Dragon's Throne : Rise of Dragons

Chapter 9: Ch.9 What is it?

The Guard led Elric who was still holding the creature in his arms, refusing to put it down out of fear that someone would try and take it away, to the Throne room. Inside the the throne room King Jhon Foust was seated on his gold throne. Odis was seated slightly behind and to the left of the the throne in an ornately decorated dark wooden gold trimmed high backed chair. To the right of the throne was a smaller copy of it it in which a small girl of about three years of age sat wearing a frilly pink dress.

Under the guide of the guards posted at the throne room doors Elric entered and walked half way to the throne were he bowed as deep as he could without letting go of the creature in his arms. While bowing he said "Elric Vellen greets His Majesty King Foust and Grand Advisor Odis. Please forgive me, for I am unaware as to how to address the young lady."

"Well meet young Elric Vellen, she is my daughter and the Crown Princess of Foust Aalis. You can address her as such or simply as princess. If she is to allow it you may call her by her name directly in private." said the king. Bowing again Elric said "Elric Vellen greets crown princess Aalis." this caused princess to giggle as very few would bother to even notice her let alone address her formally. the fact it was from a lil boy not much older than her that she found to be cute did not hurt.

"Now young Elric their is no need to be so formal, for one it is unexpected of someone your age, and as the ward or the Grand Advisor you do have some status, as such you where permitted and audience and are quite possibly the youngest person in the history of the kingdom to be given one. If you will kindly bring that beast in your arms closer so that I and Odis can have a better look at it, and don't worry no one will try and take it from you." said the king. As ordered Elric walked right up to the throne and trusting the kings word he finally sat the creature down. After all the king's word is as good as the law and no one would dare deify it over something like taking a "pet" away from a small child. The thing let out a odd sound somewhere between a growl and a hiss upon being placed on the cold hard stone floor looking up at Elric as if begging to be held. Elric noticed it was unhappy and began to pat its head telling it that it would be ok.

After taking a good time looking at the creature and its reptilian like body that was covered in golden red scales the king asked "So what is it? The guard earlier told me you found in in an apple tree out in one of the court yards."

"I don't know your majesty. I was hoping that Odis would know something about it. An yes, I found it stuck up in a tree and rescued it in hopes of keeping it as a pet. I thought it was a large yellow kitty from the ground when I heard it crying for help." said Elric.

Odis was deep in thought for around ten minuets before opening his mouth to say "If I am right, going off its appearance, according to books about legendary beats it looks to be a newly hatched dragon. My guess it it is around the same age as Elirc himself. Going off the color if its scales I would say it it either a golden or red dragon and more likely a mix of the two." "A A baby dragon you say. Wonderful Wonderful. It seems quite attached to the boy I see no resin why Elric can't keep it as a "pet". " Said King Foust. Odis replied "Yes, as long as he takes full responsibility for it, and also according to records it take a long time for dragons to grow up, they also can become quite attached to humans if treated well. It should stay a manageable size for several dozen years if the few records are right. With luck in a hundred or so years it can grow to become a protector of the Kingdom if we treat it well."

After herring this King Jhon Foust said. "There you have it young Elric, what are you going to name it?" "Elric said in an excited tone " Her name is Blaze." The King and Odis both asked how he knew it was female. Elric responded. "I don't know, I just do almost as if Blaze told me she was a girl."

"I see, well it looks like to me that my little princess wants to go and play with this lil dragon hatchling as she can barley sit still. So the two of you can go to the court yard and play with Blaze. Do be careful and remember Elric, Blaze is now your responsibility. However you will have the full support of the kingdom in hopes of raising her to be a guardian in the future." said King Foust.

With this princess Aalis got up out of her mini throne and started to leave the throne room with Elric ,Blaze and a handful of guards. As they got to the door Odis said to Elric. "Be sure to take good care of her as one day she might be to one to take care of you instead dragons are said to have a long memory so never mistreat Blaze ok. Also, help the guards keep and eye on the crown princess and play nicely. Remember she is a little girl and a princess as well not a tuff old swordsman like Blake, don't go trying to get her to fight with you.

After Odis was done talking princess Aalis ran off down the hall in the direction of the court yard with Elric, Blaze and several guards chasing after her. She was after all she was a three year old little girl who had just been given permission to go play with a "scaly puppy" that was as big as her and a boy just a bit older than her, a big change from the much older guards an castile maids.

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