Naruto Uzumaki, an orphan boy, was beaten to death by the villagers on the 10th Anniversary since the Kyuubi's rampage on Konoha. Instead of entering the pure land, he gets a second chance at life elsewhere in Earthland. How will Naruto's upbringing affect his interactions with the new world he finds himself in?
Find out, next time on Dragonba-
*This is a re-write of my "Fairy Ancestor". I realized that the idea of a Fairy Ancestor would be too, wild.*
Upload schedule? What's an upload schedule? My regular readers will unfortunately know that "upload schedule" no longer exists in my dictionary .-.
*As this is a fanfic, AU-elements apply to fit my narrative*
Fairy's Ace novel is a popular light novel covering Anime & comics genres. Written by the Author TheWandaShip . Read Fairy's Ace novel online for free.