Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Encounter
"Gwahhhhhh!!!" 8 wolves screamed as it looks at me angrily
Still why do I gotta deal with this many.... I looked straight into their eyes
The wolves ran at me with great speed ....but I remained standing the wolves tried to pounce at the me....I runs straight at them and slashes and dashes at them cutting and stabbing their neck...
"I guess thats the last one then" my situation is not good though.....if this keeps happening my weopon would be broken or worse destroyed and I may resort in using magic....luckily i selected a durable and sharp ones
But then I heard a scream
"Help anyone"
"Please help me"
A girls voice rang as the voice gets closer
A girl then ran at me all covered in blood and she almost crawl from being chased
"Help me!!"
"Gwaruuuuuuhhhh" a giant wolf like creature with 3 heads appeared....its eyes colored in red full of hatred and anger....
As i looked at what is going on the giant wolf looked at my direction...i guess it detected my presence
Should I leave, afterall I think I can avoid it if I escape now...I also don't have any obligation to help her....the only task is to escape this forest..
And yet..
A part of me move on its own, i don't know why... but its as if something sealed led my body to act on its own
"Please anyone help me!!" the girl cried out as the wolf catches up
The wolf then tried to get closer and bite the girl....the girl close her eyes nearing her death when i suddenly stopped the giant wolf ...touching its head with great get startled and jumped backwards
"Oh sh!t what have i gotten myself into .....Why do i have to be kind at a time like this" I thought to myself
the girl opened her eyes glad to see herself alive
I stared at the girl ///her injuries where somehow fatal....
There is no helping it then
The Giant Wolf is looking at me anyway
Its also quite angry at me....that it breathed fire at me....
I calmed down and ready my sword.....its no helping it then
I then dodge it sideways
"thunder slash"
I generated a thunder and created a slash of thunder...a thunder sparks within my sword and then slashed
The monster seems to sustain damage at first but then it looks as if nothing happened later on
"Its no use.....tier 1 magic are no match for it....It also has regeneration ability" the girl said in fear
"You should just run, save yourself" She said gritting her teeth
"I can buy you time to escape.....go" She said
"aren't you the one seeking help?" I asked
"but its too cannot beat you don't have any magical weapon with you" She said
I stopped for a moment
"is that what you want...are you really sure that's what you want?" I said
"N-n-no-i don't want to die.....but....I don't want other people to die at my cost...After all its my fault....I'm too incompetent...If I was stronger this would not happen" She said as she was crying
"believe in me then???" I said but i doubt that my voice gave her hope as it is flat...not the inspiring one plus I'm not good with words.
Should I fight with more strength? I think for a while, if my hunch is right something wrong happened within the teleportation.....but still there might be.....
I looked at the surrounding, I guess there aren't any for now....i guess I will just leave it to luck then
I looked back at the monster while speaking to her, "Don't worry i will kill it but i think you better hide first....and whatever happened don't look back here, ok??"
"O-o-ok" she said
I tightly gripped my sword
"Ki-unleashed: 16 thunder strike- Violent Thunder"
Power surged into my body...i then concentrated it in my sword
Thunder strikes powerful enough to cut a house in half accumulated.....The sky as if responding and resonating with me accumulated... violent thunder from the sword emerged. I then strike the giant wolf each strike causing fatal damage and after the strike successfully hit a thunder from the sky would fall down to the giant wolf turning it into mince meat....
Good thing I'm quite observant....The 3 heads of the wolf have different purpose....One is for the gas.. One is for the fire...and one is for regeneration...
It breaths fire using the 2 heads while healing using the is basically impossible to kill if the head that heals them is not taken care off.....of course its head can switch function depending on the will of the the logical way to beat it is to deal with all the head all at once
"H-H-How?" The girl said as she have a mixed emotion, probably fear, jealousy, happiness and surprise
"You are capable eno-" She said when I interrupted her
"Could you keep this a secret" I said as i go near her....i don't want to be interrogated, its a hassle"
"Ok, but may i ask why did you save me" The girl said
If i look at her closer she must be a royal, i haven't clearly seen her since i'm focused on the monster after all.
"Why?" I looked at her tilting my head I'm somewhat confused but I doubt its showing in my face as its kinda expressionless "Don't you need help back there?"
"Well you know, I'm a royalty if i look at you your a commoner right? Don't you guys hate us or something? Besides if you let me be eaten by the giant wolf you would have one less competitors from being a 'Great Hero' right?" She said at me with determined eyes looking straight at me....
'Or do you want something from me that is why you helped me' She added in her mind
"Well i don't care if you are royalty or not though, you need help and i'm capable of helping isn't that reason enough....?"
'honestly I don't know why myself'
I looked at her and I think she is not convinced....i guess i gotta make something up
"It is just my ideology"
"Ideology??" She said while looking curious
"It is the duty of the strong to help the weak, royalty or not if anyone's is in trouble and i can do something about it then i will"
"Ain't being a Great Hero about protecting others, if you didn't protect the ones that does need help along your path to become one, then you are not deserving enough to be entitled as one"
'Well its not what i really think but it will do as an excuse.... Guess my bullsh*tting is quite high as well... Welp I'm cringing myself to death here... Should i smile, i think in this scenes you have to smile right? '
Then i recalled how stiff and awkward I look like when i try to smile
'sigh... nevermind' the corner of my mouth twitched
I then remembered something i looked at her straight in the eyes to express my determination
"Could you be the one accountable for killing this giant wolf?"
"Ehhhhhh????" She said startled
"You see i don't want to stand out that much"
Did i say something wrong, i didn't right??
"Ok" she said with a smile....
I guess i should heal her for now
"Stay there I'm gonna find some herbs here that might help you heal"
"Thanks" she said
I then grabbed some leaves at random and then go to her
"Ok so im gonna apply it to you, plus im gonna use a slight knowledge i know about healing" I said holding the leaves
"Ok, thanks" she looked at me with vigilance
After a while it is done
"Thank you for helping me....if you had not helped me, i would have died" She said with a grateful expression
"Well its not a problem"
I said as I turn to leave
"By the way what's your name?"
She said while her face is somewhat bright red
'damn royalties at good at acting huh'
Well I'm quite troubled.....
" you see its just i want to know the name of the one who saved Fionna Astarte Shindrex....what is yours?"
"You know that i don't want anything in return right?"
She nodded
"Its ok for you not to remember me or whom i am though"
"But i want to remember the one who saved me'' she said insisting on the topic
Its quite hard though, i don't want to be promised if it will only be broken to be remembered when they can't keep it..... //well never mind that let's just forget some unpleasant memories//
Its better not to be known than to be not remembered..... but let's just keep that to ourself
"Its Flux, Flux Von Einhart " I said as i walk i looked at her "You can fight on your own, right"
She got up and looked at me with a smile "Mr. Flux thanks i can do so on my own"
"Well then i guess you have dropped your weapon when you faced the three-headed wolf.....take my sword.....i still have this short sword...i know its not the quality for you royals but you cannot continue without a would be dangerous"
Of course that's a gonna secretly follow her just in case cause this forest is not for someone like her to handle on her own
After a while....while eliminating monsters in the vicinity as i followed her two royalty one girl and one boy appeared....they must be a friend of hers...well if they are three now i can rest assured that she's safe.... i'm gonna split up from here on then.....
"Hey Fiona what are you looking at?" Jasmine said a friend of mine
"Yeah, did you sense any monster perhaps?" Gin said at me looking worried
"Noo its nothing" i said with a smile
He really is nice.....Mr. Flux Von Einhart right...I hope we meet again sometime...
I then looked at the sword.....
he is not doing things for the honor and for the glory.... Who would believe that crap, that's kinda cute tho...but if what he said is true, then it's kinda weird that he picked this school though.....
I wondered into the forest avoiding other participants as I don't want any attachment from everyone while killing the monsters I encounter but as much as possible i ignored the once that does not sense me or is not hostile to me.....
I arrived at the end... this seems to be the exit but its quite strange that there are no knights or escorts waiting here like Knight Darius said
I guess my hunch is quite right....something messed up
I wondered around the exit of the forest before long I encountered some people...
There are about 6 of them.....from the looks of it they are commoners just 'like me'....
"Hey" a man with a blonde hair said when he saw me, waving his hand
I walked towards i even have the choice to leave when I am already spotted
Ahhhhh....what should I say?
"From the looks of it you have exited the forest too.....and thats less than 8 hours, your pretty amazing" The man with blonde hair said while smiling
"Well you are ones yourselves" I said
"Well you see I decided to form an alliance with people I met, right guys?" He said while looking at the girl with a pony tail and the others.
"Yes, he is right....we defeated a lot....not only that but our teamplay is superb" A girl with a ponytail said
"We have kill about 35 or something right" she added
"Yup man...its crazy.....we faced so many trents and wolves" another boy with spiky black hair said with a smile
"Well good for you guys...." I said
"By the way what about you?" Another girl with blue hair said "You probably hide very well right?"
Well i feel being ridiculed but its not particularly wrong as i do hide from monster that does not see nor sensed me...
"Well, you can call it like that" I said
"By the way my name is Rick " the man with a blonde hair said "This one is Gilbert, Sasha, Ellaine, Gustaff and Niel " He said
So the blonde man is -Rick
Girl with pony hair is -Sasha
Girl with blue hair is -Ellaine
Dude with spiky hair is -Gilbert
And the brute looking one is -Gustaff
And the nerdy one is -Niel
"You were here before us right?" Rick said smiling
"Probably" I said
"Well what do you think about the test? There are not any escorts to lead us back nor any knights or guards...Do you think this is also part of the test? He continued
I kinda feels like telling them my insights but i hesitated
"I don't have the slightest idea in particular but for now I think we should unite with more students who will exit or have exited" I said
"Yeah....your right.....i think so too" Rick said with a smile
"Then what would we do then? I think someone should stay here to wait....while we look for the other?" Sasha said
They seems to be thinking....
I see where this is quite bad with conversations for people who would just be exiting but its also kinda hard to just join in on them when they have already established something.....
"Then i would sta..." I was about to say that i will stay but Niel butted in
"I would stay" said Niel
I can clearly read him though
"You see i think he cannot handle it alone here if some monster just suddenly appear....its not like its safe in here just because this is outside besides he clearly said that he just hided to exit his way out, right" Niel added
"Are you really sure??" said Gilbert
'Well that logic is flawed... let's just assume that i really hided to go here, doesn't that mean i have great hiding skills... then it would be better for me to hide while waiting'
but let's just keep that in mind... I think what he truly think is that:
'What if the escort, the other knights, or even greater....Sir Darius where to suddenly would be logical for them to think that I'm the first to exit and therefore would be placed on the highest what he is really thinking though' maybe...
"Never mind me, go...its okay....I will just wait here" Niel said
"What a truly noble heart you have there my friend" Gilbert cried out
"Its just a small sacrifice" said Niel while waving his hand to shu as away
"Let us go then" Rick interrupted
We then leave to look around as he walk Gilbert gestured a salute towards Niel.....
As we walk we stumbled upon a group of people.....
"Hey look....aren't they all commoners....I'm surprised they have exited this early" Said the boy mockingly
"Right, right?....they probably crawl or hided their way out" another one....a girl with white long hair this time said
"You are just jealous that we are faster than you guys to reach the exit" Sasha said...
Maybe she just could not take the criticism...
"What did you say, YOUUU COMMONER!!" The boy said enraged
"Stop it.....fighting other people are prohibited" another girl said
"You see.....we have the Flame Tempest here....what do you have? Unlike you guys we kill every monster we face? You probably exited first because you escape from everyone of them" the girl with straight hair said
"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!!!!" Sasha said almost bursting out of anger
"Calm down, we are here to ask them something" Rick said
"forgive our misconduct, yes we maybe commoners but we can compete with you....besides what does matter is finishing this exam...but you see there is no knights nor escorts here to guide us they said" Rick continued
"Oh is that so??" Chloe said
Yup she is said to be the Flame Tempest or something
"Maybe they just would not come out since you are cowards who only knows to hide" The boy said mockingly
"Why.....YOUUU...I've had it....come on let's just find the others....we would not get anywhere talking with them "Sasha snapped
"Ok.....let's go" Rick said somewhat disappointed..
I guess he saw the others as well at the brink of snapping and he would not want a fight to occur
"Did you not guys realize that there are no familiars here observing us?"
"There are also a lot of monster here not a weak tribe to top it off, Its as if.....this is a monster forest not for us novices but maybe experts, or for elites please be careful"
I said as a remark to the others while we leave...
"Wait, youuuu?" Chloe said....somewhat startled
We then leave
"That was totally schooled them....that last word of yours was amazing" Sasha said laughing in joy cheering me on
'I think i just reminded them though'
"By the did you noticed that and when??" Rick said seriously
"Come to think of it, no one of us noticed that as well" Ellaine said