Urban Romance

Chapter 112

Chapter 112 This is a misunderstanding

[The text of Chapter 1]

112 Chapter 112 This is a misunderstanding

“Bang bang!” Three fists sounded, swiftly and quickly. As soon as the fist thump fell, he saw Zhang Wenlong lost his voice, his face down, motionless, like a dead dog.

“Hoo!” Su Ke exhaled deeply, letting go of his left hand holding Zhang Wenlong’s shoulder, and slowly got up until he was sure he wasn’t pretending to look at the white bed and walked over.

A soft and comfortable bed like cotton, Hong Chen lay quietly on it, her arms opened to the sides, the exquisite twin peaks still stood in the chiffon low-cut skirt, and the skirt corners with lace edges were opened by Zhang Wenlong. , Dragged directly to the lower abdomen, revealing two straight **.

The skin is victorious, the legs are slender, the knees are full, and the thighs are slightly plump. Under the light, there is a soft light shining like jade. Su Ke’s gaze falls on the mysterious triangle, and he can’t help but grumble and swallow.

Pure white cotton briefs suddenly dazzled.

Unknowingly, Su Ke was a little cyanotic, and the sound of rapid breathing became heavy, and his heartbeat also changed rhythm, fluttering, his legs were like noodles, standing soft in front of the bed, and his hands were trembling again Clenched his fist, a wet piece in his palm.

The ghost in the right hand raised Shencha, and leaned towards the pure white briefs, very slowly, moving inch by inch, getting closer and closer, the sound of heavy breathing pulling the bellows, snoring in his ears, palms Then shivered.

The raised little hoe, the sunken slits, the full and rounded legs, constantly hit Su Ke’s brain, perhaps because of an illusion. When Su Ke’s palm reached the mysterious triangle, it seemed to feel a The hot air spewed up, although it was not a hot, but he shivered and shivered.

The flushed cheeks are more like standing under the sun of three volts, and a layer of sweating on the whole body. “I can’t stand it!” The beauty is beautiful, but now is not the time to admire, but the chance of this coincidence is like a pimple flower In full bloom, there is no such shop after this village. The thought of Su Ke’s brain shook when he saw it, his eyes cleared instantly.

Gritting his teeth and stomping his feet, his right arm still looked in the past, resolutely and without hesitation, his fingertips glanced over Taohuayuan, without hesitation, directly grabbed the skirt corner that had been dragged to the lower abdomen, and quickly pulled it down.

The bewitching triangle of Bermuda, which was fascinating and charming, was gently dragged by Suker, and the curtain was finally awake. At present, this is a wrong place, or it is better to leave as soon as possible. Thinking of this, Suker worked hard. Pushed Hong Chen who was sleeping.

“Hong Chen! Wake up, you wake up soon!” Su Ke reached out and pushed Hong Chen’s thigh. As soon as his fingers touched the skin of that leg, he immediately felt a delicate and soft touch from his fingertips. Very comfortable and slippery. It seems that if you don’t pay attention, this hand may slip into Bermuda.

“Hey! Hongchen!” It was found that Hongchen didn’t wake up at all. Su Ke felt a terrible feeling in her heart. I didn’t know what medicine these people gave her. A lot.

With the push of Su Ke’s palm, Hong Chen’s body lying on the bed shook back and forth a few times, and the two Xiu Nufengs on her chest also trembled from side to side.

“Um —!” It was like a long nasal sound just after waking up. Hong Chen felt that there was no strength on his body and his eyelids were heavy. He wanted to raise his hands and rub his eyes, but he found that there was a stone tied to his arm. She lifted it and dangled. Until then, she really woke up and opened her eyes forcefully.

Hong Chen struggled and raised his head. The surrounding environment was completely unfamiliar. He just remembered drinking a glass of beer while helping guests to sing, but now he was in the guest room, and he was lying on the bed just like that. She was anxious at a glance, and she knew what kind of place it was.

Tears popped out, saying that they were not allowed to enter the tiger’s den, but they were not tigers, but they really couldn’t accept such a thing, and their vision was blurred, and suddenly they saw a man standing in front of the bed, leaning forward, as if thinking To pounce over.

“Get out!” When the voice came out, he was hoarse and weak, and wanted to escape. He could use all his strength to just sit up slightly. At this time, Hong Chen was exhausted and had a headache and weakness. sense.

“Hong Chen, it’s me!” Su Ke said when he saw that Hong Chen finally woke up, and the boulder pressing on his heart fell down. “It’s me, Sucker!”

“You?” Hong Chen squinted his eyes, tears blurred his vision long ago, but after hearing this voice, the fear in his heart seemed a bit light, and the voice was a little familiar, and then he finally saw his appearance. ” Suker! ”

“Hurry up!” Su Ke glanced at Zhang Wenlong, who was still lying on the ground, and found that he showed no sign of waking, and hurriedly urged Hong Chen.

“I, I can’t move, there is no strength at all!” Hong Chen’s voice was crying, and her full of righteousness could not calm her down now, looking at Su Ke for help.

“I’m going!” Su Ke whispered in his heart, went to the side of the bed, reached under Hong Chen with both hands, and hugged her into her arms. The princess in the legend held it, and passed her right hand under Hong Chen’s armpit. Holding her back, her left hand was holding her thigh.

Although Hong Chen’s strength was exhausted, now he could only hold Su Ke’s neck desperately to fix his body.

Fortunately, Hong Chen is not heavy, and Su Ke is not struggling to hold it in his arms, but Hong Chen is holding her neck so that her exquisite twin peaks directly touch her cheeks, and her nose seems to smell The seductive scent, but every step, you will reach the peaks and peaks, very soft but elastic.

I did n’t have much time to think about it. I left the room quickly and ran down to the third floor. The waiter in the corridor on the third floor looked at Su Ke in doubt. As soon as he was about to speak, Su Ke had already rushed into Han Mei ’s order. Private room.

“Su Ke!” People in the house sing and sing, drink and drink, it is very lively, but Su Ke suddenly enters the door and calms down.

Watching Su Ke hug a woman tightly, and this woman was still the one in the corridor just now, the temptation to wear was hooked, and it did n’t look like a good person at first, but Zheng Mo had n’t spoken yet, and Han Mei burst out. , Walked quickly in front of Su Ke, Xingmu stared.

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