HP : The Chronicles

Chapter 81: Chapter 81 : Guardians in Shadow



"No we can't." Severus stated thoughtfully before smirking. "You know, maybe it's time to give those wolf forms of us a chance to run in their natural environment. Don't you think so?" The answering smirk he got a perfect copy of his own. And so it was decided; next night found Harry leaving the Common Room after his brother and rushing to meat Severus at the exit of the dungeons; it took him a little longer than was expected since Adrian had forgotten the cloak, apparently, in the astronomy tower while smuggling Norbert out. None of them had mentioned that to their parents of course as the hazel eyed Potter twin had received his second Holwer this year even with that little detail left untold.

"About time." Severus whispered to him the moment he turned around the corner. "Filch just took Adrian and the rest out to the grounds; he always tends to give those serving detentions long speeches though, so we should have enough time. Harry nodded and they left, two hooded figures hiding in the shadows approaching the forest quickly. Once they were hidden, they placed their wands inside the holsters Severus had got them -ingenious inventions really that tightened or loosened with the animagus's transforming body, allowing them to carry their wands on their person even when transformed- and turned themselves into a pair of black wolves. Severus, who was more familiar with the Forbidden Forest, led the way.

They ran swiftly through the thick trees, sense of sight and hearing much improved in that form. A light between the branches ahead and the voice of Hagrid chastising Filch informed them that they had reached their destination. They watched as the small group of six -if you included Hagrid's dog Fang- split in two, following the silvery traces on the forest floor; unicorn blood. Harry turned to look at Severus who just shook his head; he hadn't heard anything about unicorn blood. This was bad, really bad. Only one person -if he could be called that- they knew of was desperate enough to kill unicorns for their blood and, if their assumptions where correct, Adrian was in a whole more lot of trouble than they initially thought.

Adrian was in the same group with Hermione and Hagrid at the beginning; they met with two centaurs in their way, Bane and Roran, that seemed intent on repeating that Mars was shining unusually bright that night. Harry wasn't truly professed in the centaur's version of soothsaying -not that he was in the wizards' techniques, but he digressed- still, them repeating it over and over couldn't be good. But those two were actual centaurs and, despite his worry, he couldn't help but feel a little awed. The groups soon changed, after a rather stupid move on Malfoy's part that made Severus growl viciously, and Adrian found himself stuck with the blond and Hagrid's dog.

As luck would have it, they followed the trail that led them straight into the clearing where the dead unicorn lay. Harry's heart tightened in his chest; the image of the unicorn dead on the ground seemed fundamentally wrong; his mind quickly entertained the idea of what a war-unicorn, who had ways of defending itself much more aggressively than its white haired cousin, would have done to its assailant. Now that would be a sight.

Not that he got to ponder on the mental image of the Dark Lord being chased around by an angry, seven feet tall war-unicorn for more than a few seconds. A hooded figure entered the clearing and bowed down next to the unicorn, drinking its blood. A blood-churning scream later -courtesy of one Draco Malfoy- the hooded figure that could be no other than Lord Voldemort himself, stood straight and started advancing towards the frozen older Potter twin. Harry was ready to transform back and do… he didn't know what exactly. Something. Anything. But what?

The sound of approaching hoods stopped him as a third centaur, a younger one, with ash blond hair and a palomino body, jumped behind a tree and attacked the hooded figure. Voldemort run -more like floated- away and the centaur approached Adrian.

As he introduced himself as Firenze, Harry felt close to crying; his brother was almost attacked by the Dark Lord, right there, in front of his own two eyes. His heart was beating like crazy, his mind was clouded. His brother had almost died and he had done nothing but stare. He followed Severus who in turn followed Firenze who had taken Adrian on his back and was leading him to Hagrid. He barely registered the two angry centaurs they crossed paths with and the relief never reached his heart once his brother was reunited with the rest of the group.

He felt worthless; all of his training and he had done nothing, his brain freezing in fear. What if Firenze hadn't been there? Would he have acted in time or would Severus have had to intervene? The potions master led them back to where they had entered the forest and reversed the animagus transformation, soon standing in front of the green eyed boy back to his normal self, waiting for him to do the same.

He could instinctively tell something was wrong with the boy, more than the shock of just meeting with the most feared Dark wizard of the century. And when Harry did transform back, one look into his misty eyes was all it took to confirm his fears. He didn't know what was going on in Harry's head and the boy had the tendency to think too much. He didn't know what to do to fix whatever was wrong. All Severus could do was hold Harry tight as he cried with a desperation he had never witnessed in the boy before.



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