Chapter 47: So What's The Plan!
Chapter 47 So What's The Plan!
Mysterious Passage Way
Leaning off the right side of the wall, with a cigarette in his mouth, an average height male looking to be in his late 20's, standing up straight with the build of a long lanky boxer. Looking at Vice with his black tired lazy looking eyes, he says with confidents in his voice, so how was your trip? glancing over at the green mid spiky haired man, Vice says bluntly, fine. Raising up both eyebrows, with a perplexed look on his face at the reply, the green haired man says, just fine? that's it? But it's to be expected from you boss! Unzipping his black jacket taking it off, folding it up over his left arm, Vice says in a straight forward tone, what are you doing out here Kip? Taking another drag of his cigarette, blowing out a puff of smoke to his left. Raising his right hand pointing to his left with the cigarette in it.
Staring at him with a stoic gaze Vice says nothing, Moving his left leg forward, Vice starts to walk down the hall. Seeing him walk away Kip follows behind, flicking the cigarette out of his hand, putting both hands in his brown suede jeans. taking one arm out of his pocket scratching the small green triangle goatee on his face, Kip says with curiosity, so what's the plan now oh great Vice? Still walking his eyes fixated on his path in front of him, Vice responds back and says, my plan is to gather one more member for our group. And after I accomplish that, my next move will be to conquer some more territory.
End of Chapter 47