Chapter 10: Ch. 10 Princess and the well.
The princess Aalis, Elric, and Blaze had been running around the same court yard that Elric had found Blaze in earlier the day. Princess Aalis asked Elric to show her the tree where he found Blaze and they were now standing under it at this time. Aslis motioned to a near by guard and said "Have someone bring me a red ribbon lone enough to tie around this tree. I want to mark it so that a proper shrine to the location where Blaze was found." "I will send for one right away Crown Princess" the guard sounded off in reply.
After a maid brought the ribbon to the princess she placed it around the tree and ordered the maid to see to it plans were drawn up for the shrine. The maid left to do as she was told, and the princess went back to playing. After a while she finally worked up the courage to ask, "Is it ok if i try to pet her?" "Yea, it should be ok, I think Blaze likes you." Elric told her. Now that he had said it was ok princess Aalis slowly walked over to Blaze and reached out her hand to pet the top of her head. However just before princess Aalis' hand could reach a long wet forked tongue licking her palm. This caused princess Aalis to quill like the little girl she was and rush over giving Blaze a hug around the neck. Blaze responded by licking her all over the face. This cause Elric to shout " No fair I did not even get licks for thanks for saving her, all you did was try an pet her head and give her hugs."
As if understanding in some way what Elric had said Blaze ran over knocking him over and began licking Elric all over the face in an excited manner. Blaze even stuck her forked tongue in his mouth basically stealing his fist "kiss". "Ok, ok I forgive you for not thanking me earlier, I guess you were just still to scared or something. Can you let be up now there is a rock poking me in the back." Elric said in between "kisses". After Elric got up princess Aalis told him while holding back the giggles, "Blaze stole you first kiss, an I heard Daddy talking to one of the castle maids saying that a "first kiss" was important especially for young ladies, and asked her who the lucky fellow was. I'm going to go tell Dad, He is the King you know."
After saying this she ran off towards the throne room laughing hear self silly the whole way while the guards and Elric chased after her and Blaze chasing after Elric. it is things like this that remind you she is only a three year old girl. I tis easy for everyone around princess Aalis to forget her real age because she acts much older most of the time because of the mostly stiff a formal way every one around her acts. She began imitating this attitude thinking it was how she was supposed to act.
She was already in the king's lap telling him about her day and what happen when the red faced Elric made it to the throne room yelling out in a begging way," Nooo, please don't tell him, I will give you half the sweets I brought with me that "Old Bell" made me. Unfortunately for Elric King Foust said, " To late, She already told me you had your "first kiss". Hearing this Odis jumped up out of his chair yelling, "Boy I know you are Bold but to kiss The Crown Princess, Who Is ONLY THREE, is going to far. You will Be lucky if the King dose not lock you in a tower for weeks." Laughing hysterically at Odis' outburst King Foust said, "Calm yourself Odis, his first kiss was stolen by a dragon, not a princess. Hell, I like the boy and their only small children, I would not so as far as to lock him up "IF" he did kiss my lil princess Aalis." "Well, That is good to hear." Odis said.
"I was not done talking." King Foust said. He continued, "At most I would make him train night and day until he was strong enough to become a Hero deserving of MY princess, or alas "if" by chance he "was" a prince I would betroth them." The king chuckled a bit after saying this. Odis said " Such as the cause, all is fine I guess. By the way Elric take Blaze up to your room and clean yourself up. There will be a feast in just under an hour, to welcome me back to the castile, and the King is going to announce that you found the first dragon to be seen in several hundred years in all of Fargo. Now off with you, one of the guard will escort you so you do not get lost or get into trouble." KIng Foust also told Aalis to go to her chambers to wash up and change as well.
That night a small fest was held, Odis was officially welcomed back to his duties, and King Foust made an announcement About how Elric had found Blaze and that the Kingdom was going to help raise her in hopes of Blaze growing into a powerful guardian for the kingdom. He did this because with as many guards, maids, and other castile staff that had seen her it would be hard to keep it a secret. Because of the price such info could be sold for would make even to most loyal of his subjects turn green with greed.
A week passed with Elric and Blaze who was sleeping in his room, becoming accustom to their new life in the castile. In the early morning Odis would give Elric a short lesion over the morning meal before he had to tend to his duty as the kings advisor. Elric would then go to play in the palace grounds, joined by Princess Aalis after her own daily studies were done. Her studies were not long because of her age so most of the day was spent in play with Elric under the watchful gaze of her personal guards.
It was on one such day around noon that the two kids and the hatchling blaze were playing in a court yard that had and old water well. It had gone dry some years back and had a wooden cover placed over the opening and the bucket taken off of the still emplace rope and pully wheel. Aalis was climbing along the top of its stone wall when a stone came loose causing her to fall. She fell towards the covered opening that was showing signs of age and beginning to rot away. She hit the cover with a loud thud causing it to beak under her allowing her to fall into the well. By chance her left leg got caught in the still hanging rope. This saved princess Aalis from falling to her death as it slowed down the decent of her fall as the knots in the rope passed over the wheel.
Without thinking Elric who had Blaze clinging to his back at the time to dive in after her before even the guards watching the two of them could react. He reached out an grab hold of the rope as the fell with one hand an reached behind him to hold onto Blaze. but Blaze's claws quickly let him know she was holding on just fine on her own. Her claws hurt him a bit as they dug into his chest but he was able to push thru it. Not having to hold on to Blaze Elric reached out for the rope with his other hand as well using both to bring himself and Blaze on his back to a stop.
As he climbed down the rope, Elric remembered this morning's lesson. It was about how different types of dragons could breathe an element like fire, lightning, water, or frost. Upon remembering this Elric could not help but to say to Blaze, "I wish you where old enough to have a element breath that Odis talked about this morning. You being able to breath fire would be really helpful about not to light this well up so I could see." Responding to what Elric said Blaze began to try her hardest to breathe something even though it should be impossible for her as she was only a hatchling.
At first there was nothing but slightly warmer air. Then after a few more tries a puff of black smoke of which went unseen in the darkness of the well. On the twelfth attempt a tiny little flame shot out of Blaze's mouth. It was not very big, but it was big enough to light up the area around the two of them. Doing her Absolute best Blaze kept the flame going. This allowed Elric so see a bit to start to look around. he was able to spot princess Aalis who still had her foot caught in the rope about a foot off the bottom of the well.
Elric quickly climbed down the rope, while Blaze struggled to keep the flame going lighting his way. He he reached the bottom of the well and stood in it freeing his hands from having to hold onto the rope to climb. He reached up untying the leg of the unconscious princess Aalis. After getting the rope off of her; he laid her on the well's bottom so he could check to see if she was hurt. Thanks to Blaze's lil flame Elric could see she was ok except of being unconscious.
Elric started yelling to the guard that had rushed over and were standing around the well trying to figure out how to save the princess and now him. They heard him yelling" I found her, the princess is ok, she just passed out from fright. I'm going to try an wake her up while I tie to rope around her waist." In a moment pull her up when I say to PULL." Elric shook her gently while calling out to her. In about two munities princess Aalis opened her eyes. In still a bit of a daze it took few a few seconds to say, "You jumped into save me, and and Blaze can breath Fire?" Yes, and yes I'm glad to see you are not hurt. Now lets get you out of this well." He had manage to tie the rope around her while wakening her so not hat she was awake he yelled "PULL!!!" at the top of his lungs. He also told Blaze good job and that she could stop breathing fire for now as he could tell it was really hard for her.
The guards pulled princess Aalis up to safety, and untied the rope around her waist, throwing it back to to Elric and Blaze. By the time Elric and Blaze made it back to the top of the well; King Foust and Odis were standing beside it as a guard ran to tell them of the indecent right after Elric had jumped in after her. As Elric climbed out of the well the guards all saluted him a Shouted in unison, "Thank you Young Hero Elric and mighty dragon Blaze for saving our Crown Princess Aalis." as Elric got the rope off of him King Foust said "He is truly a young hero as such the and Blaze will be rewarded for the rescue of our crown princess." "Elric Vellen and Blaze I want to to of you to report to the throne room in one hour consider this an official summons." "Yes Your Majesty." Elric replied. Blaze also let out a short shrill roar in acknowledgement. "For now go clean yourself up and put on your best cloths and sword if you have one." "Guards Get this Blasted well filled in before anyone else falls in and send word to the kitchen to prepare a grand feast for this evening." Said the king.
Upon hearing their orders from the king everyone went to do as they were told. The king also had a maid carry princess to her room to rest until the feast. Elric went to his room an washed up being sure to git the dried blood off his back from where Blaze's claws dug in. He also washed Blaze as well. This caused a bit of a mess as she did not like getting wet at first. He would have to apologize to the maid responsible for cleaning up his room when he saw her. After the bath he got dressed in his best cloths. It was a black leather outfit with matching hat and sword belt.
Elric and Blaze headed down to the throne room as ordered arriving on time, as the guards opend the door for them their presence was announced by one of the guards as Young Hero Elric and his mighty dragon companion Blaze. Elric walked to the center of the throne room with Blaze beside him. Reaching the center he bowed, with Blaze surprisingly doing the same. While still Bowed Elric said loudly, "Elric Vellen and Blaze reporting as ordered your Majesty." "Rise Young Hero and approach the throne." said King Foust.
Elric got up an approached the king's throne stopping about teen feet away. "Elric Vellen you are here by given the title: Royal Playmate and Protector of Crown Princess Aalis Foust. You will receive Combat training from the captain of the guards and attend royal etiquette lessons, at the same time as the princess, to help you in fulfilling your duty as such. Blaze you are given the title : Light Bringer. As reward for the two of you a Dragon's keep will be built here on the castle grounds that will serve as your home once built, and a grand feast has been prepared in your honor. Odis who was in his chair behind the king had a proud expression upon his face.
That evening in the banquet hall a grand feast was held with all the nobles of Foust is attendance. Elric and Blaze where given seats to the right and left of Princess Aalis, with Elric to her right seated between her and King Foust. During the feast their tittles where announced along with what they had done to earn them.
At the end of the feast princess Aalis presented Elric with a small golden dagger and a kiss on the cheek of which her father the king and Odis has said was appropriate.