Chapter : Pronunciation Guide
This list will be updated as new locations and characters are introduced~!
I have a soft spot for Irish Gaelic names, like my own, so there may be some hard names on this list, but I'll try my best to sound them out! Please leave a comment below if more clarification is needed ♥
Locations and Kingdoms:
Yurseur: Yur - see - er
Durbrame: Dur - bram
Bethell: Beth - el
Faelfier: Fall - fear
Moireach: Moh - ee - reach
Kyhmal: Kai-mall
Meuridge: Mew - ridge
Characters (by location)
Silas's village:
Silas: Sigh - las
Maeir: May - er
Cirdan: Sir - dan
Aurelia: Aw - reh - lee - ah or Aura - lee - ah
Emmeline: Eh - meh - lin
Faelfier Kingdom:
Adora Cailín: Kay - lin
Yursear Kingdom:
Queen Racliffe: Rah - cliff
Alywin Cyneric: Al - win Say - ner - ic
Beau Laurent: Bo Law-rent