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Chapter 205: Chapter 205. The wedding

POV: Bobby

I looked nervously in the mirror at the man dressed in a beautifully purple robe.

There were golden emblems all over it telling the history of the Royal family and its potential future.

On my head, I had a farmer's har filled with colorful flowers and sticks of wheat, representing the humble beginnings of this kingdom.

Today was a special day, one that I never expected to happen after my exile.

But after some ups and downs, I was here, ready to take the hand of the Princes as my wife.

Just thinking about this made me blush a little.

"Sir Bobby, it's time to go."

One of the servants opened the door and gave me the good news.

I took a deep breath and looked one more time in the mirror before leaving the room.

I walked down the hallway that was decorated with purple flowers and servants bowing as I passed them.

It was weird to be in the center of attention for so long.

Soon I was out in the garden, where dozens of guests were already talking with each other and eating the delicious food on the tables.

I recognized a few faces in the crowd, some from my academy days while while others were nobles that I met while I worked at the castle.

But most people I didn't recognize, most likely they've been invited by Elizabeth and her father.

Today's mission would be a little tiring since It was my duty to have as many connections as possible.

I had to do this for myself and in case Trader got himself in trouble again.

Speaking of him, I don't see his face in the crowd.

Did he wear his magical armor?

It's a shame if he did that, but I do understand the necessity to hide from the System.

I went to talk with a few guests, keeping my smile and trying to greet as many people as possible.

As the host, this was my responsibility, and my wife was working overtime already.

"Bobby! Man, you look like you haven't slept in a week, what happened?"

I turned towards the voice that I quickly recognized.

"Froggy I'm glad to see you as well. How's the party for you?"

"Ehh, I prefer If I was in my workshop right now, but it's better than dealing with all the drama back home. So overall it's good."

I wasn't the only one who got a promotion in the past few months.

Froggy was a core member of the Witches Clan, he was the person that was working hard to make it better for everyone.

He signed a contract with the royal family to send regularly unique potions every month.

In exchange, we had to allow the Witches to participate in our academy.

And if they did a good job and caught someone's eye, they could even work for them.

This was a long-term program to integrate the Witches into society with high chances of success.

Because he made so many contributions in such a short time, he was soon chosen to be the head of the Clan.

Of course, this wouldn't be possible if he didn't try his best and have so much success.

"Did you see Trader by any chance?"

"No, that's what I wanted to ask you as well, do you think he has the creepy armor on?"

If he didn't greet Froggy, that must mean he's not here.

Did he forget about the date?

Or is he in another situation where he's not able to come?

I let out a disappointed sigh and talked a little more with Froggy before moving towards others.

Just as I was about to meet with Elizabeth, space started to bend in the air, making everyone at the party stop and look at the unusual phenomenon.

As I was seeing that, a thought came into my mind.

Trader was going to open a portal in the middle of the party!

That stupid man!

The Fortress was only a few dozen blocks away, why did he make another one?

But to my relief, no obsidian frame appeared.

Instead, 3 people strangely dressed fell from the sky.


The trio hit the ground with a loud bang, but luckily, no one was underneath them so only they got hurt.

As for who dared to crash my wedding, it was none other than Trader himself with Blue and Undying.

I had to stop the guards who were quickly getting ready to arrest them and looked at the trio with a mad look.

"Sorry, Bobby! It wasn't my intention for this to happen, I think I put the wrong coordination and ended up in the sky. I only wanted to surprise you!"

I wanted to be so angry at him, but I couldn't since this was something I expected him to do in the first place, so the only thing I could do was laugh out loud.

"Good to see you friend, I thought you wouldn't come."

"How could I miss the wedding of my best friend!"

His casual deminer always made me smile, bringing back memories from the time we were adventuring together.

I looked at him and saw that he was wearing something strange again.

He had some black pants with a white shirt and a black jacket on top with somthin dangling from his neck.

Undying wore a beautiful red dress that covered her left leg letting the other exposed.

It had sharp teeth and task as ornaments that made it all look like it came from a tribe but still had a charm of elegance.

Looks like someone told her that she doesn't need to bring the Hog head since I could see her face and red hair dancing in the wind.

Blue like his name, wore a blue robe with enchanted language and images of different kinds of potions.

All of them stood out like a pink sheep with a mustache, but we all could feel the elegance of their choice.

"Now come! You already got a lot of attention, do you want to stay in it until my wedding ends."

They all quickly followed me as we joined the crowd.

Some of them looked with worry, while others with curiosity at their entrance.

But the ones who knew the people, greeted them with a smile, and just like that, the atmosphere returned to normal.

"Bobby, I almost forgot to give you the gift."

I turned around and saw the trio again, but this time they had something in their hands.

Blue had a green potion, Undying had a black sword that I saw Trader use which took me by surprise, and Trader had a golden statue.

The potion would increase my thinking speed for an hour, and the sword, was as expected something much stronger than the one made of diamond.

Crazy Treader, I'm sure he must've suggested this to them.

I don't think he realizes that this sword could cause a war to start, and it wasn't even enchanted yet!

As for the statue Trader had, it was called a Totem.

"That totem can bring you back to life from the dead, and give you regeneration plus a few extra hearts to sacrifice in case you're hit again. Not only that, but you'll have speed 4 for 10 seconds, so you must get out while the buff is in effect."

My mind went blank trying to process what he was talking about.

"I'm sorry, I heard you say that this thing would bring me back to life, but that can't be true. How could such an item exist?"

"You heard right my friend, this totem can take the final hit from you, make you almost invincible for a few seconds. I hope you never have to use this, but keep it in your inventory just in case."

My hands already began to tremble with the item in my hands, it was so bad that I thought I would drop it and break it.

"I-I can't accept this Trader, you must hold to it, I'm sure you need it more than me!"

Is this how you came back to life from the Sultan's party?

But I saw your corpse in front of me, so I don't think it had the same effects.

Plus, If anyone would hear that I have this in my possession, I don't think I'll be able to sleep with my eyes closed anymore.

Every nobble and assessin would come after me!

Why do you have to do something crazy every time we meet?!

"Don't worry, I already have a few more for me and for my friends. Not all of them have the special effects, but just the fact that it brings you back to life it's enough."

Please don't speak, I can't take this anymore!

POV: Froggy

Trader sure knows how to make an entrance.

How did he even appear in the air like that?

Did he have some other abilities that he didn't tell me besides not dying?

No, if he could teleport whenever he wanted, we wouldn't been stuck at the palace for so long.

So it must be one of the crazy items that he thinks are normal.

I saw how he and his small group went to speak with Bobby, only to see him getting more pale with each conversation.

After Trader spoke with him, he was almost as pale as me.

It was quite a funny to see.

But looks like I was next on the chopping board since my friend seemed to notice me as well.

"Froggy! Long time no see, how are the Elders doing? I hope they don't take advantage of your kindness."

There's a high chance they are, but it's not like I didn't like to help the Clan, so I don't mind.

"No, why would they do that? And speaking about Elders, Flora wants to meet with you for some special potions."

Flora's potions were truly something to admire.

I know we are not limited by the System with skills, but I feel that her potions are something beyond level 7.

I tried to ask her about this, but she kept smiling while telling me not to worry about this.

Even though I was technically her boss, she still treated me like a child.

"Ohh, I have to visit your place as well then. I think I'll upgrade your chest while I'm at it so the System wouldn't be able to see them."

As always, he spoke crazy statements like it was nothing.

We talked some more, about our adventures and funny stories.

Mine weren't as exciting as his, but he was very happy to hear them nonetheless.

Our conversation was suddenly intruded by the sound of a bell, which made everyone silent and looked at the podium.

"Ahem, everyone please get to your seats so the ceremony can start!"

A well dressed man yelled, and everyone went towards their seats.

Music was suddenly in the air, and two men dressed in elegant cloths slowly walked the way towards the altar with a pillow that had Perls in their hands.

I recognised one of them beeing the king, but didn't know who the nervos man was.

And why were they holding perls?

They soon arrived at the altar and turned towards the crowd, then the music stopped.

"Today we are all gathered here to celebrate a special occasion, we are here to witness the end of an old life and start a new one! Today we are here to see a woman-"

The king then broke the Perl and the princess suddenly appeared in a beautiful red dress with a regal face.

"And a man-"

The other man broke the Perl as well, and Bobby apered besides the Princes with a nerves look but still determined.

"Those two chose to leave their parents side, and become one. Bobby, do you take Elizabeth Mending as your wife and queen?"

"Yes I do."

"Elizabeth Mending, do you take this man as your husband and King?"

"Yes I do."

"With the power gifted to me by the System, I now declare you husband and wife! May you two have a long and happy life."

Everyone broke in cheers as the newly couple kissed.

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