One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Chapter 93: Pull!

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Once the shirt was free, Coby used it to tie the clapper securely in place, securing it tightly to muffle any sound the bell might make. This would prevent the bell from ringing when he lowered it. His reasoning for doing so was personal; he wanted Luffy to have the honor of ringing the bell. After all, he had already taken Luffy's opponent, so this was the least he could do to make up for it. The massive bell was heavy, but Coby's strength, even in his battered state, was enough to lift it slightly, just enough to shift it off the pedestal it rested on.

With the clapper secured, Coby began moving the bell. He grunted with the effort, his muscles straining as he carefully pushed the massive structure. The bell was awkward to move, its weight threatening to tip over at any moment.

Coby pointed one of his ears towards the eyes Robin had sprouted on his body. She immediately understood his signal and, with a quick thought, sprouted an ear on his shoulder. "Tell those bastards to make a springboard. It's too heavy, and I can only throw it down," Coby said, his voice strained as he continued to maneuver the massive golden bell.

Robin relayed the message instantly to the crew below. "Coby says to make a springboard. The bell's too heavy for him to lower gently."

Luffy, already fired up by the discovery of the bell, grinned widely. "A springboard? No problem! Leave it to us!" He immediately began looking around for anything that could serve the purpose.

Zoro unsheathed his swords. "We'll cut down some of these giant vines. They're strong enough to hold the bell's weight." He moved swiftly, slashing through the thick vines. The others quickly gathered the vines, working together to create a makeshift springboard that would cushion the bell's descent.

Sanji lit a cigarette, his eyes scanning the area. "We need something to anchor it. Usopp, you got any of your tricks that could help?"

Usopp nodded, already rummaging through his bag. "Yeah, I've got just the thing!" He pulled out a bundle of sticky rope and began securing the vines together, making sure they were tightly wound. "This'll hold. Just need to make sure it's positioned right."

Chopper, in his Heavy Point form, used his strength to help move the vines into place, while Nami directed everyone, ensuring the springboard was positioned directly beneath the bell. "Okay, it's ready!" she called out, glancing up at the sky where Coby was barely visible.

Robin, using her eyes on Coby's shoulder to create a mouth on Coby's shoulder, informed him, "The springboard is ready. You can throw it down now."

Coby grinned as he kissed the mouth Robin sprouted on his shoulder. Robin's eyes narrowed in response, the other eyes she had sprouted glaring at him with irritation. "You!" she scolded, her voice carried through the mouth.

Coby chuckled, clearly amused by her reaction. "Tell them to place the springboard over the sea, on the other side. It'll slow down the descent, and we can use it like a net to pull the bell back. That kiss was my reward, Robin. You wouldn't want this priceless antique to break down, would you?"

Robin sighed, but there was a hint of a smile in her voice as she relayed Coby's instructions to the crew below. "He says to move the springboard over the sea and use it like a net."

Luffy pumped his fists in the air. "Alright, you heard him! Move it to the other side, near the sea!"

The crew scrambled into action, quickly repositioning the springboard. Zoro and Sanji worked together to anchor the vines, ensuring they would hold against the bell's weight. Usopp adjusted the ropes, making sure everything was secure.

Once everything was in place, Robin's mouth on Coby's shoulder spoke again. "It's ready. You can drop it now."

Coby also collected some wine from the clouds and created a giant rope, then tied it around the bell's base. Then he gave the massive bell one last check, ensuring the clapper was still secured tightly with his shirt. He positioned himself at the edge of the cloud and, with a final glance down at the crew below, pulled the bell over himself.

"Here it comes!" Coby shouted, using his strength to toppled the bell into the edge. The massive golden structure soared over the clouds, its weightless descent giving way to gravity as it plummeted toward the springboard.

The crew watched in anticipation, their eyes glued to the sky as the bell hurtled toward the sea. The springboard stretched taut as the bell landed, the vines creaking under the immense weight. For a moment, it seemed like the makeshift springboard wouldn't hold, but the sea absorbed the impact, and the vines did their job. The bell rocked gently, the golden surface gleaming in the sunlight as it floated on the water's surface.

However, as the crew grabbed onto the ropes and vines, pulling with all their might, they quickly realized the bell was sinking fast. The sheer weight of the massive structure dragged it down, the sea swallowing it inch by inch.

"Damn it! It's too heavy!" Zoro grunted, his muscles straining as he tried to hold onto the rope. "We're losing it!"

Sanji clenched his teeth. "We need more force! Usopp, Chopper, grab the other end!"

Nami shouted, her voice carrying over the chaotic scene. "Everyone, pull together! Don't let it sink!"

But despite their best efforts, the bell continued to descend, the vines slipping through their hands. Panic set in as they realized they were losing their grip on the ancient treasure.

Meanwhile, Coby, still on the cloud island, observed the situation. Without wasting time, he moved to the other edge of the cloud island. He increased his weight to 10,000 kilograms, and with a quick motion, grabbed onto the vine he tied to the bell. Without hesitation, he jumped off the edge.

The added weight of Coby's body yanked the vine down with incredible force. The sudden shift in weight counterbalanced the bell's descent, halting its fall and slowly pulling it back up. The crew felt the change immediately, the tension on the ropes easing slightly as Coby's weight helped to stabilize the situation.

"Keep pulling!" Coby shouted from below, his voice echoing across. "We've got it!"

The crew redoubled their efforts, pulling the vines and ropes with renewed vigor. Slowly but surely, the bell began to rise from the depths, the golden surface breaking through the water once again.

Luffy's eyes lit up with excitement as he saw the bell emerging. "It's coming up! Keep going, everyone!"

Sanji, sweat pouring down his face, muttered through gritted teeth. "This better be worth it..."

Chopper, in Heavy Point, used all his strength to keep the rope taut, his big form trembling from the effort. "It's almost there!"

Nami directed everyone, ensuring the bell stayed balanced as it ascended. "Don't let it tip over! We need it upright!" she shouted, her eyes scanning the ropes and vines to make sure nothing slipped.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the bell touched down on solid ground. The crew, drenched in sweat and exhausted, collapsed around the massive golden structure, each of them catching their breath. The sight of the bell safely on land was a relief, but their bodies were aching from the effort.

Coby, still suspended by the vine, reduced his weight back to 1 kilogram. He let go of the rope and slowly floated down to the ground, landing lightly on his feet.

Luffy lay sprawled on his back, panting heavily but grinning from ear to ear. "We did it!"

Sanji sat up, wiping the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. "That was one hell of a workout. But at least it's done."

Zoro stretched his arms, his muscles still aching from the strain. "Let's hope it stays where it is. I'm not dragging that thing back again."

Usopp, who had collapsed next to the bell, peeked up at it with wide eyes. "I can't believe we actually moved that thing… It's huge!"

Chopper shifted back to his normal form, his tiny body collapsing in exhaustion. "I didn't think we'd make it."

Nami, standing next to the bell, nodded in agreement. "But we did, and it's perfect."

Robin, who had been studying the Poneglyph below the bell with quiet intensity, finally looked up at the group. "And there's history here too," she said, her voice carrying a hint of awe. "This is more than just treasure. It's a link to the past."

Coby joined the crew. He glanced at the bell, admiring its size and beauty. "Luffy, this is yours to ring. You wanted to do it, so go ahead."

Luffy's eyes lit up at the invitation. He jumped to his feet, excitement bubbling up inside him. "I get to ring the bell? Awesome! Thanks a bunch, Coby!" He rushed over to the massive structure, his hands eagerly grabbing the cloth, and removed it.

Coby lightly tapped Luffy on the shoulder, catching his attention. "You need to make sure Uncle Diamond hears it, right?" Coby reminded him, using Luffy's nickname for Mont Blanc Cricket. Cricket was still searching for the City of Gold, and this was their chance to send a message. "The ring must be strong."

Luffy grinned, nodding. "Yeah! I'll make sure he hears it!"

Coby leaned in, whispering in Luffy's ear. "I'll teach you a new move." Luffy's brow furrowed in confusion at first, but then his eyes widened with excitement as Coby explained the technique. The idea of using an extra powerful attack intrigued him, especially since it involved something new.

Luffy's expression turned into one of pure delight. "Gomu Gomu no... Giant Rifle!" he shouted with enthusiasm.

He prepared himself, taking a deep breath. Luffy began to blow air into his arm, inflating it to an enormous size. His skin stretched and expanded, taking on the form of what would later be known as Gear Third, but to everyone present, it was an impressive new trick. His arm, now massive, loomed over the bell as he wound it back, ready to strike.

The rest of the crew watched in awe, their eyes widening at the sight of Luffy's giant arm. Even Zoro and Sanji, who were used to Luffy's antics, couldn't help but be impressed by the sheer size and power of the attack.

Luffy grinned, his teeth flashing as he aimed for the bell. "Here goes! Gomu Gomu no... Giant Rifle!"

With a massive swing, Luffy's inflated fist shot forward, the force of the punch creating a powerful wind that whipped through the area. The giant fist collided with the golden bell, and for a moment, there was a pause—then the entire island seemed to shake as the bell rang out with a thunderous BOOM that echoed across the sky and sea.

The sound was deafening, reverberating through the clouds and across the entire island. Birds took flight in a panic, and the ground trembled from the sheer force of the strike. The ringing was clear and strong, a sound that would carry for miles.

But the crew wasn't in the mood to enjoy the moment. Luffy's mighty punch had sent the bell flying right back toward the sea. As it crashed into the water, it began to sink again.

"Grab the ropes!" Zoro shouted, diving for the vines and ropes still attached to the bell. The others scrambled to follow suit, their hands grabbing the lines to stop the bell from disappearing into the depths once more.

Coby acted fast. Without a word, he activated Ms. Valentine's power, increasing his weight to 10,000 kilograms. He wrapped one of the thick vines around his waist, bracing himself to hold the bell in place. The extra weight helped to anchor it, slowing its descent.

"Luffy, you fool!" Zoro called out, his voice filled with frustration as they all struggled to keep the bell from sinking.

But before anyone could react further, they noticed something strange. As they turned to look at Luffy, they saw him standing there—shrunk down to a tiny, chibi version of himself.

"What the hell is this?" Sanji muttered, staring at the miniature Luffy in disbelief.

Luffy looked down at himself, his eyes wide with shock. "Eh? Why am I so small?!" His voice was high-pitched, matching his new, tiny form.

Coby, still holding the vine tightly, glanced over, trying to suppress a laugh. "Looks like that punch of yours came with a side effect, Luffy. You've turned into a toy!"

Robin, observing with amusement and curiosity, added, "Perhaps the excessive force of inflating your arm and releasing it so suddenly caused your body to shrink temporarily."

"Can we deal with that later?!" Nami yelled, her arms straining as she held onto the rope. "The bell's still sinking!"

"Pull!" Usopp shouted, gripping the vine with all his strength.

And just like that, they once again pulled the bell to the shore.

Might seem like a filler chapter but I really enjoyed writing this one. To me, it felt like a usual day in Mugiwara Crew. Hope you like it as well.


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