Direct Bullet

Chapter 328: Another Trip!

Chapter 328 Another Trip!

Vice Lords Hideout:

Writing on a chalkboard as Vice has carved in one last problem on the already filled dark green surface.

Saying not a word as he moves to another chalkboard that is blank and begins to make another problem to solve, as the room he is currently in is a room consisting of nothing but empty boards.

Opening as a door slides to the right, invading the space with his presence as Kip has come through the frame, giving an expression that is not surprised, Kip states with a casual tone, never missing a beat when I come here. Your always here when you actual stay in the base. But I've been meaning to ask you boss, why did you create this room to begin with?

Not facing Kip as Vice is in the zone as his hand keeps moving along the smooth surface, responding in his usual eased temperament, Vice says, being strong is not only about physical training. Sharpening your mind everyday is also apart of training as well. That is why I made this room, to sharpen my mind. Oh and before we delve into anymore banter, I'm going on another trip.

Raising his right brow with curiousness sewn on his face, Kip comments, what is it this time? Oh wait your probably not going to spill.

Quick with an answer, Vice says, the trip is to see Zorga, seems he wants a word with me about something.

End of Chapter 328

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