Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 56

I see the sky gaining color and stretch. “Do you feel tired at all?” I ask, looking down at Ruby. She seems reluctant to stop drinking but pulls back and answers “No, I feel refreshed. Is this how you feel all the time since you don’t have to sleep?” I think for a second and say “I don’t know sweetie, I’ve never felt sleepy. Probably. Amber wanted me to test something, so my other body is on my way here.” Ruby nods and guesses “She wants to see if you can breastfeed yourself for points.” I’m surprised so I ask “Yeah, how did you know?” she shakes her head and answers “Because the idea is sexy, even I thought of it and I don’t even like you that way.”

She blushes and then clears her throat. She’s such a cute kid so I ask “Did you want to watch when I get here?” she nods and then adds for clarification “I’ll need to make sure nothing goes wrong, and that you’re doing it right.” Oh that’s a good idea, my daughters are so smart. I hope it works and I can get points like this, since it seems faster than points from sex. I would have to have both of my bodies in the same place though, and that seems like a boring idea to me. Oh well, we’ll see how it goes. Ruby reattaches to my breast and starts sucking again.

It doesn’t take long for my other body to get here since I’m running the whole way. I land next to myself and Ruby on the gate and she jumps in surprise, pulling off my breast. I wave to her with my other body and then have myself lay down on my back, like when I was feeding Amber and Sapphire. “Okay Ruby, you can have my other breast, but make room for me.” I tell her, getting next to myself. Ruby looks excited, she’s probably hoping it works too, since my babies are so nice to me. She watches on as I latch my lips onto my beautiful pink nipple and start sucking.

This does taste really good, I thought maybe they were just being nice to me. My milk is a little sweet, and is definitely the best thing I’ve ever tasted. I haven’t tasted much though, so I’ll reserve my judgment on it being the best tasting thing. Maybe. It doesn’t feel as good when I’m the one sucking my breast, which is rude. Maybe it’s because it’s my own body or something? Odd.


For drinking (Opal’s Milk) you have gained Free Points x2

Yes! It does work. Should I try to get in a position where I can feed both of my bodies with the other body. I ask Ruby “Hey Ruby I got points from it, so do I try to drink with both bodies at once?” She blushes but with a serious face answers “Do it Mom.” I nod and then get on my hands and knees, facing the opposite way as my laying down body and then go to suck on my right breast with both. This is the only way I could think of, and it will still give room for Ruby.

I manage to get a full 50 points in the first hour with each body drinking, so 100 total. This might actually be really good points. My eyes feel heavy for some reason.

I have a dream about being big and smashing things again. It’s my favorite kind of dream so far. I wake up next to myself on the gate and it seems to be dark outside. Strange. I see Ruby and she notices my bodies sitting up. She gives both of me a hug, so I pat her head and ask “What happened?” I see Ruby wipe away a tear and sniffle before answering “You just passed out Mom, both of you. I can only assume it was your milk.” I nod since it was the only thing I had been doing differently, but didn’t it keep my daughters awake. How could it make me sleep?

Ruby answers my unasked question saying “I think Citrine got whatever skill you have that gives your milk the ability to give free points, and that’s why she fell asleep instead of staying awake while feeding. Since both of your bodies have it too, they both passed out just like her. When she’s fully grown we’ll ask her which one she got.” I wonder why having the skill would make it work differently, but I guess it’s not really useful for me if I sleep through a whole day when doing it. I sigh and ask Ruby. “Well how many points did you get for the day while I was asleep?” She gives me an odd look and says “I’m not going to drink from your passed out body.” I ask her “Why not?” she looks at me and then slaps her own forehead “You’re right, I should have assumed you’d be okay with it. It felt like I’d be taking advantage of you, but seeing your reaction I can only feel like I wasted a lot of free points.”

I nod and tell her “Well if I pass out again, feel free to use my body.” she shakes her head and sighs “Mom, you really need to word things better sometimes.” Ruby then moves to suck on my breast again and I lift up my shirt to give her access. “I’m going to head this body back to Liberation and let the other two know what happened.” Then my other body jumps down off the wall and starts running that way.

Ruby takes her mouth off my breast and sighs. “It’s gone Mom, we stopped for too long and now you aren’t producing milk anymore. That’s my guess anyways.” That’s unfortunate, I really don’t think it’s worth it now to breastfeed myself. Well, maybe if I want to sleep and have my daughters drink my milk while I’m passed out. Not sure why I’d want that, but it’s an option I guess. Probably.

Ruby gives me a hug and says “I’m glad you were just sleeping Mom, I’m going to go check on my new sister and tell my daughters that you’re fine. I heard that she’s growing fast like an elf, so it looks like we didn’t have to worry.” That’s good, I tell Ruby “Love you sweetie, sorry I passed out for so long.” Ruby hugs me again and says “I love you too Mom, and don’t apologize, we didn’t know it would happen and we weren’t attacked while you were passed out anyways.” She then kisses my cheek and jumps off the gate.

Well it’s unfortunate that I don’t have milk anymore, maybe I can borrow Jeff again. I worry about the human babies I made with him taking so long to grow though, so I’ll check on them once I get to Liberation. If my human babies all take as long to grow as Sue said, then I’ll have to avoid having sex with Jeff or the whole camp will fill up with weak babies who can’t do anything. It sounds kind of cute, but how will we feed them… wait, I’m not making milk anymore. If they are still little babies what will they eat. I start running faster with my other body.

Opal’s body Liberation

I finally get to the gates and see Amber on them. I wave to get her attention and then jump up. I’m getting better at it, so I land without shaking the whole thing. “What took you so long wife?” Amber asks me so I tell her “My milk makes me pass out for a long time. I ended up running out of milk since Ruby didn’t think to drink from me while I slept.” she sighs and says “That’s unfortunate, the human babies haven’t been growing at all. Sara is pregnant enough now to be making milk and really enjoys taking care of my little siblings. So she took over baby duty from everyone, you should see the smile on her face.” I sigh in relief and then look at Amber’s belly, it is pretty big now so I ask “When do you think you’ll give birth?” she answers “Soon, so I’m glad you got back. Sapphire went to grab me some food, so that’s the only reason I’m on the gate alone.” I give her a kiss and say “Missed you wife.” she kisses me back and says “Missed you too wife.” We both sit down on the gate holding hands and I tell her. “I was able to get point’s but it’s not really worth it if I pass out all day because of it. You were right though, it tasted really good.” my wife giggles and responds “You should try some of mine then and we can compare.” she then raises her shirt, showing me her slightly larger breasts. Since she doesn’t have the skill it probably won’t put me to sleep, so I nod and then go to try her milk. I place my lips around her nipple and start sucking. I regret it though as soon as the milk gets in my mouth. I swallow it, but take my head away from her breast, looking at her laughing face “Sapphire already tried, it’s too sweet right?” she asks between laughs, a happy smile on her face. “Yeah, it’s way too sweet, sorry I don’t like your milk Amber.” She just giggles and says “That’s okay Opal, you have skills that make yours taste better remember? I wasn’t trying to compete.” She then kisses me and invades my mouth with her tongue, soon pulling back and spitting to the side “Oh that is very sweet, but somehow bland at the same time, bleh” I then giggle at her reaction and we both start laughing.

She suddenly stops and grabs her stomach “Oh it’s time, carry me.” she says and reaches her arms out. I grab her behind her back and under her legs and slowly take the stairs down from the gate instead of jumping. We make it to the new room designated for birthing and I ask “Do you want me to go get Jeff?” She shakes her head no and says “No he can’t handle it for some reason, but go find Daria, she wanted to be here and know what to expect.” I nod, kiss her forehead, and then run off to find Daria. It doesn’t take long and we both return to Amber panting on the floor. I go and sit beside her, taking her hand, and it looks like we made it just in time. She starts pushing out the first baby, and after a few minutes I see a little baby, with elf ears that says -Elf- Lvl 1 above it’s head. Well that’s a relief, I guess I only gave birth to humans since I don’t have a race. It is only one baby this time though, I guess I forgot to ask her how many kids she was having. This one is a male though, so he’s the first male elf I’ve seen. I can tell because of the little penis between his legs.

I grab him and bring him up to Amber for breastfeeding and she smiles informing me “I got a title just now for giving birth to a male elf. It’s called (Elf Mom).” I wonder why it’s only from a male baby, but then I realize, we’d all have the title if it were from females, so maybe it would just too easy to get. Probably. He has orange hair like his mother, but we don’t know if that’s from getting her skill or not. Since a lot of my grandkids have their mom’s hair color, but not the skill that gave it to their moms. Babies are complicated.

Opal’s body in Ruby’s Rest, 2 hours later

I see Ruby walking up to the gate with a blonde white woman with large white wings on her back, so I jump down and run to them. I give Citrine a big, but soft, hug. I raise her up into the air and spin around. “You’re so big and beautiful!” I tell her and she blushes, but it seems brighter than usual, cute. I put her down and start inspecting my new daughter and she says “Mom.” in a trembling voice so I look at her face and she is crying. I hug her again and ask “What’s wrong sweetie? Don’t worry, mommy is here for you. Did Ruby do something mean?” Ruby shakes her head and backs away “I didn’t do anything, she’s hardly talked at all, I just brought her here.” I smile at Ruby and tell her “Okay sweetie, I know you’re a good girl. Now Citrine, tell mommy what’s wrong” I hear her sniffle and answer in a quiet voice “I never had a mom before.” Well of course, how would she have. I just stroke her hair and pat her back. “I don’t know why that makes you cry, but cry as much as you want.”

She ends up crying a lot, and Ruby ends up helping with the small group hug. Maybe she did come out weird since there was only one baby.

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