notices me, he calls out.


"You made it! Oh my, you're the talk of the town! Half of the customers want to see 'The Bloody Alchemist'! Well, it's more of a provisional title. Many came up with other names, like 'savior of the destitute', or 'the wrathful mask'. Anyway, you're a legend! It's so awesome! I wouldn't have thought something like this is possible!" (Okin)


Are we now seriously becoming local celebrities?!
Is this something I want to be as a slime?
I'm not so sure if this is good considering my current position.


"Groan! I'll be in my room. Come to me after you dealt with... this!" (Michael)


It might be that Liqu and I are the nightmare of any calculating schemer.
Yet I'll take him up on that offer and first concentrate on my growing business.
Nia is currently at the counter, helping a slightly older lady with her order.
It's fascinating how professional she looks while doing so.
Once the lady moves away, she quickly grabs a bottle and takes a deep sip.


"Nia? What did you just drink?" (Shari)

"My stamina potion, what else? I need to say, this stuff is great! No matter how long I'm working here, I still have energy! Even if it's a bit weird to get used to what is in there." (Nia)


At this, one of the customers perks up.


"Uh, what is in there?" (customer)

"You don't want to know! Just be glad it works! That's all I guarantee." (Shari)

"And they do! You won't find anything better for this price. By the way, we're almost out of our reserves. You really have to produce more potions." (Nia)


I gave it to her to help her regain some strength for her weakened body, yet now I'm asking myself if she could be a bit too young for this stuff.
Also, I'm not so sure if I should charge her for drinking up stored goods, even if she channels the gained energy into the shop.


"Do you think you should chuck it down like that? It's still medicine." (Shari)

"Nah, I'm fine! Maybe a bit hot, but that's fine. I feel great! Heated up so to say!" (Nia)


Now that I take a closer look at her, her face is slightly red.


"I think you should make a break, Nia." (Shari)

"A break!? And leave all the poor people here waiting?! Oh no! You have no idea how much money we earned today! Also, it is great advertisement if the people see me drinking your stuff as well!" (Nia)


Not if you're collapsing from it!


"Nia, I want you to take a break." (Shari)

"And who's supposed to sell your stuff then?" (Nia)

"I could do it!" (Liqu)


Liqu and customer service...
Oh, hell no!


"On second thought, you might continue for a bit, but once we've settled stuff for today, I'm going to see you stop overworking yourself. Don't worry, you'll still get your share." (Shari)


After all, ripping off street orphans would be the pinnacle of bad taste.


"Fine. But don't forget, we need new wares!" (Nia)


Having said this, she turns to the next customer, who looks slightly lost at our banter.


"Hello! What can I do for you?" (Nia)

"Ehm, do you have something against back pain?" (customer)


Hm, there are pain-relieving potions, but according to the book, a potion that only masks the pain is going to make things worse, as they don't address the real cause but rather instigate the recipient to further conduct harmful behavior.
For this reason, it's important to at least add a healing potion.
Yet back pain is tricky.
Not all healing concoctions work the same and sometimes it requires certain actions from the patient.
Fortunately, there was an easy recipe with clearsprout, which maybe won't completely solve the issue, but would at least improve that woman's condition.


"I might be able to mix something together. Please, come again later." (Shari)

"Oh, sure. Just... the queue is so long and, and I think it's going to rain." (customer)

"Oh my! I like rain. It makes so many individual noises. Yet it can be a bit overwhelming." (Liqu)

"Right... But it's not so good for me." (customer)


I'm rather sure Liqu can't empathize with someone having back pain.
She lacks some very essential features to do so.
Foremost, a back.


"Sigh, alright... Please wait a moment." (Shari)


Not even completely settled in my home after I arrived, I already head for the backroom.
In there, I grab the associated plants I need.
Ciderwear, some kind of moss that serves as a relaxant, mellowshroom powder, which is quite peculiar, as some people use the numbing effect for not purely medical purposes, and an extract of clearsprout leaves.
The leaves because I need a strong concentration now and don't have the leeway to process the whole plant.
The ciderwear should relax the woman's back for a while and allow the clearsprout to heal it properly.
If it would still be hunched and strained, it could make the back muscles worse if they get stuck like this.
After this, I add a pinch of cloudshroom.
It's said to make people drowsy, which I need here.
It's an impromptu version, not the slightest bit of further processing went into it, so the effect won't be all that great.
However, at least there's gonna be an effect.
So it's also something I can present to the customer.


"Here it is. It's totally provisional, so don't expect too much. Use it directly before going to bed. Make sure to sleep on your stomach and try to stretch as much as possible lying down. There's some pain staller added, so it shouldn't hurt too much." (Shari)


The woman thankfully takes the flask I used, eyeing it like a treasure.


"Thank you so much! How can I repay you?" (customer)

"Ahem, how about paying at all?" (Nia)

"Yeah, please work the price out with my assistant. She should've got it down." (Shari)

"What about the other potions I asked for? Are they ready yet?" (Nia)


Is it just me, or is she getting brazen?


"Not now! I have to deal with something!" (Shari)

"What about me?" (Liqu)

"You're naturally coming with me, Liqu." (Shari)

"Yes, yes!" (Liqu)


I now have to move to the second floor and ask Michael about his plan.
This takes priority to my starting potion empire.


"Damn, what took you so long?" (Michael)

"Please, don't ask. Can we just go on about our mission?" (Shari)

"Sure. I just wasn't sure if you're still interested in it." (Michael)


I might not be doing a good job regarding keeping my focus on the mission.
Wasn't there something about slimes having trouble concentrating on stuff because of the way our cores work?
I'll totally blame it on that if I can.
For now, it might be best to just rush off his comment if I want to proceed.


"Well, I'm eager to hear about what you have in store. Especially, as you left us quite a while in the dark about it." (Shari)

"Me too! It all sounded so difficult! I barely understood anything at all." (Liqu)


He carefully looks over at us.
Then he moves to the door, closing it after checking that there's nobody in the hallway.


"Okay, I'll explain everything to you. Naturally, I planned on telling you from the start, just couldn't with all the possible listeners around. After all, it's more than crucial that you know about your roles in this." (Michael)

"Then you better start. I'm eager to learn how you plan on convincing the lord to do stuff he certainly doesn't want to." (Shari)

"It's not even all that complicated. It's all about how we're going to play our cards. Pressing the right triggers so to say. If you do it properly, people can be played like instruments to get them to do what you want. In this sense, I have devised a way for us to get the intended results." (Michael)


Just what could he have in mind that would even bring down a great Marquis?


"Oh, also, you will be the centerpiece, Shari." (Michael)

"Isn't this great, Shari? It's well deserved, as you are so capable!" (Liqu)


I know, I'm not going to receive an answer.
However, I'll ask anyways.
Why world?

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