Chapter 80: Chapter 80 : Protecting Norbert
Harry found himself at the library, doing some reading on the second book from the broom-making series Severus had bought him, when Hagrid made his appearance; a strange image on itself -not that Hagrid was stupid; he just generally preferred a more practical approach than research. The green eyed wizard observed him from the corner of his eyes, trying to remember which category of books was the one he was looking at. It was the magizoology part of the library of course, but those three bookcases were solely on… dragon care? Nah, that couldn't be right!
Just as he had decided to go and look for himself when Hagrid left the library, Hermione approached him. Knowing that this was a conversation he most likely would want to hear, he moved as close as possible while remaining inconspicuously seated on the same bench. He could just make out their voices;
"And we know that the dog's guarding the Philosopher's St…" Ron stated, causing Hagrid to shush him, only to have Adrian ask him about the other means of guarding the Stone except Fluffy. Harry felt he should prepare for the worse when he heard the giant invite them to his home to explain later.
Without deliberating on it much, Harry run to the Gryffindor Tower -thinking he was doing quite a lot of running these days because of Adrian and his friends- and grabbed the invisibility cloak, hiding it under his robes. He then proceeded to walk casually towards the Great Hall, waiting for his brother to arrive; it only took a total of twenty minutes before the trio made its appearance.
Harry waited till they exited the Great Hall and then followed them, hiding under the cloak the moment he reached the first dark corner. He walked just a few feet behind them and swiftly entered the giant's hut along with his brother and his friends, sitting in the far corner of the sole room that composed Hagrid's home.
Despite good weather the fire was lit behind the grand chair Hagrid was seated on and the curtains were drawn shut to the sunny day outside -the first after a line of rainy weeks. Harry sat there and tried to contain his gasp of shock as Hagrid explained everything to his twin brother –though their expression when they found out that Severus was one of those assigned to guard the Stone was priceless. Not that it said much since Quirrell was one of the Stone's guardians too but... There was no holding his gasp however when Adrian noticed the dragon egg in the fireplace. Hagrid was actually trying to make it hatch? And where did he get a dragon egg in the first place? As Ron mentioned, quite correctly, dragon breeding had been banned for three hundred years! Harry left the hut that afternoon with one more reason to be worried.
"He's got a what?" Severus asked his face a mask of shock. He thought he had heard that Hagrid had a Norwegian Ridgeback's egg hatching in his hut but that couldn't be the case.
"He's got a Norwegian Ridgeback's egg hatching in his hut." Harry repeated.
"Why?" Was all that Severus could think of asking, all other questions paling in comparison.
"I've been asking myself that since I saw the egg."
"Any ideas?"
"On why he has the egg, or on what he should do with it?" The boy asked.
"I would say on both but, for the sake of whatever is left of my mental health, let's stick with how to deal with it part." Severus offered. Harry shrugged.
"If we tell anybody about the egg, Hagrid looses his job and might even end up in Azkaban for endangering the lives of students." The raven haired boy stated. "Hagrid might be a little… spontaneous at times, but his job is his life. I don't want to see him loose it." Severus nodded.
"I see your point." The potions master agreed with a soft smile. "And Azkaban truly isn't the place for him. But he can't keep the egg."
"I don't see him parting with it before it hatches." Harry imputed.
"You said he has placed it over open fire already?"
"In that case the hatching process has already begun; the dragon will be ready to hatch in a few days." Severus informed him.
"Lovely." Harry commented drily.
"At least nobody else knows but Adrian and his friends."
"No, just my brother, Ron and Hermione and now the two of us." Severus nodded.
"But what to do with a dragon?" They both stood to contemplate the situation. Harry suddenly had an epiphany.
"Who?" Severus asked snapping out of his reverie.
"Charlie Weasley, Ron's older brother, the one that works with dragons in Romania!" Harry exclaimed. "I might be able to hint something to my brother so that Charlie will be on the top of his head. They already tried to get Hagrid to get rid of the egg."
"It's the best we can do." Severus agreed. "Let's just hope that nobody finds out about it." But it wasn't to be; from all the people in Hogwarts, it seemed that Draco Malfoy was the one who found out. Harry couldn't be sure since he didn't follow his brother to Hagrid's hut every day, but he knew the dragon had hatched, that Hagrid called him Norbert and that Malfoy had been smirking far too much towards the trio's direction to not know. What a mess; almost as much as Ron's hand that Norbert had treated as his new chew toy.
And then, four days after that incident, Harry heard that his brother, Hermione and Neville -and who could have seen that one coming- had cost Gryffindor house one hundred and fifty points in a single night, trying to snuggle the dragon out of the castle. And landed themselves a detention. Ruddy hell. And the detention, as Severus found out from a raging Minerva McGonagall, was to be at the Forbidden Forest.
"The Forbidden Forest?" Harry chocked out in disbelief.
"I don't know what your brother said, but he must have really angered Minerva." Severus agreed.
"But we can't let them into the forest alone!" Harry exclaimed, crazy scenarios weaving themselves into his head.