Two Petals of Demons

Chapter 9: The Two Parts of a Whole

Chapter 9.0 - The battle of love and death

The clash between the two had begun.

A fury was slashes was launched by Gil who was now on the complete offensive. Sakurai was not prepared for this battle and therefore was on a complete defensive state. Her mind raced through possibilities to look for holes in the fighting pattern that Gil was using.
Gil knew the intelligence that Sakurai possessed and that she would soon figure out a strategy to counter his attacks if he doesn't quickly dominate the battlefield.
Two extremely fast fighting and intelligent creatures, would result in some of the most impactful fights. These two individuals knew of the strengths that the others possessed. However, strengths always showcase how much better that person is compared to you.
"Certainly, you can't be this cocky to believe that you are going to leave this battle unscathed. I will be certain to leave some love bites of mine once I am done consuming that beautiful soul of yours." Sakurai's eyes had turned red with the way that she was approaching her powers. The power of creation started to dominate her surroundings, as she created a region to open her undead souls.
"That heart certainly possesses some cruel deeds. But even I feel like actions can be redeemed if a suitable approach is taken. I am true judgement. I am true justice. It is only in death, when you can finally see if you've redeemed yourself. Therefore, let me gain your heart, and judge it without any external bias. The conqueror of true judgement." Gil unleashes an electrifying discharge of yellow light that burned most of the spring present bordering the two of them. His eyes were now purely yellow. An eerily familiar yellow. The yellow that is the most comfortable for most human eyes. He hurled his staff at a speed closer to Mach 1.
The medium surrounding the two individuals started to warp. They both felt a strong disturbance that warned them of a new intruder entering into the space that they were present.
"Seems like someone wants to ruin this playdate. Another individual coming and ruining is certainly regrettable. However, since I wanted to finish this as fast as I could, let this be the opportunity to showcase a fraction of what true power of sacrifice is... Let the love I possess be the finale that you witness, because I don't want you to suffer anymore. I can't bear to see you in this state any longer. I just want you to be free." Gil removed his hood and showcased ears of a jackal that he had gained in his servant form. "WITNESS THE POWER OF ANUBIS, AS I ATTAIN YOUR HEART"
"The love I possess is one that I want to truly keep. If I had known the truth of this world before the gift I received, then I wouldn't have kept this gift. The normality that I wished will never be present, for I will constantly laugh at your misery. Your torture is pleasurable to me. Your death is my final climax. I wish that my love is true in having a agreeable outcome. Therefore, as I chant:" Sakurai entered into a slight prayer position. Her thumb and index fingers formed a circle and the remaining 6 fingers were positioned antiparallel to each other. The hands slightly curved forming a divine bond of the undead and spring that she possessed...
"The spring and fury of wrath of Kore"
"I alone breathe the air that everyone breaths"
"I am no longer the titular character of my own story"
"And therefore, I unleash my wrath upon you, dear one"
Sakurai now fashioned her flora hair to a crown and the hands emerging from the bottom of the domain turned into a throne to sit upon. She was turning into the title that she had gained in her own mythos.
The queen of the underworld.
"I am the antagonist of most stories. But for the ones I have a crush on, I bear no such animosity. Therefore, let me not be the villain in your story."A ship came from the bottom of Gil's feet as Anubis' scales now possessed his mast of the ship.
The battle of creation and death. A truly magnificent battle that caused these two individuals to confess to the other person. However, due to the motion of the battle, they haven't realized the truth behind the statements that they had just stated.
I began to recount of all the characters that had been introduced in the story until now. From demons and angels and gods. There's no limit to the power that any possess. They say that love is an emotion that is so strong, worlds will erupt and destroy themselves if the worlds could love each other. The strongest force. An emotion that has become the central theme for so many stories. Love does haven't limits, it all depends on the imagination of the author at the end of it, doesn't it?
The love between Yanderes. Individuals born to kill anyone who dares come in the path between the one they love and themselves. A stated of crazed love. And in this point in the story, these two individuals facing off were revealing their yandere prowess to each other.
Creation and the Death of creation.
These two were constantly in both their heads. The thrones of Kore where Sakurai was sitting and the ship to the undead, containing the Guardian of the Scales, the Servant of Anubis, Gil. A battle between a king in this reality and a queen in her god form.
The reverberations of the two monarchal attacks would easily tear the dimensional gap, causing a flood of deadly domain materials to flood the world, causing eternal damage.
"There is no limit to the attacks that I possess, now is there. I JUST NEED THE HEART."
Scream of scream hurled.
Gil and Sakurai had reached a stage of complete monarchal powers.
Gil constantly moving and Sakurai constantly still.
When the unmovable object meets the unstoppable force. Two creatures that can bend the laws of the world to themselves.
"And yet, I need to intervene so that the damage is minimal, isn't it", a voice chanted through the entire bubble space.
The void bubble now seemed to shatter, as two hands emerged from the black body and picked the two individuals, bringing them to the real world.
Never underestimate your seniors, little ones.


Chapter 9.5 - The Other Side of the Apple

While the reality bubble was on the verge of causing the extinction of three individuals, we enter the scene as Kars-Nars and Nanami were monitoring the students that were in the hospital along with the two fainted "strangers". Nanami knew them very well though.

Alastor and Wellester, a duo that was so powerful on this planet that they shook the very foundations of what was possible and what wasn't possible. It's no surprise that Alastor the King of his entire legion. Being the avatar of Bael, he certainly lives up to the name of a sadist. Wellester is the one who seems to be always caught up in Alastor's instincts, but she's more like the king in this case.
If we were to compare these two individuals as chess pieces, the movements and skillsets of Alastor suit more of the everchanging and evermoving queen, whereas Wellester's moves are more like a king... Therefore, both individuals continuing to stick together shake the balance of power in their world. Very few individuals or even groups are able to rival their combined power. However, I am not able to demonstrate or showcase their powers at this point in the story. I can only narrate whatever the writer asks me to narrate. This gets annoying at times.
Continuing the stroll of Nanami, as he sees the bodies of eight individuals, he reviews the condition of each of them in the underground hospital that Kars-Nas and Nanami immediately transported them to after pulling them from the incident.
Nanami takes a small diary and takes a note of their present condition.
"Firstly, we have Adoren. She seems to be breathing, there's no serious damage anymore and she will recover. She can easily continue her work after this incident and there's no real threat to her wellbeing. After she has woken up, we can take a look at her mental state after the incident."
"Secondly, there's Arjun. He's alive, but extremely fatigued. There's labored breathing movements and irregular intervals of continuous gasping for air as if he is drowning in his own saliva. Kars, I feel like you knocked him out too hard. It will take him some time to recover, but I feel once he recovers this hot-tempered child will begin to resent us and might turn against us. I'll take a decision on what to do with this child later."
"Thirdly, there's Shikith. Servant of Frinia certainly does have its advantages."
"It sure does Sensei. I am glad that I am being able to walk at this point. I am looking at the state of my fellow servants and friend avatars. Do you mind explaining me what happened in the short time frame that I was out?" replied the Servant of Frinia.
"There's no time right now child. I'll just impart you a simple dossier-isk summary and directly attach it into your mind. Please take care, and don't turn against us." warned the concerned Servant of Benzaiten. Shikith was the one of only 3 individuals who was actually conscious and not either sleeping or in a comatose state.
"Moving on there's fourthly, Ramiel. I don't think that we can salvage his body Kars. He looks fully useless. Even if we were to bring him back up and attach robotic limbs and parts, he would still not be able to function in society properly. He'll be shunned by regular people for making sacrifices and shunned by us for losing such a terrible matchup battle. Fighting head on trying to break the dimensional fabric against someone who can light our atmosphere on fire and another who can set your soul's judgement to stone, I really don't know how someone's going to continue surviving with so much backlash."
Kars-Nas took a deep breath and sighed extremely heavily. "I feel like I should end his misery with the way you're speaking. But I also don't think he'd die that easily. He's like an angel. We'd need one of the deadly gods to pull that off. Which reminds me, who is monitoring the reality bubble?"
"I left the servant of Njord to watch over the region until I return. That newbie is still experimenting with his powers, so I left him with this simple task. I guess I can continue. Fifthly, we have Larnia..."
"Yo sensei, I'm up now. I want to sleep for some more time though, would that be okay?" Larnia asked with the most eager expression. With the cute face of almost a cute kitten, the already frustrated Sensei reluctantly agreed.
Hmm... I wonder, if I irritate the writer of this story too much, do you think that I will be able to get whatever I ask?
"Sixthly, there's Clara... her eyes... I don't think we can save her eye."
"It pains me babe. I don't want to feel this pain. I feel stupid." with tears and mucus covered face, Egoister just held her hand. He gently held her hand to comfort and provide her warmth in that cold and desperate time.
"Don't worry Clara. I was able to defy the world when I wanted to attain you. I am willing to keep you safe. I'll break my promise with Yeux if I am unable to protect you, even after all the sacrifices have taken place. Therefore, don't worry, we'll get through this." Egoister was nervously trying to calm his fiancé down.
"Having a strong partner sure does have it's benefits. I am glad that Clara found someone like Ego..." Sensei just exclaimed to the avatar of Astaroth.
"I would say it's the opposite, but both have grown extremely close. It is one couple that I am genuinely not jealous about and I am genuinely rooting for them. On the other hand, we have the disaster couple. I am intrigued and at the same time absolutely terrified about these two." Kars-Nas stood silently next to the fainted couple.
Both Allastor and Wellester were holding hands and lying on the beds next to each other. Even in an almost comatose state, these two were still holding hands.
That's cute...
Meanwhile, a few minutes prior to the hospital sequence, we move to another location to discuss.
Here we near the reality bubble created by Wellester to control and keep the two deadly gods, with the servant of Njord guarding the the bubble. He has to make sure that the bubble doesn't burst, and absolutely doesn't shatter or spill its contents to the real world. A dimension within a dimension.
Bharaj was truly intrigued by the entire concept, and wanted to toy with it.
Then as a normal story would go, a mysterious shadow loomed from the background.
Scary, and the pinnacle of chilling.

The aura emitting from this person was enough to even frighten the wind god...

"Dangerous bubble, isn't it?" replied the hooded figure that emerged.
Slashing his daggers, he tore the bubble extremely carefully and just jumped into it.
wait what?
I am as confused as Bharaj. Someone just randomly tore the bubble ever so carefully and then jumped into the same space as two pseudo-humans trying to kill each other.
The figure ominously laughed.
"The hunt!" it spoke.
"Never underestimate your seniors, little ones."


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