Chapter 329: Shifts!
Chapter 329 Shifts!
Vice Lords Hideout: Chalkboard Room
Raising his brows with even more intrigue on the matter of Vice heading to meet Zorga.
Staying at the same spot as Kip is near the door frame, staring at Vice still writing on the chalkboard, silent for a brief moment to gather what his words will be, figuring out his sentence structure, Kip says, are you serious. Is this you going to see him on your own accord or is it he wants to converse with you?
Moving over to the left to another empty chalkboard, remaining faced to the sand out canvas, replying back to Kip's question, Vice states with no merit of feeling, he sent his lap dog to me stating he has concerns on a matter he wants to speak with me on. Even though I can pretty much fore tell what he might be on, I said sure.
Having more he wants to know as Kip now begins to place his hands in his pocket, coming out with another question, Kip voices, do you think it's about taking over to many territories?
Stopping his hand for the first time since having their discussion, glancing over his right shoulder with his red eye brimming with wisdom, Vice says, no. I believe he wants to speak about Ver doing as he pleases.
End of Chapter 329