Chapter 9 Rose In The Garden
Chapter 9 Rose In The Garden
The Guard Captain stopped at the door and turned to face Isaac and Lenna. “If you will excuse me Lord Wexler, Lady V’Nova,” He gave each of them another bow in turn. “I must be off to see to my duties.”
Isaac nodded to him. “Thank you Captain for seeing us this far. Good day to you.” Isaac replied.
“Good day.” Lenna echoed.
Tim gave each of them another bow and then was off along with the other guard that he had brought. The two guards at the entrance to the Arbencroft estate gave them each shallow bows and each one got one of the double doors for them. The pair walked inside and were met by a servant who greeted them with another bow and then gestured further inside. The three of them walked silently down a few halls until all of a sudden they were out in an open air garden.
Flowers of yellows, reds, and pinks were all blooming despite them all being underground and far away from sunlight. The entire garden seemed to radiate a pleasant, soft, yellowish light. There was a small gazebo with a glass table, four chairs, a tea set, a servant standing off to the side, and a certain duchess inside it. The duchess was sipping from a small teacup and had been looking out over the garden until she heard the doors open. She turned to see Isaac and Lenna standing in the doorway with barely contained awe in their eyes. The garden was walled off from the outside world by a ten foot high stone wall that left the garden an impressive forty foot by sixty foot rectangle. There were a few flowering trees close to the walls but the center, near the gazebo, was nothing but low to the ground brilliantly bright flowers.
The servant who had led the pair to the garden bowed to the duchess who smiled at them. “Welcome.” She greeted them. “Come, join me for tea.”
Isaac and Lenna walked carefully along the path to the pleasant spot the duchess had chosen to have her tea. “Thank you for having us.” Isaac replied and Lenna gave the woman a deep nod as a greeting. The servant that had led them bowed again and closed the doors behind them. Isaac pulled a chair out for Lenna and then helped her slide it in before taking his own.
“My Lord,” Lenna chastised quietly. “I should be the one to get the chair for you.”
Isaac smiled but otherwise ignored the comment. “This is a lovely garden you have here Lady Arbencroft.” He praised.
The lady in question smiled warmly. “Just Sera here please. The over-politeness of ‘polite society’ grates me.”
Isaac returned her smile and let out a breath, slightly visibly relaxing. “Likewise.” He agreed. “Illusion magic to create sunlight, correct?” He asked.
Sera nodded. “Yes. My husband’s great grandfather had it made. His wife had never had a good constitution and wished to be able to see the flowers regularly.”
Isaac looked around. “The wonders and potential of magic never cease to amaze me.” He commented. The servant standing off to the side stepped in and poured Isaac and Lenna some tea and then refilled Sera’s.
“I must say, you both look amazing.” Sera complimented.
“And you as well.” Lenna replied. The Duchess’s multilayered red, yellow, and pink gown matched the flowers all around them and only served to highlight her brilliant blue eyes.
Sera smiled and nodded in appreciation towards Lenna before asking Isaac a question: “Those shadows?”
Isaac glanced down at the shadowy fog still seeping out of his clothes. “I can get rid of them if you would like.” He offered without directly answering her question.
She shook her head. “No, I don’t mind, I was just wondering if they were from you or an enchantment.” She replied.
Isaac smirked in reply before speaking: “They are from me, Celeste advised something of the sort. She also asked us to give you her best wishes.”
Sera nodded. “I will have to send her a letter later. She offered good advice as long as you are not running yourself dry.”
Isaac waved her off. “I’m regenerating more than this takes so there’s no need to worry.”
Sera smiled. “Good.” She replied then turned to Lenna. “So? How has the young lord been treating you?” She asked directly with Isaac right next to her.
Lenna started at the sudden attention and the very direct question. “Uh, um, well, very well.” Lenna floundered a bit before getting her proverbial feet back under her. “He has taken very good care of me.” She didn’t risk a glance at Isaac and decided to focus completely on the woman in front of her. “Better than I deserve honestly.”
Isaac was about to argue when Sera raised an eyebrow at him, shutting him up before he even started. She looked back at Lenna and motioned for her to continue. “Go on.” She prodded.
“He is a handful to try and protect. I think he enjoys making enemies as much as he enjoys staring at me.” She continued, which got a giggle out of Sera. “He looks out for me. He has been trying to get people in town to accept me as a person.”
Sera smiled and grabbed Lenna’s hand. “Good, I am happy for you Lenna.”
Lenna smiled in return. “Thank you. You started this, I believe.” She thanked the much younger woman.
“I think you did more of it than you think dear.” Sera told her. “If you were any less you then I doubt as many people would be open to you being here. You have a kind heart, especially for one raised in the environment that you no doubt were.”
Isaac smiled at the fact that someone could see what he had known for some time now. He took a sip of his tea, only then noticing the rose and raspberry scent. The tea was naturally sweet and pleasant much like the duchess. To him the duchess was the garden and the garden was her. The walls were hidden behind flowering trees, the ground covered in brilliant colors and at the center was a pleasant place to rest and take in one’s surroundings. He wondered how much the garden affected the duchess and how much the garden may have been changed to match her.
The next two hours were filled with snacks, tea, and pleasant conversation. The tea had never gone cold and the teapot had never needed refilling. Isaac could feel a small pull of the ambient mana towards the teapot at all times, likely keeping the water hot and refilling whatever had been drained. The duke never joined them, which Sera had said was normal as he was usually busy with paperwork of some kind or a meeting with one of his advisors on some problem or another.
Before they left Sera sent away the servant to have a conspiratorial talk with the pair. “You two are still armed, correct?” She asked.
Isaac watched her for a moment before nodding. “Yes. Why?” He asked with furrowed brows.
“Good, good.” Sera replied. “If Sir Gio was going to make a move it would have been when you were on your way here or while you were on your way back.”
“I know.” Isaac replied. “I doubted that he would be that bold though. Having us ambushed coming to or from the Duke’s manor sounds like a really bad look for all parties involved.”
Sera nodded. “If that is what you care about then yes. Sir Gio cares little for such things. Especially considering his fanatical hatred for drow and his general dislike of you, Isaac.” She explained.
“You are always incredibly informed aren’t you?” Isaac commented.
Sera smiled proudly before continuing. “I can have someone I trust shadow you on your way home if you would like or I can have Timothy escort you back again.” She took a sip of her tea. “I trust in both of your combat abilities which is why I am even offering this advice; If you elect to travel home without escort or with only my trusted individual shadowing you, Sir Gio will be pressured into making his move. You two are never outside without your armor which, in and of itself, makes you an incredibly tempting target but the lack of visible weapons on either of you will cause him to make his move. That is, of course, if he is even planning on making a move in the first place.”
Isaac was nodding along. “So you are recommending that we bait him out now instead of waiting for him to make a move while we are still armed and armored. Then once he does, we turn the tables because we are actually armed, your friend helps us if we need it, and then expose Gio.”
Sera nodded in agreement. “Yes. It won’t be very hard to have whoever he hires rat him out when they are faced with either that or the death penalty. The attempted assassination of a noble is basically guaranteed execution. They will take whatever they can get.” She explained.
“For a rose in the garden you sure have deadly hidden thorns, Sera.” Isaac commented.
Sera giggled and covered her mouth with the back of her hand. “I haven’t been a duchess for over twenty years for nothing.”
“What do you think, Lenna?” Isaac asked and looked at his protector.
Lenna shook her head. “I don’t like it. I don’t like either of us being exposed, you more than I.” She replied.
“But?” Isaac asked, sensing there was more left unsaid.
“It is the best way to force his hand. If he doesn't take the bait then we will know that there is a low chance of him trying it at all.” She continued.
“He doesn’t seem like a very subtle guy. Is it a paladin thing?” Isaac asked.
Lenna nodded. “Conviction and subtlety rarely go hand in hand.”
“What about the conviction to assassinate all of the crown’s enemies? Paladin assassins?” Isaac asked.
Sera nodded. “The Crown Inquisitors of Altesia. They exist and are under the direct control of the king.” She explained.
“You don’t think Gio would have someone like that trying to assassinate us do you?” Isaac questioned.
Sera shook her head. “No, if they were after you they would not care about catching you out in the open. They would have gone after you in your sleep.”
Isaac nodded. “Then whoever he is sending is either a spy or a hired assassin. Either way I like our odds. If they haven’t gone after us yet then that means they aren’t very confident in the first place.” Isaac spoke his mind.
“My thoughts as well.” Sera added.
Lenna sighed. “This is probably the best plan. Our only other option is continuing to look over our shoulder every waking moment.” She resigned.
“Then it’s agreed. We see if Gio takes the bait.” Isaac said then looked at Sera. “How will he know?”
“There is a desert parlor only a block out of the way on your way home. Stop there for a bit before heading back. While you are there whoever is shadowing you will have enough time to report back to Sir Gio and receive orders.” Sera advised.
Isaac nodded. “That should work. So, who is your friend?” He asked Sera.
She shook her head. “She will only show herself if it looks like you need help. She is my bodyguard and it would be best if she wasn’t seen at all.” She replied.
Isaac frowned. “I understand that but I would at least like to know who to look for so I know that she is on our side.” He told her.
Sera sighed. “She will be in a maid outfit.” She knew he was right and the last thing she wanted was for Isaac to kill her dear friend thinking that she was with their attackers. Sera doubted Lenna, with all her combat experience, would make the mistake but Isaac seemed like the type of person to turn into a demon if something happened to Lenna before the ‘maid’ could intervene.
Isaac smiled. “With that the plan has been made.” He said. “Time to set the trap.”