Chapter 91: Night-Love City (4)
"But.. but, young master, won't you let me wash your back?" The woman said, with a hint of pout in her voice.
I opened my eyes knowing full well what was going to be in full view. I couldn't convey my intentions properly without showing the intent in my eyes anyways. Thus my sight was filled with the full view from a low angle.
"You really should enjoy this bath like I am. Don't spend your time trying to please me. There is no need to do so. Since I have saved you once you are naturally all under my protection from here on." I said, narrowing my eyes slightly to convey my intent of wanting to relax in peace.
"Young master, what if washing your back makes this bath feel better? You wouldn't want to keep me from enjoying this bath to the fullest, would you?" The woman said, with a pouty face.
"Very well, if it will make the experience more enjoyable. Then I guess I can let you wash my back. But nothing else, understand?" I said, with a hint of warning behind my voice.
"Yay! Ladies, the young master said we can wash his back!" She cheered out loud, pumping a fist in the air.
In that single moment I realized something. I accidentally somehow gave the numerous women I had saved before. The permission to wash my back. Though it wasn't a bad thing, since it gave me an excuse to stay and enjoy the bath quite a bit longer.
"Young master is the best! We can finally replace the bad memories with happy ones! Young master is loving, caring and gentle." The young girl from before said jumping onto me and hugging tightly.
"Hey, young master said nothing more than washing his back. How dare you jump ahead the line and get to hug him so tightly. I wanted to be the first to do that." The woman that started this said, showing her true intentions.
The girl looked at her and smirked. Of course the now jealous and anxious woman was quite upset. Pouting and leaning forward with her wrists curled back up from her tense arms. The towel being pulled with both fists. She was ready to go to war for the spot that the girl had just claimed.
"You ladies need to stop fighting like you're claiming territory. This is the bath and if you continue fighting like this I won't let you wash my back like you all seem to want. And you little miss can't get off me as well." I said, mobilizing my strength to float the little girl off of me.
It didn't take much to end the bickering. The remaining time was quite relaxing. Each of the women seemed to have very different degrees of ability when it came to washing backs. Though one thing they all had in common was they were quite skilled. It was pleasing at first until I remembered why they all had such skill with things like this. Once I remembered that… Well… the relaxation I had felt up till that point had vanished. One thought crossed my mind and one thought only. "Destroy the "Evil Shadow Sect" completely".
"Young master, may I ask something?" One of the pregnant ladies said, approaching me. It was clear she had no desire to wash my back. I was quite thankful since it was already quite annoying by this point.
"What is it? I'm sure you have many things on your mind. Most if not all will be answered in time. Though, I seem to have found some free time to talk about things. So ask away." I said, with a soft smile looking right at the pregnant woman before me. Behind her were the others that were also pregnant, each with a similar look on their faces.
"Well, we were wondering what the Young Master would do if he found out that our children were boys?" The Woman asked, with the others nodding fiercely.
"Am I supposed to do something with them? Why ask me this?" I said, making it seem like I didn't know why. Though, I already had an idea.
"Well, the "Evil Shadow Sect" is predominately made up of the sons of us slaves… former slaves have reared. And the Young Master was quite easily able to slaughter them. We got to thinking that maybe it would happen to our children as well." The woman explained.
It was a normal reaction. Especially for one who only knew the life that they had lived prior to this. In short it was anything but pleasant. Even Succubus wouldn't enjoy being treated like that. Let alone a young human woman and worse yet, young girls. The depravity they suffered under for that time was nothing short of putting demons to shame. That said, these women shutter at the thought of carrying the child only to see it killed. What point was there in continuing to carry it? It was a fair question to ask.
"I see, I understand your worries. However, please understand that the child in each of your wombs has not committed any sins. They have not treated anyone like the way you have been treated. So I won't kill them. Rather I'll be thankful. There are already a large number of women living in my settlement. So I hope that I can find some men to bring back as well. It will help in balancing everything out." I said, reaffirming what I had already hinted at once before while still in the underground.
The pregnant women all let out a collective sigh of relief. "Thank you for that Young Master. We were all quite worried." The pregnant woman said, fidgeting about.
"That being said, any that have committed these deeds or aid in any way. They will suffer the same fate as those here. I trust you understand why I have to draw this line?" I said, calmly but with a narrow look.
"We all understand Young Master. So, can I ask something this time?" The woman who started all of this back washing asked now that it was finally her turn.
"Might as well ask away." I sighed, just wanting to get out at this point. The bath has lost any semblance of relaxation now.
"I want a baby, can Young Master give me one?" The woman said, quickly changing her position.