One Piece: Coby with Skill Weaver System

Chapter 92: The Golden Bell

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Coby had heard enough of the talk. The Shandians and Skypieans could settle their differences however they liked. He had bigger things to deal with—namely, getting his crew back together and sorting out the mess left by Enel. He turned away from the group, not bothering with any further explanations. "Wait for our crew to discover the bell, then you can have it," he said, not really caring further. With that, he left them to figure things out on their own.

He made his way through the dense foliage as he followed the path towards where he assumed the crew had gone. After a while, he spotted a cut in the clouds ahead—a telltale sign that the crew had descended through a hidden entrance to the ruins below.

Coby carefully made his way down the makeshift path. It wasn't long before he reached a series of ancient ruins—massive stone structures covered in vines and moss. The place had an eerie silence to it, the kind that spoke of long-forgotten histories.

He stepped cautiously into the first of the ruins, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of the crew. The sound of distant footsteps and hushed voices caught his attention. As he rounded a corner, he finally caught sight of them.

Luffy, Nami, Zoro, Sanji, Robin, Usopp, and Chopper were gathered around a large stone altar, examining the markings and artifacts scattered around. Their expressions were awe and curiosity as they took in the remnants of what had once been a thriving city.

"Coby!" Nami called out as she spotted him approaching then saw his battered form, frowning. "You took down Enel, right? Is it over? Seems like he was a tough opponent."

Coby nodded, wiping the sweat from his brow as Chopper arrived to bandage him up. "Yeah, he's done for. What about you guys? Find anything interesting?"

Robin stepped forward. "These ruins are fascinating. They seem to be connected to the City of Gold, but the bell itself isn't here."

Coby knew that of course, glancing around at the massive stone structures. "So, where's the bell?" he asked, but already knowing it was up above a cloud. He entertained the idea that there might be a shift from original plot but fortunately there was not.

Sanji lit a cigarette, exhaling a plume of smoke. "We're still looking. This place is huge, and we've barely scratched the surface."

Usopp, who was holding a tattered old map they had found, chimed in. "According to this, the bell should be at the center of the island but... It might be hidden in one of the lower levels, maybe even in the mines."

Chopper immediately finished patching up Coby's wounds, his small hands working quickly to stop the bleeding. Luffy poked at the wound on Coby's stomach, causing Coby to wince. "DON'T DO THAT!" Chopper bellowed, his voice filled with frustration as he swatted Luffy's hand away. Coby chuckled despite the pain.

Nami and Robin watched the scene, about to beat Luffy up, but Coby's words stopped them. "The legend of Skypiea," he began, catching their attention, "says that when this island first appeared 400 years ago, it sang a song—something similar to the ringing of a bell. That's what started the war and all the bloodshed."

Robin's eyes lit up with understanding. "So, the island itself... if it sang, that means the bell came with the island."

Nami nodded in agreement. "It makes sense. The Shandians worshipped the bell as a symbol of peace and prosperity. They would have kept it in a place of significance—somewhere central, somewhere everyone could hear it."

Nami and Robin exchanged a look, their minds working quickly. "When the island first appeared with the Knock Up Stream," Nami said, her voice thoughtful, "it must have flown right on top of Giant Jack. The impact of the stream probably sent the island crashing into the massive beanstalk, and..."

Robin finished the thought, "Giant Jack pierced the island from the center, hurling the Giant Bell into the air. If it hasn't been discovered yet, it must have landed on one of the clouds. It can't be far from here."

Coby listened, nodding in agreement. "So, we need to search the upper levels, around Giant Jack. That's where we'll find the bell."

Luffy's eyes lit up at the mention of Giant Jack. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go find that bell!" He was already running toward the exit, his enthusiasm contagious as always.

The crew quickly gathered their gear and followed Luffy out of the ruins, heading toward the towering structure in the distance. As they approached Giant Jack, the immense size of the beanstalk became even more apparent. The massive stalk reached high into the sky, disappearing into the clouds above.

"Looks like we've got some climbing to do," Zoro remarked, eyeing the vertical ascent with interest.

Sanji grinned. "Oh, green monkey wants to climb?"

Nami glanced up at the beanstalk, calculating the best route to take. "If the bell was hurled into the air, it could have landed anywhere on the clouds. We need to get high enough to see where it could have fallen."

Sanji puffed his cigarate, "Let's split up. We'll cover more ground that way."

Coby shook his head at Sanji's suggestion to split up. "No need. Just give me a boost."

Sanji raised an eyebrow but didn't question it. He cracked his neck, getting ready. "Fine, get ready."

Coby then turned to Robin. "Eyes."

Robin nodded, instantly understanding what he meant. She crossed her arms, and with a soft murmur of "Ojos Fleur," dozens of eyes sprouted all over Coby's body. Now, she had a full 360-degree view, every angle covered.

With his weight reduced to 1 kilogram using Ms. Valentine's powers, Coby jumped onto Sanji's foot. Sanji's leg tensed, muscles coiled like a spring. "Get ready, here we go!" Sanji warned, then kicked upward with all his strength. The force sent Coby shooting into the air like a rocket, his lightweight body hurtling skyward.

The world around Coby became a blur as he ascended rapidly. The air thinned, the wind whistling past his ears as he soared higher and higher, aiming for the clouds above. He had a general idea of where the bell was from the anime, so he focused on that spot. 

As Coby shot through the clouds, he spotted the giant golden bell glinting in the distance. It was perched atop one of the higher clouds, nestled between the fluffy white formations like a hidden treasure. He adjusted his path slightly, angling himself toward the bell.

The closer he got, the clearer it became. The giant bell was covered in moss, its massive size making it an impressive sight. Coby smirked as he landed lightly on the cloud near the bell, the weight still lowered to 1 kilogram.

"Found it," he muttered to himself.

As Coby stood near the massive golden bell, his gaze swept over its surface. Far below, Robin gasped, her sharp eyes catching sight of the Poneglyph hidden beneath the bell. "He found it!" she exclaimed, her excitement palpable. The rest of the crew cheered, elated by the discovery, but Robin's focus remained on the ancient text. She was practically vibrating with anticipation, her heart pounding madly. "There's a Poneglyph under it," she breathed, her voice filled with excitement. She could barely contain herself, torn between wanting to read it with her eyes still on Coby's body and waiting for him to bring it down. It felt like cheating to read it from so far away.

Coby walked over to the bell. He grasped the clapper with one hand, ensuring it wouldn't accidentally sound, and then slowly removed his already torn shirt. Fully aware of Robin's eyes sprouted on the fabric. He knew that if he moved too quickly or carelessly, he might accidentally harm those eyes—and by extension, Robin herself.


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