Chapter 22: First s rank skill
Golden beams of sunlight streamed through the cabin's windows, waking the young demigod out of his dreams. Birds were gently chirping as he opened his eyes. Beneath him, he felt the soft bedroll and the hard floor under that. He let out a big yawn and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. What greeted him was the smiling face of Wulfgang, hovering above him like a vulture.
"What is going on, Wulfgang?" Alexander sat up, looking at the buff boy, whom had seemingly grown a couple of inches over night, his clothes now just a bit too short on his muscular frame.
"I wanted to train a bit more, against Bob, y'know? It is Saturday, so we don't have any activities lined up", Wulfgang explained. Just now, Alexander noticed the sword resting in his hands, bathing him in a soft, golden glow.
"Can you give me like- an hour to wake up?"
"Sure thing, see you in an hour in the arena", Wulfgang walked briskly out of the cabin. Alexander rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes. The other Hermes kids were already doing… whatever they were doing. Alexander walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He almost didn't recognise himself. A year ago, he had been a scrawny nobody, now, he was a buff demigod. Not nearly as buff as Wulfgang, but still enough that his figure was imposing and powerful. His Snow White eyes stared back at him, cold and almost glowing. Raven black hair covered his head, from scalp to just below the shoulders. Some may say he needed a haircut but he quite liked the look, it had a certain charm to it. He brushed his teeth and took a quick shower before changing into his day clothes, his armor, disguised as an orange camp half blood shirt, blue jeans and a pair of sneakers. Outside, he checked his watch, he still had 20 minutes before Wulfgang was awaiting him, so, he spoke, "anemo"
And wings sprouted from his back, carrying him upwards. It was amazing, flying like a bird. He had flown before with Luke's sneakers but this was different, it was more natural. He could feel the wind beneath his wings as if they were attached to him. Campers gawked at the flying demigod but he didn't care. He flew higher and higher, until he could overlook the entire camp from above. The campers looked like ants beneath him and the wind which blew past him was pleasantly cool. He had always enjoyed the cold more than the heat, though he could appreciate a good summerday, laying under the sun, letting the heat roll over him.
Checking the watch again, he had two more minutes, so, he flew down, nose diving before he balanced himself with his powerful wings. As he touched the ground with his feet, the wings disappeared.
"You can fly too? I'm so jealous", Wulfgang whistled, "is there anything you can't do?"
"Just a few", he teased, "today, I'll be your training partner instead of Bob. Remember, no powers"
"Yeah, yeah, let's fight!" Wulfgang took his sword out of his scabbard, swinging it around a few times before his eyes focused on Alexander.
Without thinking, he ran straight at the son of winter, slashing upwards with his sword.
Alex sidestepped the brute, placing his blade at the brute's neck, "you are dead. Try and think before you act, you can't just brute force your way out of your problems, you need finesse. Sometimes the feather is mightier than the sword… again"
This time, he didn't attack, waiting for Alexander to make the first move. He did a lazy swing with his sword, which the boy easily blocked but he didn't notice the kick coming at his side. Whilst he was disoriented, Alex put his blade to his neck, "you are dead. Don't just focus on the sword. Everything and everyone can be a threat in a serious battle. It is why we have ADHD, to help us on focusing on multiple things at once. Try again"
This time, he side stepped the first strike and the kick but Alexander didn't slow down, hitting his sword many times, sparks flew. When he wasn't swinging, his opponent's eyes were locked on him, searching for the next attack. Soon, his sword fell to the ground and a blade was at his throat, "you are dead. You have to attack too. Just blocking everything will get you nowhere"
"But you said-"
"-to not recklessly throw yourself at your opponent. There is a huge difference between fighting back and letting all your defenses fall", Alexander finished, "we are done for today"
There was a *ding*.
Swordsmanship reached S rank. New skill: dancing weapon acquired.
Information flooded into his mind and, once he was alone he threw his sword upwards, activating the new skill. Immediately, the weapon began floating in mid air, hacking away at a nearby rock. He took the weapon back and smiled. So reaching S rank in one of his skills grants him a new ability, that's good to know.
Alexander Dorn
Race: Demigod
HP: 100/100
Titles: The gamer; Son of Winter
Attributes(mortal average is D, Demigod average is C):
Strength: A-
Constitution: B
Mind: D-
Dexterity: C
Gamer's body: SSSR(Allows the user to live their life as if it was a videogame, not requiring sleep, food or water. Sleeping in a bed restores all HP and cures status conditions)
Gamer's mind: SSSR(Allows the user to clearly and calmly think even in the most stressful of times, grants immunity to mind status effects)
Swordsmanship: S(Hit 'em with the pointy end)
Archery: B-(ready, set aim!)
Greek mind: C(Allows the user to read ancient greek, but making all other languages look like gibberish, effectively causing Dyslexia)
Battle instincts: C(Your mind is always in battle mode, effectively causing ADHD)
Math: c-(plus, minus, divide, multiply)
English: B+(your mother tongue)
Aeromancy: B+(As the son of the north wind, air is yours to control)
Cryomancy: A-(As the son of winter, ice and the cold is yours to control)
Atmokinesis: A-(Create storms, hail and snow are easier to create)
Calmness manipulation: C+(as the son of the god of calmness, you can induce a state of pure calmness in yourself and others)
French: B+(the language of love)
Observe: C(gain insights to who or whatever you look at)
Summon skeleton: C+(by offering some food and drink you can summon a skeletal warrior, loyal to you)
Craft: C-(Creating something from raw ingredients)
Water breathing: C(Grants you the ability to breathe water and survive water pressure)
Mist manipulation: C(bend the truth)
Healing: C-(channel the energy of life itself)
Dancing weapon: C(magically lets a weapon fight on its own)