Witchbound Villain: Infinite Loop

108 – The New Sator Family

[A couple of minutes ago]

"Don’t force yourself too hard. Cheat when you see any opportunity to cheat, but don’t let anyone notice, okay?”    

“What do you mean cheat? My son doesn’t need to cheat to achieve his goal.”    

“Ugh, the art of cheating on a test is also part of an important life skill, you know! You’re strong and can do anything, so you won’t understand, Momo.”

“How can you say that when you’re strong yourself? Did you cheat your way to the top?”    

“I cheat all the time.”    

“Hmm, you defeating me was kinda cheating indeed. So did you defeat me or not, Bunny?”    

“I did~ You eventually gave up, right?”    

“Ugh, stop with the flirting Mama, Papa…” Yvain scratched his earlobe, tired of the two’s bickering.    

“Fine,” Burn sighed. “Your Mama told you to cheat because she wants you to use your brain. Use the most effective method, the easiest path for you. But when you see the opportunity to get stronger, take it instead of using the safer path.”    

“Are you telling him to get in danger?” Morgan gasped.    

“I’m telling him to be a man,” Burn said.    

Yvain sighed. Not only did they contradict each other, they also contradict themselves. Yvain couldn’t understand what they wanted from him… these two masters of him.    

But, well, everything they said makes sense in one way or another.    

“Evan di Sator!”    

The three raised their faces.    

“Go on,” Burn said, and Yvain nodded before going to fetch his test number.    

The boy, dressed neatly in an expensive and elegant garment with the Sator Family’s brooch emblem on his collar, immediately garnered attention.

They had been quite the center of attention for a while. Just from their looks alone, they were enough to make heads turn, especially Morgan Le Fay—no, the black-haired hottie with a sexy beauty mark below the outer corner of her right eye.

Just like Burn said, Morgan with black hair looked like the personalization of an erotic fever dream. An angel, yes, but fallen, with a body made for sin that could practically crown her the succubus queen.

She thought that adding a mark as an imperfection would lessen her beauty just a little bit, but no, oh no. It was almost a symbolic mark of sin, a taint atop the canvas of innocence. She was an angel no more, and her being was the embodiment of tarnished purity.

As usual, people looked at her, almost too blatantly.

But when they came to their senses, they saw the man beside her—dread. Imminent doom. Absolute devastation. What was a literal god of judgment and eternal punishment doing on the land of man?

Burn turned on all his senses to the maximum capacity. He noted every pair of eyes that stared for too long at her and turned to stare back at them with complete annihilation in his mind.

That was why, even though there was commotion around them, they managed to stand unbothered, without anyone daring to disturb their regal air.

Yvain returned to them after a while, his face all smiles. “I got the number! Thankfully we can still squeeze in…”

“Of course! Your Papa bribed them,” Morgan chuckled.

“Papa did well!” Yvain beamed.

The entrance test participants were required to apply at least 2 weeks before the test, after all, but there was nothing money couldn’t solve. That was also the reason Yvain just got the participant number now.


It was the number in his hand.

“Not that many applicants this year,” Burn muttered.

Burn knew that him declaring war a couple of months ago and then deciding to postpone continuing it had something to do with it, in various ways. Some of his ministers consulted him about their children who were studying abroad, and he gave them choices on how to deal with it.

“They said I’m the last,” Yvain said.

“A clutch,” Morgan smiled. “Be careful, okay?”

“Okay, Mama!”

The entrance exam was starting, and Yvain waved his hand excitedly. Morgan, of course, waved back, while Burn just stood there, her other arm linked with his.

“Evan! Remember what I told you?” Burn asked before the boy left.

Yvain rolled his eyes. “Ugh, fine, Papa!”

The boy seemed to have grown fond of calling them Mama and Papa now, despite his initial awkwardness just a couple of days earlier. After she finished waving, Morgan turned to him and asked, “What did you tell him?”

“To not use his Vision in the academy,” Burn replied.

"HUH?!" Morgan was so shocked that her wide-brimmed hat almost fell off.

“Why? He can pass without it,” Burn reassured her. “And he’s close to awakening his Force. Maybe his time here will help him.”

“B-but I heard the entrance test in this academy is dangerous!” Morgan expressed her worries.

“Don’t worry. No matter what they do, they won't let it get too dangerous. There are a lot of influential people’s children here. Including our son,” Burn said with a smile.

Even undercover, Burn would never risk letting anyone to step over them. That was why he chose to use the Sator family.

“That, and I told him if he can pass the entrance test without using Vision, I will give him a reward,” Burn continued.

Morgan sighed. “What did you promise him?”

“Let’s see…—”

“Oh, how pleasant to meet you here, Sir and Madam Sator!” Blair said with a warm smile.

Finally, the crowd started to move. They had been waiting for a chance since hearing Yvain’s fake name. Once one person braved to greet them, others followed suit.

“We apologize for not recognizing you!”

“We had no idea your son was enrolling in this school too! What a wonderful opportunity for our son to befriend Young Sir Sator.”

“What a delightful surprise!”

If their children couldn’t pass the entrance exam, at least they could forge connections with the elusive Sator family. It was indeed a wise decision to make the trip here.

It was revealed that Burn had acquired the Sator family’s business just before Gabriel di Sator passed away. The old man had no sons, and the Sator Merchant Group was not as prominent then as it is today.

It was the Round Table's members and Burn's spies who primarily managed the business, exerting control behind the scenes. Eventually, rumors circulated about a mysterious heir within the Sator family.

The rise of the Sator Merchant Group over the years was mainly due to Soulnaught's efforts, serving as their base for discreet operations. Even those who aided in smuggling Burn into Wintersin to search for Morgan were linked to the Sator Merchant Group.

Oh, the grand entrance as part of the Sator family must have really shaken up the Inkia capital. Look at all these unfamiliar faces greeting them now, some with a hint of influence in the continent.

Maybe they had piqued the interest of the big shots, but these folks crowding around them were nothing but small potatoes.

Burn didn’t have time for this.

“Momo Darling, you did promise to bring me shopping today, didn’t you?” Morgan whined suddenly.

Burn's eyes narrowed. With a smirk playing on his lips, he said, “Absolutely. Gentlemen, my sincere apologies, but I am obliged to keep my promise to my dear Madam today. Lord Wilderwood is hosting me at his grand abode in the capital. Feel free to visit if you need something."

With this, the information that they were with Finn would spread, and the big fishes would also go to find him. Finn would surely know what to do with them. After all, he was in dire need of connection now—to take over the kingdom.








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