Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 69

We appear in the first hall of the dungeon and it’s the same as it’s always been, stone walls with wooden floors and ceiling. Torches light the path towards the first door.

“So how are we going to do this, any one of us should be able to run the whole thing solo, excluding the chance of a Rare boss.” Citrine asks. “I say we let little sis Onyx take the whole first run, since she has the least experience.” Amber answers but Onyx says “I can do the first few floors probably, but I had to reset all of my classes, so I’m basically just working with Firm, Charm, and almost no mana.” That’s a good point and I add “Amber might also want to try to tame the battle hopper on this floor.”

Amber turns to me and asks “What’s a battle hopper?” I shake my head and answer “It’s a surprise, but I think you’ll like it. I want you to get me one too if you can on a later floor.” Amber seems intrigued so I give her another tease “It’s fluffy and cute.” Amber gets behind Onyx and starts pushing her towards the first door saying “Hurry up and kill the other stuff sis I wanna see this battle hopper.” We all laugh at Amber’s spirit and follow along as she tries to rush Onyx.

The Lops do give Onyx a hard time at first, she’s just so slow without any real levels to boost her Dexterity yet, and the Lops seem to focus on it. Of course being level 3 they can’t really hurt her through Firm, since they don’t have sharp nails on the feet they’re using to kick her. She soon gets used to their movements though, and is able to use her hard body to grab their legs and hit them. She says to us “You all can kill them for me till I get some levels, they’re so fast that this is going to take forever until I can get Dexterity.” That makes sense so I agree, followed by my other daughters. Amber seems especially enthusiastic about hurrying the fights. Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned they were fluffy. Probably.

It only takes us a few minutes after that to get to the last room on this floor with the battle hopper. My daughters all fall in love with the giant fluffy animal, it is way cuter than the battle boars. We can’t really be hurt by it since it’s level 1, even if it is big, so we ignore it while killing the lops telling it what to do. After they die it suddenly goes docile and starts rubbing against Amber, who hugs its big fluffy body. I quickly join her and I see the others moving in for fluff too. “So can you tame it then?” Citrine asks and Amber responds “It says we don’t have room in the party, so it will ‘Get held until your party leaves the Dungeon’. I’m guessing it will just pop out like the babies did before.” I nod and say “Go ahead then, this way if there are more later on we won’t have to protect them as we go through.”

Amber shakes her head and says “You’ll have to wait for more, I don’t have the slots anymore since I just got my Tamer class back. Once I tier it up again, I’ll be able to get more.” I see the others look kind of down about it, but I hug Amber and say “Let’s get my wife big and strong again then.” and give her a kiss. She wiggles and says excitedly “Let’s kill some Lops!” I don’t think I’ll ask for my own battle hopper anymore, I can just share with Amber, and if she has such limited slots it would be rude to take one of them. Amber asks if we’re ready, since she’s already at the door to the next floor and we’re suddenly in a new hall. I guess she got too eager and didn’t wait for us to answer. That’s fine though, it’s only level two, and it’s good to see her excited about something again so soon.

As Amber rushes ahead of us I tell the other girls “I’m sure she’ll let you all play with the battle hopper, she’s a good girl.” Onyx looks relieved and I can see Citrine smile, probably imagining hugging the giant ball of fluff like I am. We hear Amber scream and run into the next room. We find her in a hole with a bunch of broken wooden spikes. She says “Sorry for screaming, I was surprised, but I’m not hurt. The floor just gave out in front of that chest and I fell.” I reach down and help her climb out of the hole, and Onyx says “We should tell people about the hole with the spikes, if someone without Firm falls into it they could get really hurt.” We all nod, sometimes I forget that not everyone has that skill. Amber, Citrine and Onyx all have it, so we don’t have to worry about it with this party though.

We let Amber open the chest since she fell into the hole for it, and it would be rude to take it from her after that. She pulls a potion out of it and blushes before handing it to me. I look at it and it says

(Fertility Potion)

Well I don’t think that’s something I’ll need so I tell the others “It says it’s a Fertility Potion.” Citrine says “Those work really well, and the affects last about a day. Could I get that one Amber?” Amber nods and says “I don’t really need it, so you can take it. Can I ask what you want it for?” Citrine blushes and looks around. She sighs and says “I want an Angel baby who can fly around with me, for that I’ll need to get pregnant from a human… probably. They don’t usually get the fertility boosts that a lot of the monster born races get and I’d prefer to not have more sex than necessary.” That makes a lot of sense to me since my angel baby ended up really cute. So I give her a hug and say “Good luck making me angel grandbabies.” The other girls join in and give her encouragement. She wiggles and says “I expected you all to tease me about it.” I ask her “Why would we do that, my angel baby is great, so why wouldn’t you want one?” I see the other two nod, agreeing with me, and Citrine sniffles and pulls us into a hug. Strange.

This dungeon seems to have a lot of those hidden holes in the floor, even I fall into a couple before we get to the 7th floor. The 7th floor has another type of trap, Citrine calls it poisonous gas. I take a face full of the green cloud, but it doesn’t do anything. Citrine has everyone leave the room when she sees it and asks me if I’m okay. “Yup, it didn’t seem to do anything to me.” Amber whispers to me “It’s probably because you don’t have to breathe. You can trust Onyx and Citrine so go ahead and tell them.” I actually forgot I wasn’t supposed to be telling people that, luckily I don’t think I told anyone. “Amber says I’m probably fine since I don’t have to breathe.” Onyx runs up to me and says “That’s so cool mom, I can hold my breath for a while, but I still have to breathe after that.” Citrine just shakes her head and says “Well it’s another trap we’ll have to tell people about, anyone coming to this floor of the dungeon will need a Healer probably. If either of you end up inhaling some of the poison let me know.” Amber nods and Onyx hugs Citrine saying “I’ll be relying on you then big sis.”

The chest I was trying to open seems to have been a fake, just there to poison the opener. Unfortunate. We find similar chests on the 8th and 9th floor, both of which they have me open, and both being empty. It’s rude, if it wasn’t for the giant fluffy bunnies I’d be tempted to reset the dungeon since it’s annoying falling into holes and finding empty chests so much.

We are not surprised to find that we didn’t get this Dungeon’s Rare boss on the first run. Citrine assured us that Rare bosses were unique to each dungeon, so we don’t have to worry about a certain orc anymore. What we find instead is a Lop riding on a battle hopper wielding a long spear… but the battle hopper has armor and it’s so cute. I hope we don’t have to kill it to get the chest, but Amber will probably take it’s armor either way if she can. Since none of us want to hurt the hopper, I take it’s charge while Citrine flies up and grabs the lop off of it for us to kill more easily.

Sadly, after we kill it’s rider, this hopper goes into a rage and we have to kill it. Well at least one of the hoppers in the dungeon is tamable, and it’s even on the first floor. “There will probably be a lot of our kids who take Tamer for their second class.” Amber says, and the other two agree. We let Onyx open the big red chest that shows up. She’s the only daughter who hasn’t gotten something from the dungeon yet, unless you count a lot of soft lop kicks to the head, but I personally wouldn’t.

She opens it and gets a big smile, laughing in joy, probably. She shows us what she got and I get jealous right away. It’s a pair of lacy black panties, and the other two seem to share my jealousy because Amber says “No fair!” and Citrine sighs before saying “Congratulations sis, what do they do?” Onyx blushes and says something so quiet we can’t hear, so I say “We can’t hear you, speak up a bit.” She hides them behind her back and yells “They increase attractiveness okay, but they’re mine.” Oh that is really nice, but I tell her “Don’t worry sweetie, we don’t want to take them from you, we are just a little jealous because underwear are so hard to get. You should put them on now so we can see how much cuter you are with the added effect.” She blushes and says “Sorry for thinking bad things.” she then smiles big and says excitedly “Let me try them on then.”

We see her take off her shorts and then pull the panties up. She really does look a lot like me, only with a tail, her face is a bit different though. I say “Oh, those look really good on you, they really match your hair and tail color.” Citrine adds “And they should be exciting when you manage to find that cute boyfriend you keep telling us you’re looking for.” Amber giggles and says “You do look a little better, pull your shorts back up so we can see if it still works when they are covered.”

Onyx is fully dressed again, and I’m pretty sure they still work, and Amber tells her “Yeah, it looks like they still work sis, that’s a really good find. I hope this chest drops similar stuff for us when we go through the Dungeon again.” Citrine tells us “Dungeon chests usually follow a theme for each particular chest in a dungeon, if we’re lucky this one will either give us more magic cloths, or more magic items that increase attractiveness. We might get unlucky though and it will just have black things, since the panties are black.” Chests sound complicated, but I’ll hope for the clothing one, but the attractiveness one would be okay too.

I tell my body next to Sapphire in her pillory what we found and she says “I can’t wait till this stupid addiction wears off then.” I remind her “Remember to take people with you though, we need to be extra careful in Dungeons from now on.” She nods, not a lot though since her head doesn’t get a lot of space to move. Sapphire then says “How about you take me through a few times as a celebration for getting over the hounds once we’re done here?” I hug her body and say “I’d like that sweetie.”

She wiggles her butt happily and then says “Do you mind spanking me again, it really helps distract me from this stupid empty feeling.” I pull my hand back and give her another spank, anything I can do to help my poor baby get over it. I know how impossible it seems alone. I make sure not to hit her too hard of course, but I think I have it right since she moans. My daughters can be so cute sometimes.

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