Chapter 74: Some Important News.
Ning-ning was asked and went to think about it.
She then realized that it's only a few days for the couple to be together so there not much time for her to know things.
Was a little embarrassed to;
*Sister Reverie, to tell you the truth, Wigan and I were been together for just three days; more than five years as a chat mate without knowing each other's identity. The day we went to see you in the hospital, the same day we become boyfriend and girlfriend. Became husband and wife yesterday and still knowing each other as we spend more time together. But even so, there's one or two that I can share with you. Yesterday, her little sister noticed that he became proficient in his left hand and was confirmed that the man became ambidextrous.
Upon hearing the last word;
*Really, so the scan didn't lie and his cerebellum seems that it had developed in his thirties. Ning, can you ask him if he undergone CT scan or MRI scan in the past? If he did, we can compare the old and new to find the difference.
After consider things;
*He's busy right now so let's ask Tala. I'm sure she knows it as a responsible little sister.
Took her phone and made a call.
After the call;
*Tala told me that she has a lot and will send the pictures right away.
Little Tala was quick and sent more that ten pictures.
Reverie was in hurry and immediately went to compare.
An experienced skilled doctor in the field, she can tell that everything is above average and only the cerebellum is advance compare to a normal person's brian; but to the latest scan results, everything became advance and the cerebellum can't be recognize as cerebellum anymore, turned into a new kind.
*Ning-ning, do you know what this means...? Your husband,,,brother Wigan,,, seems to undergone some kind of evolution. But for sure, his brain had a drastic change, a total upgrade. With this, the whole body would eventually follow. Tell me Ning, is there already a plan to have a baby? I wonder if what the baby looks like?
A doctor who's far away from the field of biology, she's very curious to asked.
Even a big girl like Ning-ning, can't help to blush as she;
*Maybe sister, if heaven permits. By the way sister Reverie, can you keep this matter a secret. If others will know, i'm sure there's a lot of trouble for my husband.
Understood the meaning and has a clear mind to say;
*Don't worry Ning, I will keep it a secret until I die. But did you say the two of you had gone to the hospital for MRI. Better go and let them erase the records before someone sees it. Let me handle the records in our hospital.
Reminded of the matter;
*Then sister Reverie, can you accompany me to the hospital. You know the drill and can find a way to remove the records.
On the spot without thinking about it;
*Let's go. Maybe we can make it confidential and can receive the result. After all, we need a more detailed picture of brother Wigan's brain.
Ning-ning also thought about it and went to agree so the two head to the Hospital right away.
As for the hero in the conversation, Yang is still busy planning about the future even if he's more than thirty one feet above the Earth.
It's a long flight and there's no way the man will waste his time and went to think of counter measures for any situations to come.
The thought was suddenly interrupted by a call and it was his friend from the army whose name is;
"Cj, it must be important for you to call instead of resting with your wife."
There was a joke and directly;
"Why, did I interrupt something good. It should be because the night is getting deep."
One joke is enough for Yang to become serious and said;
"Well, i'm on my way to America and take someone home."
Just by this one sentence;
"Hahaha. I'm sure it should be a rescue but the enemy found out your identity and immediately compromised with a big compensation. Anyway, I made this call to give you a heads-up. Things will be publicize in a week from now on so there's no difference to tell you ahead."
"So soon,,, how about the other countries?"
"It seems that you're been busy this past two days. All the countries had agreed to become public in the same time, either it's day or night. For that whole week, a plan will be finalized which will be convey on national TV. By the way brother, the leaders had already decided the places that the government will assist to become the country's strongholds. Unfortunately, Baguio was chosen in your region and the other provinces will make their own preparations."
As expected, Yang didn't complain instead;
"Brother, it's understandable because after all, everything is limited. Don't worry about it because I have my own preparations for my own birthland, to my protect my own people. You also know that I don't like the people in the government so it's better to stand on our own."
"Hehehe, I almost forgot what you have there; equivalent to one main branch of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. And i'm sure you have more connections than our own President of the country. By the way, there's a joint project organized by the United Nations. All the best in their fields especially in Science and Technology will join forces to create powerful stuffs that can strengthen the Earth's Military capability. I heard there's already a serum that can make a person stronger and a battle armor that can enhance fighting power of a soldier. I'm sure you will be a priority to have these things."
The things are attractive to warriors and soldiers but Yang didn't hesitate to;
*Nah, I definitely won't accept it. The battle armor can be accepted if it's not the ones connected to a chip imbedded to body. As for the serum, there's always be a side effect. My maker made me perfect and won't alter it to denegrade"...