Chapter 65: Meet the Apex
I sat at the table with Koshelna on my right, Kal'tsit on my left and Freyja in front of me, which was a little awkward because of this.
While we were having fun shopping in Victoria we accidentally bumped into Koshelna while shopping where we literally emptied the store of clothes in Victoria then we went back to Tarran to stay at Koshelna's house which happened to be close to Dublinns unfortunately Reed and Eblana weren't home because they were somewhere else, You know.
When the two of them were busy bathing together the "wive" here with a shotgun on her hand and threatening me with a gun point in my mouth.
"Did you do it with Freyja and Koshelna?" I shook my head and the barrel of the shotgun shoved even deeper.
"Better be, one mistake is enough" Koshelna enters and we look together at the door where Freyja covers her mouth with a shocked face.
"oh my, Dr. Kal'tsit"
"CAT!!! GO AWAY" Duo fights while I just enjoy the brawler with Freyja.
I then saw Freyja teasing me by showing me her sexy lingerie, I smiled and glanced at the two people who were currently pulling each other's hair and wrestling on the bed.
I wonder if I can use Accel World for that, Freyja shifts and plays with her finger on my chin, and I smile at Freyja.
"not now" Freyja unbuttoned her bra and her nipples began to peek out, Temptation is calling hard now.
"Come here, Sephiroth" Not now, there is still time until after Christmas day, 9 seconds left. Frejya starts to make things obvious by teasing me but I'm still silent and then I hear it.
The bell from heaven rang ,I then meditated for a moment to pray and give thanks then I felt my body being neutralized then I sighed.
"Forgive me what im about to do" I shift and kiss Freyja passionately, Kal'tsit and Koshelna realize then they come over to us and interrupt the moment.
"no im first" Koshelna pushes Freyja and Kal'tsit use this chance to kiss me beside them, Kal'tsit is pulled by Freyja and Koshelna kisses me again and i quite dislike this, i came here looking for threesome but damn this is annoying.
I use Accel World and make time stop completely, I make them sit down and then give them a low dose of aphrodisiac then leave this room, time goes back and they do Yuri or Lesbian thing while I watch from a distance.
I opened Status and Shop to check out some new things.
[Orb : 2,638,297,346,490,095,237,745,715,008,936,993,824,722,527,057,952,722,618,326
Name : Valtor Ismael
Occupation : Heavenly Marshal, The Doctor
Boost :
> Apex Life enhancer : (Enhanced Strength, Agility, and Reaction),(Quick Healing with superior regeneration),( Mind Control and Telekinesis),(Elemental Manipulation),( Mutation ( Evolved in response to new power),mimic the powers of others),(Advanced Adaptability with heightened senses and perception), (Enhanced Healing and Disease Immunity ), (Existence Growth with the power to manipulate matter at the atomic level),(Element Kinesis with no drawbacks and the ability to create and manipulate unique elements including sound, light, and darkness),(Animal and Nature Spirit), (Endless Stamina and Enhanced Endurance) ,(Superior Resistance to Negative Status Effects),(Enhanced Processing Speed and superior intelligence),(Advanced Memory and Recall with perfect memory )
> Planet Embrace : Enhance Sense (Sight, Smell, Hear, Taste, Touch, Balance, Pain, Awareness), Planet Manipulation, Planet Communication
Power :
> Omni-Mortal Arbiter : Ominscient Reality shaper, Multiversal Overlord, Life and Death Embodiment
>>>> Soul Saved (Can't be used): Your Soul Shard (Seaborn King)
>> Power absorbed :
Abyssal Dominance/Elemental Transcendence/Biogenic Corruption/Aeos Halo/Dopplegangger
>> Kaiju Trigger : Kaiju Might, Nova Seraph Ethereal Wing, Alpha Kaiju Ascension
>> Half Dragon Transformation : Kaiju Hand, Kaiju Tail, Kaiju Legs, Dominating Dragon Eye.
Enhancement Half-Dragonoid Transformation power >
> The dragon hand are imbued with the Nova Seraph
·> The dragon tail is enhanced by the Kaiju Strength
> The dragon legs are empowered by the Astral Body
> The dominating dragon eye is further enhanced by the Full Transformation of Alpha Kaiju.
Item :
> Wesker Tyrant Suit (Can't be use): Vibranium, Symbiote Promethium, Promethean, Cybertronian Predator Tech, Two Modes(Energy Gun and Energy Weapon), Special Drone Transformation Mode.
>> List of Weapon Available in Wesker Tyrant Suit : Ionize Turret, Fusion Cannon, Spinning Gatling Gun, Ray Cannon,Homing Gun, Automatically Targeting Turret, Hand Plasma Cannon.
For the energy weapon > Energy Sword, Energy Dagger, Energy Whipblade, Energy Spear, Spinning Three Blade, Energy Claw , Energy Shield
> Perfect Blade Of Olympus (Can't be use): Omnislayer, Flawless Indestructibility, Absolute Attack, Charged Attack Capable Reality tearing or Creation annihilation. Deity Power absorb.
>> Godly Power in The Blade : Pandora Hope, God Judgement , Rule of Nature , War Marshal, God Dominion, The Living One.
Celestial Regalia >
The cosmic stone as the energy source.
The sunglasses with HUD has been upgraded >
Sleek and Stylish Design, HUD Display, Advanced Sensors, Combat and Strategic Planning, Life Forms and Energy Signatures, Chemical Composition.
The unknown metal full body suit has been upgraded into the Unknown Metal Cybernetic Arms > Impervious to Damage, Defensive Mechanisms, Energy Absorption and Redirection, Enhanced Strength and Agility.
The modified sigil lower body backpack and The wing propulsion system upgraded into Floating Thorn > Flight and Mobility, Weapon Generation and Duplication, Tracking Sensor and Automatic Defense, Defense and Protection
Arbalest now is a fusion hand glove and floating needle weapon >>
The needle's basic attack, Cosmic Stone charge, The shield mode, The hand glove cosmic beam attack
Sandalphon >>
Guardian Spark. Light of Judgement.
Furious Blow. Energy Drain<>Healing Halo.
The circlet colors and their corresponding attacks are:
Blue Circlet to Activate
Red Circlet to Activate
Golden Circlet to Activate
Green Circlet to Activate
The Ascendant >
Super Advanced Artificial Intelligence >> Reality Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Advance Sensors, Holographic Technology, Hyper-Reality, Quantum Mechanics
4-D Management System >> Data Management, Analysis, Visualization, Simulation
Universal Almanac >> Complete Archive, Knowledge Repository, Easy Access, Data Integration.
Slayer Style :
> Dragon's Fury : Momentum Strike, Unstoppable Fortress
> Bullet Ballet : Dual Inferno, Death From Mist, Accel World
> Sword Saint : Final Legacy, Wrath of God, Rose Sonata, Ouroboros Rage, Eye Of Atlantis.
> Energy Edge : Swarm Machine
[Reminder: Don't forget to visit your other alter versions]
[Shop: Remember, Think before you buy. be wise and resourceful with the Orb you have.
List (New Goods Available!)>
[Special Goods : New Item in the list, Check it out]
North Demon Army + 900.000.000.000 Orbs
North Demon Army Upgrade (Stage 1)+ 900.000.000.000. Orbs
Sout Demon Army + 800.000.000.000 Orbs
North Demon Army Upgrade (Stage 1)+ 800.000.000.000. Orbs
Seaborn Army + Orbs
Seaborn Army Upgrade (Stage 1)+ Orbs
Seaborn Army Upgrade (Stage 2) + Orbs
Seaborn army Upgrade (Maximum Potential) + 900. Orbs
[Move set: a collection of moves that can fill out your Slayer style. These moves take many references and put them together to form a Synergy]
Dragon's Fury >
Joker Dance + Orbs
Momentum Strike Upgrade + 500.000.000.000 Orbs
Death Judgement + 999.999.999.999.999.999 Orbs
Bullet Ballet >
Titan Wrath + 500. Orbs
Luminous Descent + 400. Orbs
Sword Saint >
Ouroboros Rage Upgrade + 800. Orbs
Death God Dancing + Orbs
Asura Jaw + 600. Orbs
Energy Edge >
Seraph Fall + 700. orbs
Swarm Machine Upgrade + 450. Orbs
Untouchable + 400. Orbs
[Boost: a self-improvement both conventional and magical, follow my recommendation advice]
Fusion Cosmic Union and Apex Life Enhancer+ 500. Orbs
[Item: An item that only you can access, all of these items are extremely rare and do not exist in the world you live in. Use them to the fullest no matter what]
Ascendant Upgrade + 999.999.999.999.999.9999.999.999.999.999 Orbs
[Power: A power for you that you can use thoroughly, remember all powers have side effects and some effects can be neutralized with Boost or other powers]
Multiversal Overlord stage 2 + 99.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999 Orbs
Multiversal Overlord Stage 3 + 999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.991 Orbs
Omniscient Reality Shaper Stage 2 + 888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888 orbs
Omniscient Reality Shaper Stage 3 + 888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.8888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888 Orbs
Aeos Halo Upgraded (Need more new absorbed power recommended) + 700. Orbs
Marshal Form + 99.999.999.999.999.999 Orbs( Recommended to buy when Tyrant and Boo Return. Signed God)
Refresh +0 Orb
[Reminder: remember to visit the Alter version of you in the other timeline to help improve the things you have]
I thought i should also change Kaiju Trigger, logically speaking if Devil trigger can become SIN then I can also override Marshal form which is a different transformation more like true form of me.
"Ascendant, I need your help. Lets go to Apex Hunter Timeline and tell me about the timeline" Foremaykr Armor activated and Hyper Reality activated.
[Sir, I have some bad news that I hope you can accept]
[Of course sir, this is the timeline formed when you were eaten by the Tsunami Leviathan. You didn't survive but you became King of the Firstborn due to your assimilation with the Firstborn]
"But that was the first step of me becoming the apex and that's why I became the apex in that timeline because I destroyed all the arbiter there"
[Right sir. The arbiter in the Seaborn King's Timeline were generous race while in Apex Hunter they were the same people as the Flood who corrupted all civilizations for the development of their people]
"Let's put aside the spoilers for our timeline, let's visit the Apex Hunter Timeline and congratulate myself after annihilating the threat from space"
[Of course, there is no need to find out the future because it would be painful to know. Hyper Reality activated, Time Manipulation activated, Reality manipulation activated. connecting to Apex Hunter Timeline, Connected. Fake Moon destination is commencing, Teleporting]
A bright light enveloped me and this timeline stopped completely, I arrived at a cooling place full of many people's tombs, I used my power and saw that these were all humans, True humans and I began to record this in a memo.
"Hi, who are you?" I saw someone with a female robotic body which was very strange because whoever designed this robot, He has good taste, This is 2B from Nier but only its appearance with her maid dress, Nice addition. 100/10 Would smash.
I used my power and studied this, Who knows I can make a Human Version of Lancet 3, That would be awesome.
Not using Originium Source is a plus, It's good enough to replace some semi artificial intelligence mind systems and change some genetics like Megaman.
"Preserver of humanity in this facility correct ?" The robot nodded and looked at me thoroughly.
"You and my master are the same, are you my master's brother?" I shook my head and approached the preserver.
"I'm his friend, can I meet him ?" The preserver nodded and led me to the place where the moon ends, I have analyzed all this place and really this technology is the same as Sarchopagus but only this technology is quite weak plus the sarchopagus technology are the same Homunculus chamber that I made and used on the Priestess, nice for future reference.
I saw someone sitting looking at the planet Terra from the end of the balcony, I saw myself smoking in space, literally this place has no oxygen. smoking in this vacuum is the most unique thing I witness in my life.
"Smoking is bad habit you know" Apex myself laughed and then put out his cigarette, he turned to me so I could see him in full.
6 eyes and fangs like a shark, bluish black hair then blackened hands and some abomination body parts.
"I knew you would come, thank you for choosing this timeline. Cigar ?"
"I passed, the Seaborn King and the Ghost of Babel send their greetings to you."
"Greetings, Is Terra beautiful from here ?" I walked over to my other self and stood beside him.
"That's right, this place supposedly my next destination" My Apex self patted my shoulder with his gigantic tentacle arm.
"I appreciate that but beware of the Observer Race, I don't know what the Observer Race in your timeline is like the most important thing is that you already have their technology from Seaborn King and you also know the Terra inhabitant's ability from Ghost of babel" He gave me a fist bump and I accepted it.
[+ 302,684,643,900,748,135,683,800,188,357,683,754,419,103,479,680,103,683,690,358,307,570,571,791 Orbs Gained ]
[New Skill And Power Added in the Shop check it out !]
"Take this and this" He took out all the high end technology that could be said to be able to terraform planets and even anything, I checked it and read it quickly then stored it in the dimensional pocket, then he gave me various treasures and even some energy sources that did not use Originium, Maybe i can use this for future, Im bored lets create DIY
"I suggest you don't use those energy sources in your world, just use Originium. And use that energy in the next universe jumping" I nodded and then the other me gave me another cigar.
"Thank you, I don't want to smoke. Are the North demon and south demon in this timeline something the Observer sent?" he paused and began to light the cigarette.
"Right and wrong, there is a technology that corrupts North demons and South demons who were originally humans like this behind you. That technology is what the Observer sent to destroy the previous civilization, 2B brought some humans to the moon to be resurrected but because the technology of the 2B people has been spent to make technology on Terra, such as The Law, Landship, Seaborn and Dome planet. I suggest before you go confront the North and South Demon when you have met your other self to understand the Demon's purpose for being there. but it seems you already know based on your experience in your timeline, now you know what's behind the space which is nothing but a black hole that is slowly absorbing this nebula plus the observer who is always watching us but now they already perish by my hand" I saw a big black hole eating a planet not far from here, then I picked it up and the black hole became a resident in my right hand.
"Bad Habit, you and I are the same but unfortunately I don't have as much power as you. Remember me, If I can challenge the threat from the sky or make peace to them like seaborn king, don't be afraid of anything and I leave my greetings to other Alter version us" I nodded and then glanced at 2B who was still bowing her head waiting for us.
"Robot puss ?" The other me took a big inhale on the cigar and blew out a lot of smoke.
"Yeah, what ? You judge me ? Seaborn king get that seaborn puss, except our ghost, lucky for him you enhanced his body, he get brutal sex everyday by his lover by now"
"No one can comprehend our sexual preference" I laughed and then nodded.
"Yeah, you already had fun with millennia old cat, sadistic toward workaholic secretary, having affair with your boss, and now you try to put your dick in "dead" person. I amaze your sexual preference. Next time try a little wild"
"You mean have brutal sex ? Many eyes and many ears. I can't have much fun"
"You forget you have a house in Laterano, go there and have fun until one of those three gets pregnant"
"That is impossible"
"I know, I just boost your motivation"
"you already boost them, yet they always fight over dominance"
"Hate getting dominated ?"
"Im down bad but not that down bad either, S&M ? i prefer S"
"I thought you choose &"
"between ? nah, That is not my play style so how the puss"
"Exquisite, Little bit mechanical and little cold, after you creampied it became little warm. i already enhance the body like Nikke, machine like human but reproduction still intact even though 2B skin is ice cold"
"That is good to know, my time has come. I must return" My other self got up and hugged me warmly, I accepted his hug. He gave me a message and I nodded then Ascendant activated then I left this Timeline.
Apex myself sat down again and 2B sat next to him then gripped her hand tightly.
"Wish you luck"