Percy Jackson: the Winter Gamer

Chapter 21: I sack Troy

Wulfgang woke up first. He was still groggy from sleep and was making himself a coffee with the cabin's coffee maker, a new addition to the cabin. As he waited for his coffee to brew, he glanced at Alexander, "how come you're not dead tired, you woke up before me and it is 6 in the morning, you should be yawning like crazy"

"Oh, me? I just don't get tired much", he said, snowstorm basking his face in golden light as he swung it with practiced ease.

"So jealous", Wulfgang groaned as he poured himself a cup. Soon, the other Hermes kids followed suit, getting up and pouring themselves some coffee. The Stoll's gathered them all up and they marched to breakfast. They were among the first to arrive, only beaten by the Apollo cabin, who had all been up at dawn, a perk of being a kid of the sun god. Mr D looked bored, nursing his cup of Diet Coke and Chiron? Chiron was nowhere to be seen. He must still be trying to heal Thalia's tree. His thoughts drifted to Thalia… he had grown attached to her over these months. She was cool, charming and all in all just awesome. It was too bad that she was a tree. Over this time with her, he had caught feelings, feelings he would never get to act on because he could only visit her for up to an hour at a time, not exactly the best foundation for a relationship.

He walked over to the fire in middle of the dining pavilion and shoved some food in, half a sandwich for his father and half a sandwich for Apollo, "please make Chiron be able to fix Thalia's tree", he whispered, before walking back to the Hermes cabin table and ate the rest of his meal.

After breakfast, the Stoll's practically dragged him to the arena, "go on, show us"

Alexander cracked his knuckles, letting a pancake and some water fall onto the ground. A few moments later, Bob the skeleton rose from the dirt.

"Woah, you weren't lying!"

"Did you think I would lie about something like this?", Wulfgang asked, staring at Bob.

"I wanna fight it", said the Hermes cabin camper who had bested Wulfgang.

"Bob, someone wants to spar against you", Alexander said. The skeleton nodded his skull and looked around until he found the camper with his sword drawn. Bob unsheathed his twin blades and got into stance. The other campers made room for them. When they were out of the way, Bob began his onslaught. The camper had no chance, he was overwhelmed. He may have bested Wulfgang but that was only because he was fast enough to dodge him until his power boost went away, his skill with the blade was just okay.

Every camper there tried his or her luck against the undead warrior and each was defeated. Observe


Race: Skeleton

Titles: son of the Sky 


Strength: S

Constitution: S

Mind: C

Dexterity: A


Swordfighting: S+

Archery: A+

Holy shit, his summon was a former big three kid, it made sense now that he was so strong. Too bad he could only summon him at camp. He could only summon skeletons that had died near where he was summoning. Bob was a camper who died at camp.

The rest of the day, the other cabins came to test their might against Bob, unsuccessfully, each and every one of them. After dinner, they walked past the Ares cabin and Alexander saw something at the back of it, a dungeon entrance. After everyone went to sleep, Alexander snuck out and placed his hand on the entrance.

[Dungeon: War never changes

Difficulty: medium

Do you wish to enter?



The environment around him changed, the cabins melting away, replaced by a room, one made of wood. All around him were grown men in Greek armor, carrying swords, spears and bows.

"Okay, guys", one of them, a scruffy looking man with wild, brown hair said, "just a few more minutes and Troy will be ours. Just a reminder to you all what our plan is. Diomedes will lead the charge, Agememnon will flank the guards, Menelaus will let our mates through the gates to take the whole city at large. Teucer will shoot any ambush attacks, Nestor, secure Helen and protect her. Neo, avenge your father, kill the brothers of hector and the rest of you kill as many Trojans as you can"

"Yes sir", the men echoed.

Alexander realized what this was, it was the sacking of Troy, he was inside the Trojan horse.

[quest: the Trojan horse

Objective: Kill as many trojans as possible

Rewards: 1 attribute rank up(25 trojans), 3 skill rank ups(50 Trojans), 2 attribute rank ups(100 Trojans), skill: Blink(200 Trojans)]

The door of the horse opened and the crew stormed out but Alexander stayed behind, gathering his energy. If he wanted to kill Trojans to the hundreds, he couldn't just run in there with a sword, no, he needed a storm, something powerful, so, he sat there in a meditation position and gathered up energy within himself. The storm clouds outside gathered and it began raining, thunder rolled as lightning struck, again again and again, killing more and more Trojans. A small tornado swept up the enemies and flung them at walls. 








Just as his kill count reached 160, the quest was over, the sacking of Troy was complete and he was forced back out of the dungeon. His body felt heavy, he was exhausted. That big of a storm maintained for so long… it had drained him fully. He had just enough time to get back into the Hermes cabin before he collapsed onto his sleeping bag. That night, he dreamt about Luke and Kronos. The voice from the pit(Kronos) spoke, "good work, the barrier is weakening already, just a year more and they won't have any defence against our minions any more"

"Thank you lord" Luke looked smug. How dare he? He had poisoned Thalia and he was smiling. Alexander wanted to strangle him so much.

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