Three Kingdoms Star System

Chapter 116 Strike halfway?

Chapter 116 Strike halfway?

Let's say that after Xu Huang received Liu He's order, he immediately led an army of [-] to Hedong.

The army drove straight in, and arrived at Pubanjin after only one day, without encountering any obstacles along the way.

After some thinking, Xu Huang said to the military advisor Xun You: "Military advisor, our army has arrived now, but there is no obstacle along the way, especially the Pubanjin in front of us, there is no bandit stationed, which shows that the other party is also helpless." Conspirator, in this case, why don't we take the opportunity to lead our troops across Pubanjin? This way we can attack the enemies of Hebei County from behind. These enemies are just heavily guarded against us sending troops from Tongguan, but they will never think that we will cross the river attacking."

Xun You nodded when he heard this and said: "General Gongming's words are very reasonable. In fact, you also have this intention."

"Okay, since that's the case, then Nahuang will lead five thousand elite soldiers to cross Pubanjin overnight, and go to the opposite side to set up a camp. The military division will then lead the army to advance slowly. When the time comes, we will gather our troops and defeat the enemy in Hebei County, so that we can send troops to attack directly. The county is safe and the city is gone."

After discussing with Xun You, Xu Huang and Xun You immediately decided that the two of them would personally find the people along the coast and ask for ferry boats from the people. Originally, the people avoided the officers and soldiers like snakes and scorpions. Ferries were enthusiastically donated, and some people even felled trees and built boats overnight.

"Sigh, I really didn't expect the name of the lord to be so effective. I had prepared a lot of excuses." Xu Huang praised softly, his face full of joy.

But Xun You said: "You also sent people to investigate. At the time of Linjin, the lord led the people to defeat the Huns and Baibo thieves who came to invade the people, beheaded the thieves, and saved thousands of people. Moreover, they also distributed the property of the thieves to the common people. This kind of kindness has already been praised by the common people. After that, the common people built shrines one after another to commemorate the kindness of the lord. Now they hear that we belong to the lord, so naturally Do your best to help us. Therefore, the reason why we were able to recruit the ferry so smoothly today is all thanks to the virtue of the Lord."

"It turns out that there is such an old story. No wonder the people's attitude changed drastically when they heard that we are the master's people. Seeing us is like seeing relatives. I thought they were afraid that we would be bad for them and forced a smile. ." Xu Huang suddenly realized it and said to Xun You with a smile.

While the two were chatting and laughing, the boats for crossing the river had already been prepared, and there were nearby boatmen who took the initiative to ferry them. These boatmen have been ferrying here all year round. With the help of Xu Huang, the 5000 people of Xu Huang will definitely reduce a lot of losses.

"Everyone, it's really hard work, Huang is very grateful." Xu Huang led the soldiers under his command to board the boat to cross the river first, and when boarding the boat, he said to the busy civilian husband.

"What is General Xu talking about? Your army is an army of benevolence and righteousness. The purpose of crossing the river is to wipe out the bandits, clear up future troubles for us, and let us live a more stable life from now on. It's a pity that the little old man doesn't have that ability, otherwise it would be impossible. We want to join the army and help the army kill thieves, so at present, we can only contribute a little to the army through this method."

An old man with a gray beard wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to Xu Huang.

Although the river was not frozen at that time, it was still bitingly cold. However, the old man had been busy for most of the day for the officers and soldiers to cross the river. Not only was he not cold, but his forehead was covered with sweat.

Xu Huang's heart was also deeply moved, and at the same time he became more determined to protect these villagers so that they would no longer be invaded by bandits. These kind people generally live a happy and comfortable life.

"Let's go, this time we will go to the east of the river, we must succeed." Xu Huang clenched his fists tightly, his expression solemn, and the blazing torches reflected his resolute face!
Afterwards, the boatmen drove their own ferryboats and transported Xu Huang and the others to the other side of the river in batches.

Rao Xu Huang trusted those villagers very much, but after stepping on the ferry and feeling the turbulent river, Xu Huang couldn't help feeling guilty, feeling that he had no control over life and death, but once he stepped on the land on the other side, His raised heart immediately came down again, and on the ground, he suddenly had the feeling that the world's heroes are no one to me.

In the middle of the night, Xu Huang stood proudly with a big ax in his hand, and then ordered his soldiers to be on guard in case of a sudden attack by the enemy.

As more and more soldiers crossed the river, Xu Huang assigned some soldiers to build camps.

A dozen miles away from Xu Huang's location is Puban County. Thousands of troops are stationed in the city. The commander of the city is a subordinate of Hu Cai, the commander of Bai Bo's army. His name is Wentong. Wentong was drinking that night. After that, he snored in the house and was suddenly awakened by a voice: "General, it's not good."

"What are you yelling about? Are you trying to kill yourself?" Wen Tong was awakened from his sweet dream, and he suddenly felt unhappy and shouted loudly.

But the reporter said pantingly: "A lot of fires appeared beside the river, it seems that there should be bandits sneaking across the river."

"What?" After Wen Tong heard the news, he shuddered tremblingly, and the drowsiness on his face was completely dispelled.He was sent to guard the ferry, and if the ferry fell, with Hu Cai's viciousness, he might not even be able to keep his head, let alone the family members "protected" by Hu Cai.

Therefore, after hearing the news, Wentong immediately jumped up, put on his armor in a hurry, ordered the army to be assembled, and then led them to the direction of the ferry.

"Speed ​​up, kill the bandits no matter what, and never let them occupy the ferry."

"Hurry up and catch up. Anyone who falls behind will be killed."

"Hurry up, hurry up, if I am accused, none of you will be happy!"


Wen Tong was in a hurry, urging the soldiers to move forward with a series of voices.

At this time, Sima Long, his deputy, said with a smile, "Don't worry, general. There is a saying in the art of war. We will attack halfway through the river. We will attack when the bandit army is crossing the river. This battle will definitely be won. General just now It didn't take long for me to accomplish a great feat after arriving at Urabaka Castle. My brothers are all envious of me. When the time comes, the general will be rewarded for his meritorious service, but don't forget your brothers."

"Hmph, you're the one with a sweet mouth." Wen Tong gave Wen Tong an angry look, and the tension in his heart eased a little. In fact, although he didn't say anything, he also thought that what Sima Long said was very reasonable, so he led the army to touch it quietly. , launching a surprise attack when the enemy is halfway across the country, even if the opponent has 1 troops, they will definitely be defeated.

"I hope it's Liu He himself who comes this time, so I can make a great contribution. If Liu He can be captured alive, will my lord reward me with a general of the Four Commands or the Four Towns? Well, in order not to As for scaring Liu He away, I still order the army to move more slowly and make less noise."

Thinking of this, Wen Tong then ordered the soldiers to slow down, not to make any noise, to catch up quietly, wait until the drums sounded, and then attack together, defeating the enemy who was caught off guard.

(End of this chapter)

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