In the year 3000, devastating meteorites impact, wipes out nearly 30% of the human population, unleashing a catastrophic chain of events. A dark red miasma envelops the planet, triggering monstrous mutations in most life forms. With the surface now a treacherous landscape, humanity's last hope lies underground.
Years later, an organization emerges: the Protectors of Earth. Armed with advanced technology, they develop innovative weapons capable of defeating the aberrants that roam the surface. As the old world crumbles, the Protectors become humanity's best chance for survival and reclaiming their lost world.
Years later, they created walled cities called Citadels as the last line of defense, where humanity thrives once again, standing a chance to fight and protect themselves.
Beyond human novel is a popular light novel covering Sci-fi genres. Written by the Author 1st_Kaiser . Read Beyond human novel online for free.