Unlasting World

Chapter 63: Chapter XXIX - The God of Orcs (part 2)

My feet began walking, and I arrived right by the destroyed steel door. My eyes studied the pieces of the door on the ground, but then I turned it towards the room around the corner.

Eight pillars holding the ceiling with blue torches on the side. Glass crystals on the walls, also lighting the room blue. The ceiling is also covered by the coloured glass crystals, making it seem like we're in a room under the sun. Right at the end of the room is the throne, and my eyes were immediately locked with the person sitting on it. 

This whole room... it is a throne room. I've never heard of a dungeon boss room being this glamorous nor decorated.

And then there's the boss... What in the world is he?

Right in front of his altar are four large swords, stabbed to the ground in a unique position. Those four swords are most likely all his swords. 

The boss of the dungeon is sitting at his altar. After locking eyes with him, I had the same shivers as I was with the goblin king, and I realized that his strength might as well be above me. 

The boss has the head of a large lion, the bare chested body of a humanoid (I assume orc) with four hands. The feet of this guy are just as huge as a human face. It's a normal humanoid foot, and it seems like he only wore pants as his only clothing. His eyes are brimming with intelligence, annoyance, and confidence.

The body is full of packs and muscles. Judging from the size, he is quite small compared to the red orcs. However, I can already tell that the size can be misleading.

Because of the pressure he is emitting... without a doubt, this guy is a White ranked. No, probably higher.

This is no ordinary White ranked boss. The eyes of the beast right in front of me is studying me, while his mouth is smiling. 

His intelligence... I'm very much worried about it the most. I might as well be facing an individual rather than an orc monster. The fact that he can speak, taunt, and even grin at me like that revealed that this guy is a monster amongst monsters.

"Ah, finally! You braved yourself to come forward."

And there he goes. Conversation is something he is very much capable of.

The sound of his voice echoed to the whole room, even to the lobby outside the boss room. 

Hod and Valey sweats even harder hearing his scary and heavy voice, but they continued doing what they were doing by the closed exit.

Meanwhile, I was standing quite still after seeing him and the room. It was definitely a surprise, for sure. But, this really is just another day of my journey.

Let's just face this... like facing the goblin king.

After reassuring myself, I just simply walked down the steps after the entrance to the center of the room. The red carpet area of the throne room is quite wide and large, and I can expect that it is made like such for a reason.

This will be our battlefield. I can expect that much.

"I thought you would never enter the room after seeing me! I kind of waited, you know!"

The dungeon boss said to me quite excitedly, but I only tilted my head to the side. Seeing this reaction from me, he only looked so confused.

"What? Are you unable to understand me?"

"It's not... that. I just never thought an animal can talk."

I said... with full intentions of taunting him. I didn't come here to make friends with him, after all.

And for sure, the results of my actions were revealed instantly. The human beast looked at me with sinister eyes, and I could feel him sensing my magic pressure.

He is gauging me. Well, I am doing pretty much the same, so I can't blame him.

"... Heh! You are different. Experienced and strong. I like you."

He complimented, and again, I'm not here to make friends.

"Thanks. I feel disgusted already."

Once again, I kept on pissing him off, hoping it works. Seeing that the conversation was not going his way, the lion-faced guy stood up from his throne. Right away, I can see the difference in our height.

He is two meters tall. It's not as tall as the red orcs indeed, but is still much taller than me.

"Looks like we just converse in a different language. In that case, I shall follow along with your way of talking.

This humble warrior... is Galar. God of all orcs."

The beast speaks as he pulls the four swords from the ground with all four of his hands. The sound of the swords unsheathing from the ground nearly bleeds my ears, but that wasn't what I was most surprised to hear.

God... of Orcs? An actual... god?

Here? In this poorly rated dungeon?

S-Sure, there was two hundred red orcs outside. Perhaps even more down here inside the dungeon. But, a genuine god? Seriously?

This world is quite a unique one. Gods existed, and there are quite many of them. This world's entire history was based on the actions of such gods. All the wars, the separations, and the creation of kingdoms. They are all tied to the ancient gods who once ruled the lands.

And now... one of them is right in front of me. I can tell that he isn't lying, because there is just no reason for him to lie here.

This guy... he's a real god. The God of Orcs.



As I was far too stunned from that sudden drop of information, Galar, the God of Orcs started sharpening the two pairs of his swords very quickly. Seeing that he is wielding four large greatswords made me realize what his combat style might be.

Ignoring the possibility of him using magic, this guy is most likely a heavy-type close range swordsman. Jrake is in the same category, but something tells me that he will not fight in any way similar to that bald teacher of mine.

Jrake has one sword. The downtime of his swings is so big that I can make use of it. This guy has four, and I'm sure he can alternate in swinging the swords.

For sure... he will be my hardest opponent. And the fact that he is a super strong close ranged, he might be just the right type that I am weak with. His four large swords, as well as four super strong arms. 

Even his fighting style is my arch-nemesis... How is this any way fair?


He jumped very high from the throne area and landed in the middle of the room, only twenty meters in front of me. That landing vibrates everything in the room, even reaching Hod and Valey outside. 

I glared back at those two, and Hod seems to be able to stand. Valey, however, is already kneeling right by the exit. She really couldn't stand the pressure of this guy, even when she is so far away.

Then, I turned my gaze back to the beast. From the looks of it, he is taking this quite lightly, seeing that he did not attack me when I turned my eyes to my friends behind me.

If that's the case... there is a chance. I should go serious--No, just being serious will still kill me. I have to go even more.

I unsheathed both of my swords at the same time. The sizes of my blades were only a quarter the size of any of his four blades, and I only have two of them. Even so, I enchanted both of them with ten times the amount I'm used to using my magic energy. With the sword of the goblin king on my right hand, and the adventurer's knight sword on my left, I can feel the power of the two blades vibrating on my palms. 

Not enough, I summoned 7 balls of healing magic to float around me. Now, I will be getting healed all the time if I somehow get injured during the fight.

This... is my strongest form at the moment. It really felt like I'm a god now. At this point, there is probably no one that can beat me in the kingdom.

However, it's definitely a different story when I'm facing this guy.

"Now those are some neat abilities! I was wondering whether or not this battle will be boring."

The God of Orcs was thrilled. His eyes are showing his battle spirit, while the air around him turned stiff from the pressure. And as he releases even more of his pressure, sweat rolls down from my forehead. 

This is definitely a pressure from a higher White ranked beast, or perhaps higher since I've never seen one this strong before. Somehow, I can already feel that higher White is not right for this pig god, and something tells me that this guy can even be stronger.

"What's your name, little human warrior?"

I looked at his face, and he seemed to be eagerly wanting to fight. Without realizing, my mouth curled to the right.

At the very least... Why don't I have some fun as well?

"Rize. Rize Violet."

"Good! Two warriors must know each other's name before an honorable battle!"

"Really? I just gave you my name because I want to see if you are smart enough to remember it."

Hearing that, the smile on his face dissipates. I can tell that he is pissed, and I'm glad that my taunting is working flawlessly.

"Don't look down on The God of Orcs, warrior Rize! This god will teach you and all other humans a lesson!"

"Tell me, 'God of Orcs'. I understand that one being a god is amazing..."

His ears are locked to my mouth as his grips began to grip harder, ready to attack. He knew I was going to say something that would piss him off. 

Because, obviously, I will.

"I want to know how shitty it is, you know...? To be chosen as a god, but as a god of fucking pigs?"

That joke was good. Too good. 

So good, it finally pissed the god of pigs.



He dashed forward at a high speed while screaming his war cry. If it wasn't for my highly trained eyes, I wouldn't be able to see his movements. Then, with a small push on my leg, I jumped upwards.


Galar slashed the spot I stood with all his strength. It destroyed the floor, but I'm no longer there.

"Can you at least appreciate the cleanness of this floor?"

I said jokingly, and the God of Orcs turned his gaze up to see me. 

Stuck in the ceiling is my right sword, while the rest of my body is just hanging on the handle. The same thing Valey did with her short sword earlier, and it's a rather neat trick I can use as well.

"You like playing tricks, huh?"

"And you like to attack people before the fight even starts."

I took out a throwing knife, and I aimed at the destroyed entrance to the boss room. Hod and Valey got surprised by it because they were watching, and Galar noticed their presence from the direction of the knife.

"The only one fighting is me. Leave those two out of this."

I said as a form of requirement, and the orc god only grins.

"All right, consider it done. Now, can you come down?"

"All right. Battle... commence!"

I unstuck my sword from the ceiling, and I fell down straight to him. I thought he would jump upwards and attack me, but he has other plans. He immediately dashed to the other way, towards Hod and Valey who was having a frightened expression by the sealed exit.


"Do you expect a pig would just take the deal??"

Ah... so predictable.


All of a sudden, a very large wall made of ice was created on the entrance, blocking Galar completely.

The God of Orcs realized that this ice magic was already prepared long before he started rushing there, but he decided to not care and halted his rush right before the ice wall. Galar began charging strength onto his blades, and he swung them powerfully to the ice wall.


The ice wall Hod created was destroyed instantly, but Hod is more than prepared for that.


Even more ice walls were created, and Galar clicked his tongue at how quickly Hod spawned these ice spikes.

"Do you think these things are going to block me!?"


The second wave of ice walls were destroyed instantly, and Hod coughed from his magic being removed forcefully. Valey fired a powerful lightning arrow towards Galar, but the God of Orcs only swung his sword to deflect the arrow.

Galar chuckled at how easy it was for him to block the puny human's attack. But what he didn't realize is that his real opponent is already behind him.


A blade was sliced deep on the orc god's back, and Galar's eyes opened widely from the shock. He quickly spun his body around and swung a pair of swords to me, but I already jumped back.


I called after landing quite far, and Galar turned his eyes to me very slowly. His eyes are red from rage, and blood is dripping slowly from his back to the floor.

"I already knew from the start that you wouldn't keep your promise. I mean, have pigs ever?"

I said with confidence, because I did predict that before I even came to the room to fight him.

I talked about the plan with Valey and Hod, about what the boss will do once he starts fighting me. I knew that the boss will be incredibly intelligent, and he will for sure aim for both Hod and Valey before coming to kill me.

So, I told Hod to prepare himself for when the boss might come rushing for him. And knowing Hod, he is a very capable ice mage. He knows exactly what to do.

Of course, there was never a guarantee that Hod will be able to fully stop Galar. But, that's where I come in. I made sure of it, created the situation for it, made a gap on purpose so Galar took the bait.

And finally, the very first blow of the battle has landed. I drew first blood.

"You... Slut!!!!"

Hey, that's not nice.

After shouting that nasty word, Galar started rushing for me instead of the other two. And with him fully focusing on me, I can focus on him as well without minding Hod and Valey.

And this will be the toughest part of the battle. I will have to stay alive.

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