Three Kingdoms: The Eighteen Riders of Yanyun are Summoned at the Start

Chapter 762

Chapter 778 Zhe Rong’S Coup!

Moling City.

This place is Liu Yao’s old lair, since Yuan Shao entered Shouchun, Liu Yao has lived here.

Although both banks of the Huai River were occupied by Yuan Shao, Liu Yao was not at all unhappy, but thought that he had obtained a door god. With Yuan Shao helping him to guard the door of Yangzhou, he would not have to suffer from the chaos in the world.

But even though he had a good abacus, he never expected Liu Bian to be born out of nowhere, destroying Dong Zhuo, Gongsun Zan, Yuan Shu and others one by one with the momentum of sweeping the world.

He didn’t even think that Yue Fei and Xue Rengui would win Shouchun so quickly.

Now he has to make a choice, whether to resist Liu Bian’s front, or bow his head and raise his hands to surrender.

State Shepherd’s House.

Because Xu You arrived yesterday afternoon, Liu Yao also gathered all his confidants at “490” this morning.

Taishi Ci, Zhe Rong, Zhang Ying and others hurried over after being summoned by Liu Yaoda in the morning.

In the hall, everyone was talking a lot, waiting for Liu Yao’s arrival.

Finally, under the protection of the guards, Liu Yao came to the hall and made a decision. Liu Yao said, “Yesterday, I originally sent Xu You here, but now I’m still summoning you. Today, I asked everyone to come here for a good future together. , Everyone is free to express their opinions, and I will never investigate whether they are right or wrong. 99

After Liu Yao finished her opening remarks, everyone below fell into deep thought.

The group of people led by Tai Shici and Zhang Yingwu paused for a while, and they all said: “My lord has been sitting in the rich Jiangnan for several years, and now I have a large number of soldiers in Yangzhou. No matter what the lord decides, we will swear to death. If you follow him, more than a million soldiers and civilians in Yangzhou will also support the lord.”

The loyalty of the generals in voting made Liu Yao extremely happy. No matter whether he surrendered or resisted, these troops were the support for his survival in the troubled times.

I saw him laughing: “Taishi Jiangjun, General Zhang, with the two of you in Yangzhou, I can sit back and relax.”

After saying this, Liu Yao turned her gaze to Zhe Rong.

Zhe Rong is his most trusted advisor, and Liu Yao usually consults Zhe Rong on important matters.

Before Xu You came, he had asked Ji Zhe Rong, but at that time Zhe Rong thought it was too early to make a decision, so he did not give him an answer. Now that it was a critical moment, he hoped that Zhe Rong would give him a clear analysis of the general trend of the world.

Zhe Rong was not as quick as Taishi Ci and Zhang Ying. He pondered for a while, and then paced back and forth in the hall for a while before he said, “Liu Bian has a role in half of the world today, and he is invincible wherever he goes. It is the soldiers who are strong and strong, according to the current situation, it is a high probability that he will get the world, I mainly want to get rich and noble forever, I should choose early, and can’t wait for his soldiers to come under the city, otherwise the glory will be greatly reduced!”

As soon as he said these words, Taishi Ci’s expression changed, and he was quite unconvinced: “Sir, you must have underestimated my military strength in Yangzhou. Although on the plains, my Jiangnan children are not as brave as the northern cavalry, but on the Yangtze River, I am confident. No one is our opponent. What can Liu Bian do even if he hits the Yangtze River? I will definitely let him see the strength of my Yangzhou army.

“When they feel that they can’t win Yangzhou, wouldn’t I be worth a lot more? Why surrender so early?”

As soon as Taishi Ci said these words, the rest of the generals also spoke up: “Yes, I will keep troops for a thousand days and use them for a while, I have waited for many years to rest and recuperate, and it is time to show my skills, otherwise the heroes of the world will be underestimated! 35

“That’s right, as long as he can resist Liu Bian’s attack, won’t this young emperor come to discuss with my lord?

The generals’ remarks made Zhe Rong frown, and he snorted coldly: “When the twelve states in the world become Liu Bian’s, how can you resist with the power of one state? How long can you resist?”

“When the city of Moling is destroyed, do you want the lord to be buried with you?”

“My Lord has said it long ago, to find a future for everyone, to find a way of life, is this a way of life?”

Zhe Rong despised these generals very much, and his words were a bit harsh.

Taishi Ci was arrogant and arrogant, so naturally he couldn’t bear such ridicule, and he had to say it again.

Liu Yao hurriedly said, “Both of you are lonely right-hand men, and you must not have disputes over trivial matters.

“Mr. Zhe Rong is also analyzing the general situation of the world for Gu, not to mention Liu Bian, as he said, no one can stop him wherever he goes, and no one has let him lose a battle yet, it is really unwise for us to fight him in Yangzhou!

Liu Yao’s words were obviously partial to Zhe Rong, which also made Taishi Ci and others annoyed a little…

Although he was still dissatisfied, he couldn’t continue to argue.

Zhe Rong glanced at Taishi Ci proudly, and continued: “Although Liu Bei is still stubbornly resisting in Yizhou, after all, it’s the beetle and the mayfly shaking the tree and the man’s arm as a chariot.

“The Shouchun side has just been breached. Although Yuan Shao and Cao Cao have escaped and have tens of thousands of remnants in their hands, it is not realistic for them to resist the soldiers of Yue Fei and Xue Rengui.

“Cao Cao is sitting in Jingzhou, Sili, and Yuzhou, but he has been surrounded by Liu Bian, and he will not be Liu Bian’s opponent, so we have come to the time to make a decision.”

“My lord must make a decision early, otherwise one day at night, your status in the Han court will be one point lower.”

After Zhe Rong finished speaking, he closed his eyes slightly and said no more.

After listening to this, Liu Yao pondered for a while.

“Sir, if we surrender now, won’t we provoke the hostility of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao? Although Yue Fei and the others have attacked Shouchun, but from the information, it can be seen from the information that Shouchun City is in flames, and his southward march will be delayed. trouble?’

Zhe Rong smiled and shook his head: “My lord, not only is this not causing trouble, but a great wealth for the lord!”

“Great wealth? How do you say this? 35

“My lord, please listen!

Saying that, Zhe Rong took a few steps before and lowered his voice: “1.8 If the lord wants to gain Liu Bian’s trust, and if he wants to have a high-ranking official in the Han court in the future, how can he not do something for Liu Bian?

“If we can dedicate Yuan Shao and Cao Cao to Liu Bian in one fell swoop, will you still be unable to keep your status?”

“Half of the credit for the peace of the world will go to you. If Liu Bian doesn’t give a reward, the world will not be able to see it!”


Liu Yao was stunned for a moment, and then a happy expression appeared on his face.

He laughed a few times: “Mr. clever plan, clever plan!!

“That’s very good, very good!!

In a burst of laughter, Liu Yao dismissed everyone one by one, leaving Zhai Rong alone by his side. Although the others were puzzled and didn’t know what Zhai Rong said, they all retreated.

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