With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

Chapter 58: Reunion Move, Marshal Observe

I did the equivalent of four months' worth of paperwork and my whole room was full of paper.

Whose fault is it? Kal'tsit and Theresa, Those two girls threw away their paperwork to me, I was really annoyed but whatever, for holiday vacation.

Even though I was assisted by assistants from several Operators who voluntarily came to my room even though they were also stressed out seeing how much paper I had even myself was also stressed out.

Until one week passed, 1/10 of the paperwork was done. I could take a breath and then Amiya came in carrying another box full of paperwork worth for 2 month.

"ayaiyayyayay. again?" Amiya was nervous and looked at me in panic.

"Yes doctor, Keep up the good work Doctor" Amiya left and I sighed and looked at the status and Shop, time for a stress reliever.

[Orb : 1,000,721,798,613,050,999,999,598

Name : Valtor Ismael

Occupation : Heavenly Marshal, The Doctor

Boost :

> Apex Life enhancer : (Enhanced Strength, Agility, and Reaction),(Quick Healing with superior regeneration),( Mind Control and Telekinesis),(Elemental Manipulation),( Mutation ( Evolved in response to new power),mimic the powers of others),(Advanced Adaptability with heightened senses and perception), (Enhanced Healing and Disease Immunity ), (Existence Growth with the power to manipulate matter at the atomic level),(Element Kinesis with no drawbacks and the ability to create and manipulate unique elements including sound, light, and darkness),(Animal and Nature Spirit), (Endless Stamina and Enhanced Endurance) ,(Superior Resistance to Negative Status Effects),(Enhanced Processing Speed and superior intelligence),(Advanced Memory and Recall with perfect memory )

> Planet Embrace : Enhance Sense (Sight, Smell, Hear, Taste, Touch, Balance, Pain, Awareness), Planet Manipulation, Planet Communication

Power :

> Omni-Mortal Arbiter : Ominscient Reality shaper, Multiversal Overlord, Life and Death Embodiment

>>>> Exclusive Soul : Your Alter soul shard

>> Power absorbed :

Abyssal Dominance/Elemental Transcendence/Biogenic Corruption/Aeos Halo

>> Kaiju Trigger : Kaiju Might, Nova Seraph Ethereal Wing, Alpha Kaiju Ascension

>> Half Dragon Transformation : Kaiju Hand, Kaiju Tail, Kaiju Legs, Dominating Dragon Eye.

Enhancement Half-Dragonoid Transformation power >

> The dragon hand are imbued with the Nova Seraph

·> The dragon tail is enhanced by the Kaiju Strength

> The dragon legs are empowered by the Astral Body

> The dominating dragon eye is further enhanced by the Full Transformation of Alpha Kaiju.

Item :

> Wesker Tyrant Suit : Vibranium, Symbiote Promethium, Promethean, Cybertronian Predator Tech, Two Modes(Energy Gun and Energy Weapon), Special Drone Transformation Mode.

>> List of Weapon Available in Wesker Tyrant Suit : Ionize Turret, Fusion Cannon, Spinning Gatling Gun, Ray Cannon,Homing Gun, Automatically Targeting Turret, Hand Plasma Cannon.

For the energy weapon > Energy Sword, Energy Dagger, Energy Whipblade, Energy Spear, Spinning Three Blade, Energy Claw , Energy Shield

> Perfect Blade Of Olympus : Omnislayer, Flawless Indestructibility, Absolute Attack, Charged Attack Capable Reality tearing or Creation annihilation. Deity Power absorb.

>> Godly Power in The Blade : Pandora Hope, God Judgement , Rule of Nature , War Marshal, God Dominion, The Living One.

Celestial Regalia >

The cosmic stone as the energy source.

The sunglasses with HUD has been upgraded >

Sleek and Stylish Design, HUD Display, Advanced Sensors, Combat and Strategic Planning, Life Forms and Energy Signatures, Chemical Composition.

The unknown metal full body suit has been upgraded into the Unknown Metal Cybernetic Arms > Impervious to Damage, Defensive Mechanisms, Energy Absorption and Redirection, Enhanced Strength and Agility.

The modified sigil lower body backpack

The wing propulsion system.

Arbalest now is a fusion hand glove and floating needle weapon >>

The needle's basic attack, Cosmic Stone charge, The shield mode, The hand glove cosmic beam attack

Sandalphon >>

Guardian Spark. Light of Judgement. Furious Blow. Energy Drain<>Healing Halo.

The circlet colors and their corresponding attacks are:

Blue Circlet to Activate

Red Circlet to Activate

Golden Circlet to Activate

Green Circlet to Activate or

The Ascendant >

Super Advanced Artificial Intelligence >> Reality Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Advance Sensors, Holographic Technology, Hyper-Reality, Quantum Mechanics

4-D Management System >> Data Management, Analysis, Visualization, Simulation

Universal Almanac >> Complete Archive, Knowledge Repository, Easy Access, Data Integration.

Slayer Style :

> Dragon's Fury : Momentum Strike, Unstoppable Fortress

> Bullet Ballet : Dual Inferno, Death From Mist

> Sword Saint : Final Legacy, Wrath of God, Rose Sonata, Ouroboros Rage, Eye Of Atlantis.

> Energy Edge : Swarm Machine

[Reminder: save your soul for new power]

[Shop: Remember, Think before you buy. be wise and resourceful with the Orb you have.

List (New Goods Available!)>

[Special Goods : New Item in the list, Check it out]

North Demon Army + 900.000.000.000 Orbs

North Demon Army Upgrade (Stage 1)+ 900.000.000.000. Orbs

Sout Demon Army + 800.000.000.000 Orbs

North Demon Army Upgrade (Stage 1)+ 800.000.000.000. Orbs

Seaborn Army + Orbs

Seaborn Army Upgrade (Stage 1)+ Orbs

Seaborn Army Upgrade (Stage 2) + Orbs

Seaborn army Upgrade (Maximum Potential) + 900. Orbs

[Move set: a collection of moves that can fill out your Slayer style. These moves take many references and put them together to form a Synergy]

Dragon's Fury >

Joker Dance + Orbs

Momentum Strike Upgrade + 500.000.000.000 Orbs

Death Judgement + 999.999.999.999.999.999 Orbs

Bullet Ballet >

Accel World + 900. Orbs

Titan Wrath + 500. Orbs

Luminous Descent + 400. Orbs

Sword Saint >

Ouroboros Rage Upgrade + 800. Orbs

Death God Dancing + Orbs

Asura Jaw + 600. Orbs

Energy Edge >

Seraph Fall + 700. orbs

Swarm Machine Upgrade + 450. Orbs

Untouchable + 400. Orbs

[Boost: a self-improvement both conventional and magical, follow my recommendation advice]

Upgrade Planet Embrace + Orbs

[Item: An item that only you can access, all of these items are extremely rare and do not exist in the world you live in. Use them to the fullest no matter what]

Ascendant Upgrade + 999.999.999.999.999.9999.999.999.999.999 Orbs

[Power: A power for you that you can use thoroughly, remember all powers have side effects and some effects can be neutralized with Boost or other powers]

Multiversal Overlord stage 2 + 99.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999 Orbs

Multiversal Overlord Stage 3 + 999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.991 Orbs

Omniscient Reality Shaper Stage 2 + 888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888 orbs

Omniscient Reality Shaper Stage 3 + 888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888.8888.888.888.888.888.888.888.888 Orbs

Aeos Halo Upgraded (Need more new absorbed power recommended) + 700. Orbs

Marshal Form + 99.999.999.999.999.999 Orbs( Recommended to buy when Tyrant and Boo Return. Signed God)

Refresh +0 Orb

[Reminder: remember to visit the Alter version of you in the other timeline to help improve your insight]

[ - Orbs Used]

[ - 900. Orbs Used]

[With the Cosmic Union upgrade, your Planet Embrace capability becomes even more powerful, granting you a deeper connection with the cosmos itself. Here's a description of the capabilities included in Cosmic Union:

Cosmic Perception:

This power enhances your senses and elevates your perception to a level beyond the limits of human capability. With this power, you can perceive the universe in an unprecedented way, seeing beyond what is visible to the naked eye. You can see the intricate network of energy that flows throughout the cosmos, hear the symphony of the stars, and sense the ebb and flow of the universe's energy. Your heightened perception allows you to see beyond the visible spectrum, perceiving infrared and ultraviolet light. You can hear sounds that are too high or too low for ordinary human hearing, and sense the energy fields that surround all living things. Your awareness enables you to detect the most subtle vibrations in space-time, perceive the tiniest subatomic particles, and see distant galaxies in their entirety. You can hear the sounds of stars being born and dying, taste the elements of the universe, and touch the very fabric of space-time. You have the balance and awareness to navigate through even the most hostile environments, such as black holes and neutron stars, and understand the dynamics of the cosmos in ways that were previously impossible.

Universal Communication:

This power allows you to communicate with all beings throughout the universe, regardless of their language or form of communication. You can communicate telepathically with beings who do not have a spoken language, or use a device to translate your speech into a language they can understand. You can also communicate with non-corporeal beings, such as energy beings or spirits, who do not have a physical form. With this power, you develop the ability to communicate with all intelligent life forms and energy beings in the universe, no matter where they are located. You can communicate with entities that exist in different dimensions, parallel universes, or alternate realities. You can learn about the mysteries of the universe and even interact with beings that exist on a purely energetic or spiritual level.

Cosmic Creativity:

This power allows you to tap into the infinite creative potential of the universe, giving you access to new ideas, inspiration, and solutions to problems. You can use this power to create art, music or even new forms of technology that draw upon the power of the cosmos. Your creations can be imbued with the energy of the universe, making them more powerful and enduring than ordinary creations. With this power, you can gain control over the fundamental forces of the universe, such as gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. With this level of control, you could create and destroy entire galaxies, manipulate the fabric of space-time, and even control the expansion of the universe itself. You could create wormholes, warp space and time, and even manipulate the very nature of reality]

[Reminder : You already have cosmic energy , this new boost automatically adapt to you, Control for better understanding and learn for better manipulating]

[Accel World skill works based on Dante Quick Silver and Bayonetta Witch Time fuse together with capability >

Manipulation of the flow of time based on your imagination : Accel World skill is able to manipulate the flow of time by visualizing the desired outcome in your mind. The skill relies on imagination and concentration to manipulate time.

The ability to manipulate time to speed up or slow down actions: Accel World skill can manipulate time to speed up or slow down actions based on your will. The amount of time that can be manipulated depends on level of skill and concentration.

The duration of the time manipulation is inversely proportional to the amount of time being manipulated: The duration of the skill activation is inversely proportional to the amount of time being manipulated. This means that the larger the amount of time being manipulated, the shorter the duration of the skill activation. For example, if the user wants to slow down time for a minute, the duration of the skill activation will be very short, perhaps only a few seconds.

The ability to create a frozen time dome: Accel World skill can create a frozen time dome where the flow of time is stopped completely. The dome can be created around a specific location, such as a building or a group of people. While time is frozen inside the dome, the user can move and interact with whatever is trapped inside]

I prayed and thanked God and chatted with him at this time. It was quite fun especially Boo and Wesker I could see being modified by Devil and Angel.

I started using Accel World and this room became blue and red like dante and bayonetta's color pallet even though bayonetta is purple but love is blue after all.

I did all this work in 7 seconds but the reality out there has already passed 2 months and is approaching Christmas, more precisely two days before Christmas. Wait, Reunion attack.

I sighed and tried to change my physique especially with Kaiju Trigger. I think of the form of Scp 2845 with very large horns where my horns are formed purely from the manifestation of the universe then a beautiful tail that has a color as beautiful as the deer scp, I make the same circle but each ball is a very unique star, I use clothes from EGO Telepote Faust, nice woman i wonder she breedable. ups not now i need to take care of the Reunion who apparently doing war crime, Lets fucking Go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I walked out of the room where everyone was panicking due to the excessive number of casualties, I walked over to see the various medical aids that even they finally had a use now.

I arrived at the control room where there were no people and I sighed then looked at the battlefield conditions which were quite chaotic because Reunion was already very much like a Super soldier who has god complex.

Rhodes Island has no chance to win, this is really challenging for me. I then looked at the battlefield from this widescreen TV channel and sat in the control room seat.

"PRTS, connect me to all operators in the field."

"Doctor, you finally returned. We need your help"

"PRTS, Calm down. connect me to them and Inform all people in ship to take care of any refugee and victim of the massacre"

"Understood, Connecting. Complete" I heard all communications connect.


"Doctor !"

"Enough chit chat, war started. I will command you from Olympia, do as I say. Understood !"

"Understood" All operators replied then I started commanding them from here.

"Mission Started"


Kal'tsit Journal

Valtor still busy taking care of the paperwork even some of the assistants I gave, Valtor ignored it. as if Valtor was focused on his work which honestly we were sorry to see him working non-stop from morning to morning again, Valtor did not eat or even drink, interact and even take a break.

All the papers he had done included 3 months of work for each team with addition 2 month work and even the entire development of R.I. plus some recruitment reports. but judging by Valtor's report, he refused because we didn't have the finances to pay some mercenaries, He looks like want recruit some genuine has interest to work here not come and go like mercenary.

Until there was chaos where the social injustice against the Infected grew even our Suppressors and even Valtor's work to hold Acute Oripathy had no effect.

Valtor said it right, Oripathy is not the real problem but people Greed, is useless topic and subject of blame that is Oripathy but the fear from it making something much worse.

Reunion movement is creating something that I wish not to see, terrorists. Reunion with the basis of justice Infected destroyed several cities that discriminated against Infected and literally made non-infected city become infected city, made healthy person become infected and many more.

Equal treatment is the real justice that is Reuinon's goal and even Talulah herself gave a communication transmission to us to hand over Valtor to them or they will create chaos which I was furious to hear.

If we don't hand over Valtor before the new year then every country that discriminates against the Infected will be destroyed one by one.

I told this to Valtor who was still doing paperwork, He didn't listen, goddamn it Valtor. Stop your work, your adopted daughter becomes a war criminal!

Fuck it, I move my own army then. Shit this is karma, if I know this will eventually happen I will not dump every paperwork to him.

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