Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 68

“Hey Ruby, Amber get up. Your new kids are in the fort and I’m sure you want to meet them.”

I hear Sapphire yell from down the hall, so I shake my wives awake. Ruby sits up and rubs her eyes, so I kiss her on the cheek since it’s cute. Amber yawns and then rolls off the bed, hitting the floor. “What?” I hear her ask from the floor. “Sapphire says the babies from the dungeon are here. I want to go see them too, since they’re all my grandbabies, so get up off the floor and get a kiss so we can go. Amber grumbles and Ruby is to the door before I finish talking. I see Amber’s ruffled hair peek over the side of the bed, so I lean over and kiss her forehead. “Okay mom I’m up, let go see the babies.” She isn’t up yet though, so I get off the bed and help her stand. She leans on me and yawns as we head outside, Ruby’s already off somewhere out of sight.

“I can show you two the way, Ruby was impatient and already headed that way.” Sapphire informs us. I give her a hug and tell her “Thanks for helping your sisters so much today sweetie, let mom know if you need help with anything okay?” she squeezes me back and says she’ll tell me later. As she shows us the way, I look around more and not a lot has changed. I guess it was silly of me to assume the place would look that different when it’s just Sapphire here, and Structures from the menu don’t take up that much space. I should check what she’s done in the menu later.

We turn a corner and suddenly the streets are lively and filled with beautiful naked elves. I should probably give them some Credits to get cloths. Maybe. Amber gives me a hug and says she thinks she spotted her babies. I look where she’s pointing and sure enough, there’s a large group of orange headed elves. There are lots of different hair colors mixed in some spots, but she’s pointing out the largest group that matches her. I tell her “Go ahead wife, Ruby is probably around a bunch of them with red hair already. I’m going to try and find Onyx and Citrine.” She takes off with a kiss and I start looking for clumps of golden or black hair.

I’m able to spot Citrine first, since she has big white wings, but I find Onyx next to her when I get closer so I try to sneak up on them with hugs. My plans are foiled though when Onyx turns and spots me trying to be sneaky and tackles me instead. “Mom! Do you see all of my cute babies?” I hug her back and notice white feathers in everyone’s hair. I want one. “You take after me, so of course your babies are cute.” I puff out my chest and Onyx does the same thing saying “Of course! We are the most beautiful people I know.” she then whispers in one of my ears “You shouldn’t talk with both your bodies at once, it’s a little creepy.” I hadn’t noticed I was doing that again, did I just kind of forget I had two bodies moving around? Strange. I guess my wives were too nice to mention it, or sleepy. Probably.

Citrine hugs my other body and sticks one of her feathers in my hair saying “Hi mom, like I thought, the feather looks really good on you.” I’d blush, but luckily I don’t have blood to betray me. “Thank you sweetie, I love it.” I say doing a little wiggle. She says “We’ve started getting everyone sorted into homes but there aren’t going to be enough beds for everyone. It’s still dark out, so we can’t exactly go and get some from nearby camps. Do you know if the Dungeon here has any on the early floors, that way the kids could get some levels and beds for themselves?”

I freeze, remembering what I saw in the dungeon last time. I don’t need it anymore, and I don’t want any of these new kids to get addicted like I did. So I tell Citrine to hold on and I’ll be back. She says it’s not super important since their kids are tough, and she’ll talk to me about it later. I spot Sapphire off to the side of the shifting bodies and make my way over to her, I pass Ruby on the way and give her a kiss, but she’s somehow changed her outfit and pulls back from the kiss saying “Grandma?” I realize the arrow isn’t pointing to this Ruby. It takes me a moment to remember that Ruby had a bunch of kids that looked exactly like her, but without the penis. I say “Sorry, you look so much like your mom.” She gives me a hug and says “That’s okay Gran, we sisters get that a lot. We were here to help with all the new kids. Come by Ruby’s rest later and visit us some time.” I pat her head and say “Thanks, I’ll be headed that way with your mom soon anyways, so of course I’ll come visit.” She nods and gets back to helping the new elves, answering questions and guiding them to some buildings.

I finally get to Sapphire, making sure to not kiss more of Ruby’s daughters on the way. “Hey sweetie, I need to talk to you, could you come with me?” I ask her and she wraps her arm into mine and says “Lead the way mom.” So I start walking to where I put the Dungeon and she seems to notice and get nervous. We are pretty far away from everyone else now, and we can’t see them through the buildings. She says “Actually mom, the dungeon is what I wanted to talk to you about.” I get worried and we stop. “Is it about the hounds cum, did you get addicted too?” I ask plainly and she nods her head answering “I did, the Cleanse skill I have can put off the cravings, but it’s always in the corner of my mind. I was going to ask you to lock me up and keep an eye on me until it goes away. Snow told me what had happened to you, and she didn’t know I was dealing with it too. So I know I can get rid of it, but I haven’t been able to stay away by myself long enough, so I’m asking for your help.” I give her a big soft hug and say “I’m headed to the dungeon now to refund it and see if I can get one that doesn’t have an addictive monster. After that I think I can just use this body to help you out.” She nods and hugs me back with a sigh of relief. It must have been hard on her, I think back to my own time with the hounds and sigh.

We get to the building with the Dungeon and I step inside with Sapphire. She hides behind me as I press my hand to the Dungeon step and focus. I get the prompt to refund it and I pay attention to my credits. It only gives me back half, but I still have more than enough to get another one. When the dungeon disappears Sapphire hugs me from behind. I spend the Credits and another set of Dungeon stairs form in front of us. “Okay Sapphire, come in and check with me.” I tell her, sending a party invite. Once she’s accepted I see her back straighten, so I go down the stairs and touch the door.


Welcome to the Opal’s Home Dungeon!

Floors 10 *Can be upgraded*

Enter with your Party? Y/N

I select yes and we both show up in a hallway. My other body has found the real Ruby and is telling her about kissing her look alike. Sapphire looks nervous, since we don’t know if the monsters of the Dungeon have changed yet. So I grab her hand for comfort and walk to the first door. I let out a breath and open it.

Inside are some strange looking creatures, definitely not hounds. -Lop- Lvl 3 it says above both of their heads. They remind me of the rabbits I saw running around in the forest when I was first alive, only these ones are much bigger, stand up on their long back legs like I do, and look very angry. It is extremely trivial for Sapphire and me to kill them, so we do. This first room actually has two beds, so I guess the lops aren’t sharing. I give Sapphire a hug since she’s crying a little, probably happy that we didn’t run into hounds again. Crying when you’re happy feels pretty good, now I just need to check the rest of the floor with her and tell the new kids how to get beds.

It doesn’t take us long and there aren’t any mimics this time. We do run into a large bunny that actually just looks like a normal bunny, but huge. It takes orders from the lops in the room, so we end up having to kill it. Unfortunate. It had -Battle Hopper- Lvl 1 over it’s head and after we kill it Sapphire says “I wonder if it’s something the Tamer classes can use. I nod and say with a smile “I hope so, they would be so cute.”

With that we find the door to the next floor and exit the Dungeon. I use my other body to tell everyone to spread the word that they can get beds in the first room of the first floor of the Dungeon. Once everyone is informed I’ll lead them to it and make sure everyone knows to stay on the first floor, since we haven’t checked the rest yet. I grab Sapphire’s hand again and say “Okay, lead me to the pillories, I don’t remember where they were here, and we need to get you locked up.” She blushes and starts leading me to them.

It’s only a few minutes before I have her locked in the pillory. “Thanks for doing this for me mom, I don’t know how many days it will take, and I don’t want my sisters to find out about it.” I pat her head and tell her “I won’t tell them, I’ll just say you needed my help with something and this body will be busy with you.” It’s too bad she has to be in the uncomfortable restraint, but she really is strong right now, so I need every advantage I can get keeping her here. “This is different than last time I saw you in one of these. You have cloths on now.” I tell her and giggle. I start telling her about how I was so happy when she was my first elf baby and she got put next to me, it really raised my spirits. We start talking about our early days together, and I would lose track of time if I didn’t have another body.

Opal’s other body

“I’m going to be headed to Ruby’s Rest tonight with whichever kids want to join their older sisters there. I feel like leading them there with my older kids is something I should do as their mom. Since your one body is being borrowed by Sapphire, don’t worry about coming with me tonight Opal, just make sure to come when you’re done helping her.” Ruby tells me. I nod and give her a big hug, its been a few hours, but since the dungeon is separate for each party, all the new kids have brought out beds. With the beds being in the first room, it’s easy for any party of 4 to get them quickly. I squeeze Ruby and give her a big kiss. “Okay Ruby, I love you, so be safe till I see you again okay?” I tell her and she responds with “Love you too wife, I’ll be extra careful.”

Amber and I wave from the gate as she leaves, and then go to find Citrine and Onyx. We spot them chatting near the entrance of the Dungeon. All the new kids are tired and have left for their dwellings, the 4 of us decided we needed to check out the rest of this Dungeon together. No one really wants to go alone into a dungeon anymore. “So is everyone ready?” I ask them. Citrine swings her new sword and says “I’m ready mom.” Onyx says “I don’t need a weapon, but I’m ready too.”

Amber grabs my hand, her ax slung over her other shoulder and says “Well let’s get to it then.” and starts humming. I wiggle since it’s been a long time since I heard her hums. I’m excited.

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