Hero Of Harmony

Chapter 157: Oni/Monster(R18)

After venting my emotions with a yell, I sighed and released Yuki as I propped her up against a tree while I sat in front of her, waiting for her to speak.

"Tell me, Yuki, what's stopping you." Asked Alexander sternly as he calmly sat in front of Yuki, who bit her lip before taking a deep breath.

"Alexander, you…You viewed my status panel, correct?" Asked Yuki softly as she looked at Alexander, who nodded before lowering his head.

"Yes, I did. I did so to figure out what was wrong with you, though still, it's a breach of privacy and trust, and I'd like to apologize for doing that without your permission, Yuki." Replied Alexander apologetically as he thought back to Yuki's status panel while she shook her head.

"I-It's fine, m-my circumstance was unique, so I-I don't blame you; however, even if you tried to ignore most of my status, you still… Saw it." Stated Yuki lightly as she looked at Alexander while her heartrate steadily increased, pumping fear throughout her body.

"Y-Yeah, I did, especially the trait, [Enhanced Sexdrive]; I-I may have stared at that one slightly longer than the other's." Said Alexander lightly with a faint blush as he awkwardly rubbed his head, though Yuki once again shook her head.

"No, t-that's not what I meant, Alexander. I-I meant my species… I-I'm only half Oni m-my other half is… Is monster. T-The same kind of monsters inside dungeons." Declared Yuki as he clenched her fist while lowering her head, telling Alexander the truth while refusing to look him in the eyes, too terrified to know what his reaction would be.

"Hmm, yeah, I figured. I'm not like you, Yuki; I can use my context clues to put two and two together." Said Alexander lightly with a nod while glancing at Yuki, slightly mocking her in the process.

"Actually, now that I think about it, monsters are soulless and don't even have the basic instincts to reproduce, so how would this even work?" Added Alexander curiously as he rubbed his chin before looking at Yuki, who gritted her teeth in anger before suddenly standing up and slamming her fist against the tree she was previously leaning on, snapping it in half like a twig despite being sick.

"D-DON'T YOU GET IT!? I'M A MONSTER! I'M A DISGUSTING, VILE MONSTER! I-I'm a monster." Yelled Yuki furiously in anger as she glared at Alexander while thinking back to her past, only to collapse onto her knees, sobbing in sadness.

Seeing Yuki cry, I got on my knees and hugged her, causing her to dig her face into my neck while she cried. I didn't say anything and simply acted as a shoulder to lean on while affectionately petting her back, and after a few minutes, she finally stopped crying, causing me to grab her soft cheeks as I stared into her beautiful yet piercing yellow eyes.

"Listen, Yuki, you've clearly had a rough life if that's how you think of yourself, but all I'm going to say is… I love you. I love you with all my heart, and I don't care if you were a full monster; I'd still love you just as much." Declared Alexander solemnly as he used the language of trees, transferring his raw emotions into Yuki while staring into her teary eyes, causing all the fear within her heart to slowly vanish, allowing the love, affection, and lust to blossom fully.

"A-Alexander." Muttered Yuki softly as she stared into Alexander's purple, crystal-like eyes, only to faintly smirk before gently kissing her.

"Hmm, aren't you supposed to say something?" Asked Alexander with a mischievous smirk, causing Yuki to suddenly wipe her face before adorning a loving smile.

"I… I love you, Alexander." Said Yuki softly with a slight blush, causing Alexander to smirk as the two passionately kissed, and now that nothing was suppressing her true feelings, things moved quickly.

While Yuki and I were passionately kissing, she suddenly pushed me onto the ground and held my arms above my head, similar to what I did to her earlier, and aggressively kissed me while using her two other arms to rip off my clothes, freeing my fully erect shaft that poked her in the stomach. Feeling her large hand grasp my shaft, she began to jerk it aggressively, not enough to hurt me, but as if she needed my semen right this instant, and I couldn't help but grunt in pleasure.

"Y-Yuki, I'm ~Urgh~, g-going to cum!" Said Alexander in between passionate kissing as he looked up at Yuki, who increased her speed, jerking his manhood even faster.

"Cum, give me your cum!" Stated Yuki with an incredibly lustful expression as she quickly moved down to Alexander's shaft before sucking on the tip with a hungry look, sending him over the edge.

"~Urgh~ I-I'm cumming!" Declared Alexander as he grabbed Yuki's horns and shoved all of his manhood inside of her mouth, reaching the back of her throat while spewing numerous thick ropes of semen.

I'm pretty confident Yuki hasn't had sex before, but the way her tongue coiled around my shaft while I emptied everything side of her was so amazing it made me think she's had experience. Once I finally stopped cumming, I was about to remove my manhood, but before I could, Yuki firmly held me down by the waist and looked up at me with a lewd and naughty expression while sucking on my shaft; I thought I was going to cum again.

"More. I want MORE." Said Yuki sternly with a hungry, almost crazed look in her eyes as she bobbed her head up and down while her longe tongue coiled around Alexander's shaft, causing him to grunt in pleasure.

Watching as Yuki gave me one of the most aggressive blowjobs ever, I couldn't help but be amazed at how much of a natural she was; she wasn't as good as Master or let alone Lily, but my goodness, I've got no doubt she'll reach Masters level in no time and coupled with her aggressive nature, I was going to be cumming almost constantly.

Feeling myself cumming once more, I did the same as before and slammed my hips against her face, reaching the back of her throat as I cummed once more, even slightly more than last time, before quickly retracting my shaft lest Yuki went for a third time.

"Alex, I want more. Give me more, Alex; put it in here." Stated Yuki with a hungry look as she eyed Alexander, only to suddenly rip her own clothes off before spreading her legs, inviting him to her very wet vagina.

'M-My goodness, how can you be so sexy, Yuki!?' Thought Alexander with a gulp as he eyed Yuki's wet womanhood, only to quickly approach her.

Keeping Yuki's legs spread, I kneeled right before her and ground my cock against her wet vagina, causing her to moan slightly; I would've loved to return the favor and eat her out, but given how badly she seemed to want my cum, she might not last that long.

'Speaking of long, the one time I'm thankful for having such an unreasonable-sized cock.' Mused Alexander with a faint smile as he inwardly thanked Lily before squatting over Yuki's vagina, which was eagerly waiting for his shaft.

However, because of our massive size difference, with her being nearly four entire feet taller than me, there was no way I was able to kiss her, which was unfortunate, but I could still suck upon her massive breasts, which were so enticing.

"I love you, Yuki." Said Alexander softly as he gently kissed Yuki's pink nipple before sucking on her breast, causing her to slightly moan.

"I-I love you too, Alexander. N-Now, please, I-I need your cum; I-I can't wait much longer." Remarked Yuki with a faint smile as she gently rubbed Alexander's head before slightly wiggling her ass, causing him to smile as he lowered his cock into her.

To be honest, I had expected her insides to be a little loose just because of our sheer size difference, but it was the complete utter opposite; her insides were clamping down on my cock so tightly it was insane to think this was even a woman's insides. Once I stuffed all of myself inside of her, I couldn't help but grunt in pleasure as I cummed for the third time, painting her insides white while she also moaned before squirting me with her juices.

"A-Are you sure y-you're not part S-Succubus?" Asked Alexander with uneven breathing as he looked at Yuki, who shook her head, prompting him to nod as he began to slowly thrust inside of her while the two were in a mating press position.

I didn't want to be aggressive on our first night together since it was, well, our first night, but a look from Yuki was all I needed to know she wanted more, so with a mighty thrust, I started to pound her vagina as if I was trying to impregnate her, reaching the deepest spots I could and casing her to start truly moaning.

"~Ahh~ s-so ~Ahh~ good! G-Give me your ~Ahh~ c-cum already!" Said Yuki loudly with a womanly voice full of love and lust as she stared at Alexander attacking her insides without remorse, causing her massive breasts to sway around, nearly hypnotizing him.

"~Urgh~ d-don't worry, ~Urgh~, y-your insides are ~Urgh~ s-so tight, I'll cum ~Urgh~ a-any seocnd!" Replied Alexander as he relentlessly pounded the same spot repeatedly, hitting one of Yuki's G-spots with the head of his cock, causing her to moan every few seconds.

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