Darkness and Hellfire

Chapter 8 Only A Mortal Wizard.

Chapter 8 Only A Mortal Wizard.

Isaac poked his head out and looked over at Celeste who was working the bar as usual. “Hey Celeste?” He greeted her.

The older woman looked up from the glass she had just finished pouring for a patron and found Isaac. “Yes?” She replied.

“Can you help Lenna with her hair?” He asked honestly.

The older woman’s smile was radiant. “I always wanted a daughter. I’ll be right up.” She told him then called into the back for her son. “Leo! I need you to run the bar for a bit!”

A gruff voice returned barely loud enough for Isaac to hear. “I’ll be right out.” It was Isaac’s first time even hearing the cook’s voice. He knew that there had to be someone in the back and Edward had told him a little about the man but even after all the time Isaac and Lenna had spent in the Celestial Dawn, he had never seen Celeste’s son.

Celeste served another patron then ushered Isaac back upstairs. “I’d get my makeup but I doubt I have the right colors.” She told him. “Also, it would probably do more harm than good.” She continued with a wink.

Half an hour later Lenna’s hair was up in a bun with an X made of gleaming steel holding it in place. The steel was polished to look as close to silver as possible but it only took more than a quick glance to know that that was not the case. Her silver colored slippers only raised her height by less than half an inch, in order to keep her on the same height as Isaac, even though his boots raised his height by a whole inch.

Isaac couldn’t take his eyes off of Lenna once Celeste had clasped the necklace around Lenna’s neck. The amethyst sparkled in magical lighting an almost identical shade to Lenna’s skin. The main difference being the gray color that was the base for all drow skin tones. After a long moment of staring which got a confused and then a sheepish look from Lenna, Isaac blinked himself back into reality and looked at Celeste “Now what?” He asked.

Celeste looked at him with a question on her face as she stepped back to get a proper look at Lenna with the necklace and her hair done properly. Lenna asked a question in return. “What do you mean?”

“We have over two hours to kill.” He explained.

“Oh.” Lenna replied. “I guess… we didn’t need four hours…”

Celeste giggled. “Better to be early than late but did you two eat? You are only going for tea right?” She asked.

Isaac shared a look with Lenna. “No.” He replied sheepishly.

Celeste gave them a motherly smile. “Let me get you something.” She stopped at the door and turned around to give Isaac a wink. “I always wanted more kids.” She told him with a grin then left before he could respond.

Isaac shook his head with a smile on his face. “Well she has two more now.” He chuckled.

“I feel like we are imposing.” Lenna confessed.

Isaac shrugged. “Probably a little but you can’t tell me she isn’t enjoying herself with a smile like that. I doubt Leo has gone out on a date recently.”

“A date?” Lenna asked.

Isaac met her eyes. “I mean, think about it how you like but that is what it looks like. Sera definitely did this on purpose.” He explained.

Lenna hadn’t thought about it at all. She had been focused on making sure Sera didn’t lose any face from their visit as that could be catastrophic. If the person who vouched for them in the beginning ended up looking worse for doing so then it was all but a guarantee that it wouldn’t happen again.

Isaac gave Lenna time to sort her thoughts out. “You don’t have to think about it like it’s a date Lenna.” He told her. “Either way you are my escort. You are my guard so you would be brought along in proper attire anyway.”

Lenna nodded but otherwise didn’t answer before Celeste returned with two plates of sandwiches and a pair of drinks for them. “Alright you two.” She addressed them. “Make sure not to get anything on those. We won’t have enough time to wash and dry them.”

“Yes mom.” Isaac replied with a grin and barely contained mirth.

She gave him a flat look that quickly broke and she chuckled. “Good.” She pulled a watch out of her apron. It was on a chain but the watch was the size on her palm, much too large to be a pocketwatch. “You have two hours before you should leave. Make sure to only look straight ahead or at each other, no swearing, keep your shadow magic up the whole way or don’t do it at all.” She advised. “I would tell you to remember to keep your chins up but I don’t think either of you need the reminder.”

Isaac raised an eyebrow at her. “What is that supposed to mean?” He asked.

Celeste gave him a flat look. “The, most likely, most powerful mage in the city and a proud warrior princess from a proud warrior culture. If either of you stop walking down the street bleeding power all over the place we are in trouble.”

Isaac chuckled and scratched the back of his head. “Fair point.”

“Also, don’t do that.” Celeste chastised. “I know you two prefer to be adventurers but today you are nobles. Remember to act like it.”

Isaac straightened a bit, Lenna’s posture rarely ever slouched so she didn’t. “Yes ma’am.” He replied.

“Good.” Celeste replied. “I need to get back to the bar.” She said as a temporary farewell. Isaac gave her a nod.

“Thank you, again, Celeste.” Lenna told her with an appreciative smile which got a motherly one in return.

“Anytime dear.” Celeste replied and hurried back downstairs to continue her work.

“Ready to go?” Isaac asked as he rose from his seat.

Lenna mentally checked over everything. “Yes. I think so.”

Isaac got the door for her and the pair walked arm in arm down stairs. As they descended more and more patrons saw them and stopped talking until there was only a quiet murmur. A shadowy fog trailed behind Isaac and his face was in a half smirk as he reveled in the patron’s reactions. Celeste looked over and met them with a wide smile. “Lord Wexler, Lady V’Nova.” She greeted them each with a short bow. “Give my best wishes to Lady Arbencroft would you?”

The pair returned her smile even if theirs were much more muted. “Of course.” Isaac assured her with a nod. The pair continued until they reached the batwing doors. Isaac looked over his shoulder and gave Celeste a smirk. “We’re off.”

Celeste returned a smile and gave them another short bow. “Enjoy your visit.” She told them as a farewell and the pair exited the Celestial Dawn for the first time without any armor.

Two steps out the pair were met by a somewhat familiar face and an unfamiliar one. “Lord Wexler, Lady V’Nova.” The Captain of the Guard greeted them each with a short bow as Celeste had. “My Lady instructed me to offer you both an escort.”

Isaac showed only the barest hint of surprise at his words and then nodded to the Captain. “Hello Guard Captain, your Lady’s compassion, grace, and foresight show no bounds. We would be delighted to have you accompany us.” He told the man. Isaac hadn’t given the other guard more than a passing glance as he was not important enough for a noble to greet.

The Captain gave Isaac another bow, this time a little bit deeper than the last. “Your words honor both her and myself.” He told Isaac. “Thank you.” Isaac gave him a smile but did not otherwise reply. The Captain, who was well versed in noble etiquette continued after a slight pause. “Shall we?” He said and motioned onwards.

Isaac gave the man a nod. “Yes, let’s.”

The Guard Captain walked in front of the pair and the other guard trailed behind at an equal distance. With the two of them present to run interference no one even bothered to make trouble. The Captain of the Guard personally escorting someone was no small matter and that alone sent a message that the two he was escorting were not to be taken lightly. After a bit of walking Tim, the Guard Captain, decided to make pleasant conversation. In circumstances such as those any important individuals were more than free to have conversation as long as it remained on respectful topics and at a respectful volume. The trailing guard was not permitted to speak however.

“Lord Wexler, I do not believe I have seen that enchantment before. It suits you.” Tim complimented while asking a question in between the lines.

Isaac answered him truthfully: “It is no enchantment Captain, but thank you.”

As the small party rounded a corner Tim took a moment to steal a glance back at Isaac. Noting the black fog still trailing behind he inclined an eyebrow when their eyes met then refocused his attention forwards. “A spell then?” He asked.

Isaac shook his head slightly even though the Captain could not see him. “No.” He replied. “It is merely excess mana bleeding off. I usually keep tighter control on it but Celeste recommended I show a small amount of power on our walk.”

Tim gulped. “Excess mana, Lord Wexler? I am afraid I am not well versed in magecraft.” He confessed.

As far as Isaac was concerned this conversation only existed as a way for Tim to collect information on him. That did not stop Isaac from sharing however as the truth would be far scarier than a lie in this circumstance. “Yes.” Isaac began. “All beings with magic will naturally regenerate it at a rate proportional to the maximum that they can hold. The proportions vary from creature to creature but tend to be roughly the same among creatures of the same species as far as I am aware. Granted this field of study is not one I have delved very deep into. As far as I understand it a wizard like your Court Mage should be regenerating about a fourth level spell’s worth of mana per hour, unless, of course, he was specifically trying to regenerate more as there are techniques to do so I believe.” Isaac took a breath to focus his next few thoughts.

Tim nodded along even if he couldn’t look at Isaac while he was talking due to their formation. “A fourth level spell per hour is still incredible for someone like me who cannot even manage a first level one.” Tim replied to confirm that he was paying attention.

Isaac was internally cheering at being able to finally put some of his countless hours of reading about magic and magic theory to use. “If I regenerated that little mana I would probably feel like I was suffocating.” Isaac commented. “Do not misunderstand, Captain, I am in no way dismissing the Court Mage’s achievements. He is a fine, powerful, and learned wizard. In the end, however, he is still only a mortal wizard.”

The Guard Captain was quiet for a time but had nodded along with Isaac as he was talking. The Captain eventually cleared his throat. “I see.” He said quietly but did not speak again until they arrived at the Duke’s manor.

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