Direct Bullet

Chapter 48: Bounty!

Chapter 48 Bounty!

Both stopping in front of a wooden door, reaching out and grabbing the handle, Vice opens the door, walking into the room Vice and Kip stop at the door way, turning there heads six people look at the two gents. Yelling out a man with short orange and pink spikey hair says, look who's back! It's boss Vice! Gazing over at the orange and pink spikey haired fellow, a man with dark brown skin and long orange and yellow leafy looking type hair, wearing on his person he adorns blue sun glasses with triangle symbols on the lens and says in a sophisticated tone, Slazer! You buffoon you don't need to hoot and holler like that! We can all see that Vice is back! Staring at the leafy haired glasses man, Slazer replies back and says, shut the fuck up Arti! I can yell if I want to! I'm just happy to see that the boss is back is all! Leering over at Slazer, a man with a black cowboy hat with peach colored skin says with a tooth pick sticking out of his mouth, no shit Slaz! Of course the boss is back. So just settled the fuck down and keep your ass quiet!

Going back and forth amongst themselves on there childish banter, walking up to the group, Vice looks at them with cold and irritated eyes and says, enough of this bullshit squabbling! It's time to discuss business about a bounty I won't to procure!

End of Chapter 48

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