Alex Greyson, an ordinary young man in a quiet town, inherits an ancient, mysterious book after his father’s death. When he discovers a key that unlocks the book's secrets, his life changes forever. The book reveals a long-forgotten power tied to an ancient race known as the Forgotten—beings who wield unimaginable abilities. Alex is chosen to inherit this power, but with it comes a dangerous quest.
As Alex navigates this new world of magic, relics, and ancient mysteries, he learns that he is not the only one after the power of the Forgotten. Rival forces, secret societies, and dangerous enemies seek to control the same magic, and they will stop at nothing to possess it. As Alex’s abilities grow, so does the danger around him.
With the help of allies he meets along the way—each with their own motives and abilities—Alex must learn to master the forgotten power, uncover the truth behind his father’s death, and prevent an ancient evil from being unleashed upon the world.
The Forgotten Relic is a thrilling journey of self-discovery, magic, and adventure, filled with epic battles, ancient lore, and a mysterious system that challenges Alex’s every step. Only by embracing his destiny can Alex hope to survive the trials ahead—and perhaps save the world in the process.
The Forgotten Power novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy genres. Written by the Author Davis_Veremorgan . Read The Forgotten Power novel online for free.