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Chapter 204: Chapter 204. In The End

POV: Violet

I felt like I was floating in the darkness, but this kind of darkness wasn't scary or hurtful, instead, it was a warm embrace that made me calm and happy.

But a part of me was screaming to wake up, a part of me complained that I wasn't completed.

But why should I leave such a comfortable place for the real world? Why do I have to give up this for the uncertainty of the future?

Suddenly an image came to mind, it took the shape of a human, a good-looking one.

I felt warm thinking about him, just thinking about our adventures and how good it felt when I hugged him from behind made me feel like I was compleat.

Then I felt pain in my chest, I knew this human, it was my human!


I woke up in a hurry trying to feel the connection to my human.

The connection was still there which meant that he didn't die, or at least he didn't die for good.

But it was too far for me to feel where he was.

Did he wear his Netherite armor?

While I was thinking of ways to get back to my human, I looked around and quickly realized that I recognised this place.


But how was that possible?

Father told us that if we leave this place we won't be able to get back anymore.

Around me, there were floating white islands all over the Void.

And everywhere I looked there were Endemans and Enderwomans, who looked at me with curiosity.

But those Endemans were different from the ones in the Overworld.

Everyone in here was smart enough to speak and build, those were my family.

A feminine voice spoke into my head.

It's been so long since I met with my fellow people that I forgot we communicate through telepathy.

Here in the Void, we don't use our mouths to speak, and the only reason we have them is to absorb more Void energy in case we're being threatened and get ready to attack.

When I was in the Overworld, I had to manage my energy with careful precision otherwise I could end up unconscious which is very bad for the Endeman species.

You can't afford to fall asleep in the End since you could teleport into the Void to your death.

Slowly more and more family members teleported beside me, looking at me with curiosity.

I even saw some children's, who were nonexistent in the Overworld.

I felt a warm feeling in my chest seeing everyone after such a long time.

The reason I left this place was because I was bored and didn't have anything else to do.

Father was always busy with his research and I always wanted to see more of our old world.

That's why I trained to become suitable enough to be let into the Overworld.

After some hard work, I got the permission from Father, but with the condition that I would never be able to get back, even if I found the block of my fate and wanted to give it, to my future partner.

I didn't care about blocks that much, even though I knew that I would change my mind in the future.

As for a partner, I didn't think I'd be able to find another member of my family in that world since not a lot of them chose to go there, so I was prepared.

Soon a large crowd gather around me looking with excited eyes.

They were all thinking of the same thing.

Since we can't die by old age, that means we are immortals.

That's why everyone knows everyone making it a tight community no matter how big the family got.

There were very few events that happened here, such as the birth of a new family member or someone leaving the Void.

That's why, my meare presence in here was like a chest filled with rare blocks that everyone wanted to get their hands on.

Knowing that I wouldn't be able to escape them, I let out a sigh and told them some of the adventures I had while I was away.

They were interested in every word I used to describe the world, at how the people reacted when they saw me, and especially surprised at the existence of another Endeman species that wasn't as smart as us.

It's been a while since I had so much Void energy in my core, and because of that, I didn't get tired no matter how much I spoke, making the discussion go on for an unknown amount of time.

It could've been an hour or weeks, nobody had anything better to do so they sat beside me as I told them more stories.

Some of them were even convinced to try their luck in such a dangerous world, which made me happy and worried for them.

While I wasn't with my human, I only pranked the villages to my amusement.

But I knew that I was always playing with fire if I did too much.

I was still able to be killed after all.

And once I found my human, the danger seemed to increase by tenfold.

I was happy at the adventures we went through, but I don't appreciate it when he kept getting hurt.

But that's why I had to be there with him, I had to protect my human from all dangers while also keeping myself entrained.

But how did I get here?

I thought Father told me we can never get back here again.

Did I accidentally teleport here after the explosion?

But that can't be possible since I've never done it before.

Everyone went silent and looked at the Endeman who spoke.

Everyone knew it was talking with me, even though he didn't use a name.

Nobody had a name in the family except for Father.

Whenever we talked through telepathy, we connected to the members we wanted to.

Plus we used, a different telepathy wave for each person we interacted with, it was similar to names but also difrent.

Everyone nodded their head understanding what I was referring to.

With this, I was finally free from the clutches of my family and teleported from island to island towards my destination.

In my home dimension, there was more Void energy in the air, and if I held my mouth open, I could teleport up to 1.000 blocks.

And with my new form, I think I could go much further than that.

But that wasn't enoigh of a reason for me to rush towards my Father.

I wanted to enjoy the view of my hometown.

I teleported for a while until I arrived in front of a huge tear in the space.

I sent a wave of words towards the block portal, and suddenly I was teleported into a huge room.

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The room went silent for a moment, and I got closer to the huge shadow in the middle of the room.

There stood my father, 10 blocks tall with 2 horns on his head, his eyes were tied shut, and in his chest was a huge eye that looked similar to an Ender Eye.

Father was chained to 2 obsidian towers that held him in place and on top were Crystals that held him in place.

But this didn't seem to bother him, as he looked right at me with a big smile on his face.

It was hard to believe that over a dozen bites per second was not enough to catch his attention.

The eye in his chest looked towards the small creatures and all of them froze on the spot before transforming into endstone statues.

Brutal as always.

Well a lot happened in the past few years, some things were good while others were bad.

Just out of curiosity, I opened my third eye and looked at my father.

This was a mistake, as what I was seeing in front of me was similar to a GOD.

All I could see was darkness and Void, but what scared me was the overwhelming pressure that it gave.

The eye from the chest looked at me as I closed my third eye from the pain.

Father kept talking while my headache was leaving.

As always, he was the smartest man that I ever knew.

Not even the human that trapped us was smart enough for him.

I don't remember telling him about my human, or my name!

Did someone else tell him?

That question made my eyes open wide in surprise.

Father just smiled finding my reaction amusing.

I felt like my mind was emptied in one moment.

My human has been searching for two things since I've met him.

The reason he's here and a way to get home.

I didn't expect Father to be the one who holds the answer to both of those questions.

I care about my human more than anyone in those worlds, but I don't like my human to suffer, no matter the intention.

This was the first time I yelled at my Father, so I was somewhat scared.

Instead of getting mad, he began to laugh out loud, making the whole pocked dimension tremble from his voice.

That would make sense, but that didn't answer my question.

I didn't know I could teleport between dimensions....maybe I could use my ability to get him back to his old world!

That was a shame, I'm sure my human would've loved to get home, and I wanted to see his world as well.

What does he mean?

I'm the strongest Enderwoman that ever lived.

My face went purple thinking at those emberesing moments.

I'm sorry my human, but I'll have to join you a little later then anticipated.

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