Chapter 70
Extra Case File 70 Suppressing Rage and Saving Hearts
All eyes were now fixed on that man wrapped in bandages from head to toe like a mummy, standing atop the hospital bed.
The man stepped onto the bedside table, but nobody scolded him for it, nor did anyone demand he be quiet.
It was solely due to the heated atmosphere rising up amongst them.
It was because of the immense pressure he was emitting, almost suffocating in its intensity.
Ash was furious.
Ash was enraged.
He looked at these cowards cowering before him, these idiots—so damn, super-damn, unbelievably furious!
“What are you doing?”
“She—she alone—a girl who is not a soldier, not a police officer, has no duty or necessity to do this—she’s just a girl! Yet since she was 13, she’s carried all the pain and burdens on her own, protecting you for eight years!”
“Not 8 hours, not 8 days, not even 8 months, but damn it, eight years, EIGHT YEARS!”
Ash, his eyes red with anger, pointed accusing fingers at everyone, uncaring to let out an unrestrained string of curses.
“Let alone the fact that she suffered difficulties while not daring to go to regular hospitals out of fear for her family and friends! Even T.O.U.R.D.I.S. shining red after protecting a planet for eight years would be more justified than what she did!”
To think a girl would shed her last drop of blood for you…do you have no shred of human decency?! Are all these men here supposed to be castrated women?!
How can you, with something living down there, still call yourselves men? Do you still have balls?!
“She’s paved the way for your future, cheered on those in despair and anger, letting you rally again.”
“Now she can’t fight anymore, she doesn’t want to anymore. She needs warmth, rest, help!”
“Even if it’s just a simple cheer, now is when she needs you—what are you doing?! Tell me, what are you doing?!”
Ash, eyes wide with rage, unleashed his fury by ripping off the bandages on his body.
“You’re praying, pleading with her to make an extra effort to save your sorry selves even now. I—”
Disgusting, I as a villain never did anything as vile as this. How disgusting indeed!
“Your human qualities are certainly top-notch compared to some others—you haven’t backstabbed those protecting you. But has humanity’s fire been stripped away along with everything else?!”
Of course—I naturally know that human weapons are ineffective against such a monster born from pure delusion. Humans can achieve nothing…right?!
“The blue woman, Sayaka, could break free from the Final Monster when she saw her friend. This shows that Tomorrow Power isn’t exclusive to one person but possible for everyone! Then why haven’t you done it—”
Because it’s impossible.
So you just gave up then?
“DAMN IT! In view of that poor girl, answer me!”
Everyone was silent, no one able to answer Ash’s question.
Ash knew exactly what he was doing and how foolish his actions might seem.
But he didn’t care, nor did he need to.
Am I venting my fury, making a fool of myself over something not related? It doesn’t matter—I’m going to cause a ruckus just to take away the burden silently carried by Flower.
“To the patient!”
Finally, someone broke the suffocating atmosphere by rushing towards the scene.
“It’s already come to this. Regardless of the problem, stop fighting! For the sake of that Precure!”
“Sir, please, your injuries…please return to your bed!”
Ash took a deep breath and exhaled heavily.
“Go find patients who really need your help.”
Throwing away his crutch, Ash leaped down from the window under the stunned gaze of the doctors.
“I have other things to do.”
I’m busy, too busy to be injured.
Like saving someone.
“Ash… Mr. Ash?!”
The noise of something heavy landing was accompanied by a shocked yet familiar voice, crying out his name along with the sound of a bucket falling.
“Wild Flower… little bird.”
The少女 dropped the bucket holding water, looking at Ash rolling back after somersaulting, wearing only a hospital gown.
I don’t have an answer for you now, so… sorry.
“Hold on, don’t leave!”
“Please, my sister—sister, is she—?”
The sobbing voice and sincere trembling emotion brought Ash to a stop. Her tear-filled eyes seemed to convey something significant.
“Is my sister—the Blue Rose!?”
After a moment of silence, Ash nodded under her hopeful and desperate gaze.
“Mom and Dad also suspected something was wrong. Sister always came home battered, sneaking in late at night, telling us to run away when there was a Final Monster attack…if sister is the Blue Rose, she must be there!”
Looking toward the sky dominated by the ultimate Final Monster, the young girl couldn’t bear it any longer and knelt down, tears streaming from under her clenched fists.
“Three days ago, Dad got hit on the head by debris falling from the sky while helping his employees. Now there’s no guarantee he’ll survive…mom is exhausted, so I must find at least see Sister…please.”
“Why, why—sister! Dad! Waaah!”
“Your sister is alive.”
These words made Wild Bird, who hadn’t stopped crying, lift her head immediately. A man squatted beside her at eye level, steel determination burning in his irises.
“I promise.”
He pointed to the sky covered by dark clouds.
“The sun will reappear.”
“And Wild Flower will return to your family.”
I am the consuming flame.
“I’ll pull her out of this darkness.”