Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 55

-POV ???-

I gain awareness sucking on something and get a wonderful taste in my mouth. Wasn’t I just fighting a giant tentacle monster with wings? I hear a familiar chime and open my eyes.



For your chosen reward you have been reincarnated with your memories intact.

You have been born with the following additional skills



What the hell kind of overpowered parents must I have to get… 7 inherited skills? What the hell, are two of those Innate? I realize what I’m drinking is milk from my mother’s boob, hopefully not Mother, but that would never happen. I look up from my screens just to be sure, and I see a beautiful, pale white face looking down at me. Oh good, it’s not her. I was only a little concerned because of all the inherited skills that’s all. My new mom has really pretty, bright turquoise eyes, and dark black hair. She smiles down at me gently. I see out of the corner of my eye some strikingly red hair, so I turn and see an adult elf woman drinking from her other breast. That’s odd.


For drinking (Opal’s Milk) you have gained Free Points x2

So my mother’s name is Opal, it sounds a little familiar, but I can’t place it. I guess one of her skills gives Free Points for drinking her breast milk. It’s not unheard of to have something similar, but it’s definitely rare. That must be why the red headed woman is occupying her other boob. Well I’m going to be a baby for a while, so having access to such good tasting and helpful milk isn’t bad. I thought when it gave me the options, that reincarnating would just put me in my original body at the start of the Scenario. If I’m getting this many skills from parents though, I’m probably starting many years in. That’s pretty unfortunate, I just hope I can still help people.

“Hmm what should I name you my cute little angel?” my mother asks, but I’m just a baby so it’s probably rhetorical. Don’t call me an angel, those things are terrifying. “Why don’t we name you Citrine, for your beautiful golden hair?”


You have been named by your mother Opal.

Does that mean I have blonde hair? I was pretty tired of my dirt brown last time around. So I’ll consider it an upgrade. I’ll just cross my fingers and hope I get bigger boobs this time too. I wonder what tier she is, seven? I wonder what my dad will be like this time around, maybe a dashing hero, or a brooding anti-hero? My first dad died in a car accident when I was a kid, so it will be good if I can get a good experience with this one. I wonder why he isn’t here, so I look around the room. It’s pretty empty and it looks like we are in a brick building of some kind, so we probably aren’t rich. Well I can’t have everything I suppose.

My new dad is probably out doing a quest for Credits then or finding some food. “Hey Ruby?” I hear my mom ask, and the red head stops sucking and responds “Yes Mom?” So I guess she’s my sister, she looks like an elf though and mom doesn’t. So does that mean I’m an elf too? If so does that mean my dad is an elf? That would be pretty cool, it could also mean… but it doesn’t look like we’re in an orc camp. I worry a little and check my Status menu.




I’m an angel?! I didn’t even know angels could be born. I guess that means I don’t have to worry about having an orc dad, but I thought they didn’t have the anatomy to reproduce. I look down, worried, but let out a sigh of relief when I see a little slit. So maybe I’m not that kind of angel? I wonder if my race is why I have 5 more in each stat starting out. Do I have wings? I hear my new mom and big sister talking, but I was too distracted by finding out I’m an angel so I only catch the end where my sister says “We should probably wait until my little sister here is grown so she can help.” Well whatever it is, they’ll be waiting a long time since I’m a baby. Once I can talk, do I tell them I kept my memories? Well I have a long time to decide. Mom’s milk is really delicious.

-POV End-

Citrine is probably the cutest baby to come out of me, I won’t tell them this, but most babies are kind of weird when they first pop out. Saying it would be rude though, and in a way, they are cute just because they are my babies. Ruby is right though, she probably won’t take that long to grow up, so we can just attack a camp before we go after the fort. Sue is the only one who has come forward with her family about wanting a camp to make into a farm.

Everyone else would rather stay with the family. I’m kind of eager to get the fort since it will be nicer than Liberation, but I can wait a few days for Citrine to be ready. I guess there’s always the possibility that she won’t grow fast like the elves, if that ends up being the case, we’ll have to take turns watching her with the new human babies. Sue told us that it’s not very likely that the humans will grow up in a day, so we’re already seeing if anyone will be interested in watching the babies.

Based on the size of Amber’s belly, we can probably expect her, Daria and Sara to give birth in a couple days. Then we can find out if elves have human babies with humans or elf babies. Citrine fell asleep in my arm, but Ruby is still getting milk, so I don’t mind just laying here. We have one of Ruby’s kids watching her gate, and we should get a quest if orcs attack like last time anyways.

I check my Free points from my day with Amber and Jeff and it says Free Points: 132. It’s not nearly as much as I would have gotten from just a few levels now that I’m tier 4. I think it would be way faster just leveling in the dungeon. I remember Arhu did it so we could get stronger without killing things, but I’m not stuck in a dungeon room, and I like killing things. I frown a bit, since this will probably make me weaker in the long run.

I’ll have to see if I can find a way to fix it so I can get points from leveling again, but I have no idea where to start looking. I sigh. At least Sara and Daria are okay with me having sex with their boyfriend. Now I don’t have to keep deleting skills every time I get one… I forgot to get rid of the blood one again last time since I was excited. I make Hard, the level 1 Tank skill permanent. Then I think about my options for Angelic Mother and choose Holy Secretions, since it should be giving my babies more points from my milk. Now I’ll need to have sex again before I can make more skills permanent.

Ruby stops sucking and pulls back from my nipple, licking her lips. “I could do that all day and not be too concerned about wasting time. I managed to get… 100 points for that 2 hours, that’s like 5 third tier levels.” That’s almost as much as I got for almost a day of sex, how is that fair. “That’s good sweetie, you and your sisters should take advantage of it while you can. It’s good that it feels so nice too.” Ruby blushes about something and says “We aren’t getting levels while doing it, but we can’t always be in the dungeon or out doing quests. Why don’t we put sis down to bed with my daughters and I can get more milk from you while we watch the gate. Your milk seems to be keeping me awake, the opposite of my new sister.” she then giggles and we go relieve her daughter from gate duty and have her take Citrine to sleep. I hope she grows up strong.

It’s a bit difficult to find a good position where I can keep a look out and have Ruby sucking my breast at the same time. We end up with her head on my thighs while I lean over so my breasts hang down far enough for her to suck. I think a pillow would help immensely, but we didn’t bring one, so I have to lean over a bit further. We’ll probably test some more things out as the night goes on, but this is the easiest so far.

Opal’s body at Liberation

We’ve put the babies to bed here as well, following Ruby’s example, and taken over gate duty as well. Amber and Sapphire are having a little more trouble getting into a good position, until it’s decided I’m just going to lay down with them and each will get one side. I can still turn my head to look outside the gate, but I don’t have a lot of movement. We should be fine though, we all have Firm in case of surprises and I can still kind of see. We’ll make due I suppose.

Amber takes her head off my nipple to say “You know Sapphire, if you’re interested you can join Mom and me for some sex stuff, she has a really good tongue.” Sapphire chokes on my milk a little and comes off my breast coughing then composes herself and says “Sorry Sis, I know I’m beautiful, but I have no interest in women. So I’ll have to say no to your offer.” I giggle and Amber sighs a little “Oh well, it was worth a try, I wonder if a can experiment with Ruby a bit. I know she’s not interested in us, but she might be interested in a little fun at least.” I shake my head. Amber can be so cute sometimes. I ask them since their mouths are free for a bit “How many points are you two getting by the way?” Sapphire speaks up first “It seems to be a pretty consistent 50 an hour right now, and it’s keeping me awake too.” Amber then chimes in. “Same for me, I’m not tired at all, so I like Ruby’s idea of keeping watch at night, I just hope it doesn’t make us tired tomorrow.” Sapphire adds to it by saying “We already started talking about sleeping in shifts so we don’t have to rely on mom all the time to be up at night. So if we are sleepy tomorrow, we can just sleep then. We should take advantage of night time milk drinking watch while she’s still able to make milk.

I nod awkwardly since I’m on my back still and agree with them. My babies are so smart, they get it from me. Probably. I fill them in on Citrine’s race and how she has wings. We are all hoping she can fly with them when she’s fully grown. The human babies seemed a bit different than elf babies, Sue says it’s because humans don’t get genetic memories, which seems weird to me, since all my other babies do. Well I don’t know for sure about angels, but she did have that smart look in her eyes that my elf babies had, and that the human ones lacked. They agree with me that she probably has genetic memories too, and then go back to sucking out my milk.

I let out a moan with both of my bodies that I had been holding back, since doing it in front of the babies seemed rude.

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