Chapter 156: Leaving Hyphen
While wondering how the hell Michelle even had an arranged marriage at the age of one-hundred-eight or something, I continued to push the cart toward the city gate, which was empty; there weren't even guards standing on the sides of the gate. Once we exited the city, I stopped and turned the carriage sideways so we could all gaze at the city one last time.
"My time here wasn't the best, but I will miss this place." Muttered Michelle softly as she gazed at the city before looking down at Chloe who waved her hand at the city with a saddened expression, causing her to tightly embrace her in a motherly hug.
"I've actually lived here most of my life and have rarely ever left the city, so this will be a new experience for me. I just hope I don't die." Remarked Cath lightly with a sad smile as she looked at Hyphen before shaking her hand and glancing at the dirt road behind her, leading to who knows where.
"I'm going to miss this place; it's where I met all of you guys, so it means quite a lot. Yuki, I know you're not feeling well, but it's the last time we'll ever see Hyphen; I think you should say something." Stated Alexander softly with a bittersweet smile as he looked at Hyphen, his words causing Cath and Michelle to glance at him with a smile before he turned and looked at Yuki.
With my words, a grunt was heard, followed by the entire carriage trembling slightly as Yuki emerged from the front of the carriage, leaning against the front seats in between Michelle and Cath, with the latter being quite surprised.
"I don't have many fond memories of this place, but I'll also miss Hyphen… It's where Alexander and I met." Said Yuki softly as she gazed at Hyphen before glancing at Alexander, who looked at her lovingly, only to blow her a kiss, causing her to faintly blush while returning inside the carriage.
"Eh? I-I'm confused. A-Are you and Ms. Yuki in a relationship?" Asked Cath with a slightly confused look as she turned and glanced between Yuki and Alexander before carefully eyeing Michelle, who was happily playing with Chloe.
"Yes." Stated Alexander firmly and passionately, his voice overpowering Yuki, who wasn't even allowed to open her mouth while Cath's mouth was wide open.
"Oh my, I-I didn't know about this; what about Michelle?" Asked Cath as she covered her mouth and glanced at Yuki, who was sporting an uncomfortable expression, before turning and eyeing Michelle.
"What about me?" Asked Michelle with a beautiful smile as she looked at Cath, who gestured between Yuki and Alexander, causing her to chuckle softly.
"Hehe, I'm Alexander's Mistress." Said Michelle softly as she whispered into Cath's ear while cupping Chloe's, causing the former to slightly widen her eyes and look at Alexander.
"And here I thought Jackal was the horny one. It seems the student has surpassed the master." Muttered Cath lightly with a shake of her head, causing Alexander's face to twitch as he jogged down the dirt road, pulling the carriage with him.
"Yep, you're too late, Cath. Only Michelle and Yuki will be getting a taste of my large chocolate stick." Said Alexander with a teasing smirk as he turned and looked at Cath, who folded her arms and rolled her eyes while Yuki's eyes glistened and Michelle blushed.
"Chocolate stick? Can I have it, Alex?" Asked Chloe innocently with a curious gaze as she looked at Alexander, causing his expression to stiffen while Michelle glared at him with a blush.
"C-Can I also have it?" Asked Yuki with a hungry gaze as she picked her head above the back of the carriage.
"Y-Yes, you can have it, Yuki; as for you, Chloe, um, a-ask your Mom." Replied Alexander with an uncomfortable expression as he glanced at Yuki, who smiled while Chloe nodded before looking up at Michelle.
"Mom, can I-"
"NO!" Stated Michelle sternly as she looked down at Chloe, who pouted and hung her head down.
'Haa, why do I have a feeling only Yuki was the one who didn't know what I was referring to? Excluding Chloe, of course.' Mused Alexander with a wry expression as he shook his head and continued jogging down the dirt road, furthering the distance between them and Hyphen.
Since it was already rather late in the day, we didn't travel for long, only for a few more hours, only deciding to stop once I no longer felt my heart warning me of danger.
We've gotten far enough away from Hyphen where the road wasn't as good, so now it was becoming slightly harder to pull the carriage without damaging it, but it's nothing I can't deal with; I just need to be a little bit slower than I'd like.
"How is everyone feeling?" Asked Alexander as he turned and looked at everyone, only to see Michelle and Chloe sleeping, along with the sound of deep growls coming from the back of the carriage.
"They're all asleep." Said Cath lightly as she yawned a little before stretching her arms and tail, only to look at Alexander.
"Yeah, I figured. We should stop for the night then." Said Alexander with a nod as he looked up at the sky, summoning Talis with a whistle.
"How are you feeling, Talis?" Asked Alexander lightly as he outstretched his hand, prompting Talis to softly perch herself on his arm.
"A little sleepy. Are we going to head to sleep?" Replied Talis as she rubbed her head using her wings while looking at Alexander, who nodded.
"Yeah, I was just hoping you could spot us a place to rest for the night; pulling the carriage through the forest will be a hassle, so I'd only like to do it once." Stated Alexander with a faint smile as he scratched Talis's under beak while she purred like a kitten, only to nod afterward.
"Yeah, give me a few minutes." Said Talis as she spread her large wings and flapped, swiftly flying through the sky above the surrounding forests.
"She is a weird bird." Muttered Cath lightly as she looked up at the sky before glancing at Alexander, who chuckled with a nod.
"Yes, she is." Replied Alexander softly with a wry expression.
"Alright, there, that should be much more comfortable for you three." Said Alexander as he placed the boxes on the ground before looking at the nearly empty carriage.
"Thanks, A-Alexander. G-Goodnight." Said Michelle with a tired expression as she kissed Alexander on the cheek before entering the carriage with Chloe and falling asleep.
Seeing Michelle fall fast asleep, I couldn't help but chuckle; for the past few days, she had been working quite hard and had only gotten a few hours of sleep, so she really needed this, though I bet she'll feel sore after she wakes up.
"Yes, thank you, Alexander, for everything really. I seriously owe you; even if I don't survive this trip, I'm still very grateful." Said Cath with a smile as she gave Alexander a friendly hug, which he reciprocated with a faint smile.
"Yes, you're welcome, and stop being so pessimistic, Cath. And if you wish to repay me, I wouldn't mind you offering your body, of course, if you wish." Said Alexander with a mischievous smirk as he released the hug and looked at Cath, who rolled her eyes and folded her arms.
"Haa, you've got two women, and you're still so lustful, unbelievable. But yes, I have no qualms about doing so; if I can't somehow repay you any other way, I'll gladly do so if it means I show you how much I appreciate this." Stated Cath with a sigh and a shake of her head as she looked at Alexander with gratitude before grabbing his large hand and placing it on her small breasts.
"I was merely joking, Cath. Anyway, have a nice sleep." Muttered Alexander with a shake of his head as he picked up Cath before putting her inside the carriage, causing her to chuckle before laying beside Michelle, falling asleep a few minutes later.
With those two sleeping, I shifted my focus to Yuki, who had woken up and was leaning against a tree, even though she should be lying on the ground.
'Haa, why is she so hard-headed?' Mused Alexander as he approached Yuki before grabbing one of her arms and forcing her to lean onto him.
"Yuki, what did I say about standing up? You're still sick." Remarked Alexander with a faint frown as he looked up at Yuki, who lightly shook her head.
"I-I know, but I'm feeling better." Said Yuki lightly with a smile, her voice sounding stronger than before, though still not normal.
Sighing to myself, I suddenly picked up Yuki before tossing her onto the ground, followed by leaning over her and grabbing all four of her large hands, only to press my lips against hers as we kissed aggressively. We kissed for a long time, and we only separated our lips when I felt her pinch my hand, causing me to retract my head as I stared at her lovely expression that aroused me to no end, further hardening my already erect manhood.
"Ugh, what is it, Yuki!? Why won't you accept your own feelings!?" Exclaimed Alexander in slight anger as he looked into Yuki's eyes, observing the fear that threatened to suppress her love, affection, and lust for him.