Three Kingdoms Star System

Chapter 110

Chapter 110
After Liu Ye was canonized, Liu He took Cai Yan back to Chang'an. The two of them rode together on this journey, which was really charming, and Cai Yan was in front of Liu He, and Liu He took advantage of it. Sometimes the fifth limb couldn't help getting angry once or twice, which made Cai Yan look puzzled, wondering if Liu He was carrying other weapons besides the horse, which made Liu He feel embarrassed. feel refreshed...

A few days later, Liu He finally came to Chang'an under the difficult torment, and placed Cai Yan in his mansion, and specially set up a study room for her, and asked her to silently write Cai Yong's poems and collection of books. Finally, this charming and embarrassing journey is over.

The next thing is actually very busy, because although Liu He controls the entire Sili Xiaowei Department in name, but because Hongnong County and Henan County where Luoyang is located are actually controlled by Cao Cao, it is impossible to become his According to the new division, almost the entire Youfufeng belongs to Yongzhou. The territory, but according to the old division, the so-called vast land from Chang'an to Qian County belongs to Youfufeng's territory, but now the main force of Ma Teng's army is stationed in Huaili near Chang'an, which is equivalent to controlling the entire Youfufeng. Ma Teng's hand, which made Liu He very angry.

"Hmph, You Fufeng was originally my territory, but Ma Teng's army is still entrenched in Huai Li, and he has no intention of retreating. Besides, I also heard that Ma Teng and Han Sui became brothers. It is obvious that they want to guard against me, but if you give up You Fufeng to Ma Teng, I will not be reconciled. Looking at it now, the emperor Liu Xie is really extraordinary enough to think of such a plan to make me and Ma Teng Ma Teng fought each other for You Fufeng, alas, I still underestimated this little guy, I really forgot to ask the system to scan his attributes."

Originally, Liu He thought that Emperor Xian was just a child, not worth mentioning at all, but he never thought that he would be able to think of such a plan to drive tigers and wolves away. Then he reminded himself that in this troubled world, no one should be underestimated. People, including the emperor who has been controlled by others and has no real power.

Afterwards, Liu He summoned his advisers to discuss the issue at hand, and finally everyone came to the unanimous conclusion: Ma Chao and Han Sui are united, and the strength is not weak. If Cao Cao takes the opportunity to attack again at this time, then the situation in Guanzhong may be dangerous, so At present, he can only endure it temporarily and let Ma Teng be stationed in Huaili, while he leads the army to occupy Hedong County first.

Since Xu Huang was from Yang County, Hedong and was born in the Baibo Army, Liu He decided to present Xu Huang as the captain of Hedong County, in charge of the local military and public security. With Xun You as the military division, he led an army of [-] to attack Hedong County, " Cooperating with the governor of Hedong County, Li Le, who is also Yang Feng's subordinate, is in charge of Hedong County. I believe that with Xu Huang's local advantages and [-] troops, he can defeat the Baibo bandits in the name of suppressing bandits and completely occupy Hedong County. In terms of time, the only thing worth worrying about is Yang Feng. Although there is nothing terrible about this person, he is Xu Huang's old master after all, and he is also the hero who escorted Emperor Xian back to the east. To restrain Xu Huang, I'm afraid Xu Huang will be a bit difficult to handle, but Xun You is full of clever tricks. I believe he can find a way to drive Li Le away and completely occupy Hedong County.

After that, Liu He named Wei Yan as Zuo Fengyi, and asked him to take Liu Ye as his military adviser and lead an army of [-] to garrison Zuo Fengyi. In fact, Zuo Fengyi didn't have too many problems, but he was just appointed as the governor of Liangzhou. Han Sui is also eyeing Zuo Fengyi, and this is also the best place for Ma Teng and Han Sui to attack Guanzhong, because it borders Youfufeng and Liangzhou at the same time, plus Zuo Fengyi's local Qiang people and Shangjun in Bingzhou The southern Huns were also dishonest, especially when they heard that Liu He had killed their big family Huyan Xiutu and thousands of his subordinates, they were furious and clamored to enter Chang'an and capture Liu He alive. Therefore, The defense there must not be relaxed.

After these troops were dispatched, because Wenpin also returned to Jingzhou, Liu He had only [-] troops from Bashang and thousands of recruits recruited in Chang'an stationed in Chang'an. Facing the coveted neighbors Ma Teng and Han Therefore, Liu He felt a little uneasy, so he discussed with Guo Jia whether to send troops from Nanyang, and take the initiative to attack Ma Teng out of Fufeng first, so as to solve his confidant's troubles.

However, Guo Jia still insisted on his original point of view and did not advocate using troops against Ma Teng. He also told Liu He that although Ma Teng and Han Sui looked like brothers on the surface, they were actually at odds with each other. It is enough to guard Chang'an with peace of mind. When the conflict between Ma Teng and Han Sui breaks out, he will unite with Han Sui to deal with Ma Teng, so that he can win You Fufeng. Even if Guo Jia has the skill of ghost conspiracy, it is not possible to make a divorce in a short period of time, so Liu He needs to wait with peace of mind.

Although he was very impatient, Liu He had no choice but to wait quietly.

Due to the dry autumn in Guanzhong this year, the grain harvest was not much, so there was a general lack of food in the entire Guanzhong area. This situation became more obvious in winter. Liu He is fine here, and Chang'an still has the preparations for Emperor Xian. The food for the disaster victims in Guanzhong, so he took out the food and distributed it to the people. In addition, there was still a lot of surplus food in Nanyang, and some of the relief was also transported, which naturally eased the disaster. But the situation in Ma Teng's place It was a little more serious, because his army was short of food and grass, and it would not be used to relieve the people. This caused the people to starve and die everywhere. Many people began to flee out of the unbearable situation. He fled into Chang'an City and became a commoner under Liu He's rule.

Although Ma Teng was very annoyed by this, after all, the people ran away voluntarily. Even if he didn't want to, there was nothing he could do. What's more, he also knew that Liu He had gathered a large number of troops. If he really dared to start a full-scale war with Liu He, Liu He With the help of Chang'an City's high and deep geographical advantages, the army will definitely not be able to please him.

What made Ma Teng even more angry was that some people fled to Hanyang, Anding and other counties under Han Sui's rule, but Han Sui not only did not repatriate these people, but distributed them food and land, and recruited them to reclaim wasteland.

"Hmph, I asked you to borrow food before, but you said there was no food, but now the people under my rule are fleeing to you, but you are generously sending food and land, and keeping them. This is clearly to give my people If it's Liu He, that's fine. After all, we still have conflicts over Fufeng, but you, Han Sui, are my brother. It's unbearable to treat me like this now. If that's the case, then don't blame me for not Be polite, I will send my soldiers to pretend to be thieves to grab food under your rule to alleviate the disaster."

Ma Teng looked in the direction of Jincheng and said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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