The Wanderer – A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

Chapter 134 – Restrictions

[2009 – September]

After a quick once-over by the paramedics that had arrived at the scene, all the students were sent home early. No one was seriously injured, there were just some who fell down while fleeing the scene so bruises and small cuts were the worst injuries present.

Peter had followed behind Connors but I had already stopped using my Farsight to watch over him. He was on his own while going after that oversized lizard as I had no interest in playing nanny for him while he was throwing himself into danger willingly.

Maybe this assessment was a bit unfair since he was only doing so to stop Connors from infecting the whole city with his serum. On the other hand, it was Peter that had given the Doc the formula in the first place, so the way I looked at it, this was just Peter taking care of the mess he had created.

Peter won't be in any danger, will he?”, Jean asked quietly as she and I were walking down the street, our goal a small alley from where I would teleport us back to the Hellion Mansion.

Laura had meanwhile followed Yukio and the others to Xavier's as she wanted to visit Logan and see how he was doing. I knew that she would text me later when she was ready for me to come and pick her up.

Shaking my head, I answered: "He will be fine. I anchored a small barrier to his body. If his life is threatened, it will activate and save him. Besides, with the amount of manpower the police is mobilizing, it won't be long before all this is resolved."

Ensuring that his life wasn't at risk was as far as I was willing to go in my interference, and this was only because of Jean. Though I hadn't told her about who it was that Peter had been fighting, as there really was no reason for me to do so.

Hmm.”, she nodded quietly, her hand gripping mine a bit more tightly.

I knew a part of her wanted to go and help but she was aware of the fact that a mutant publicly using his powers was a sensitive subject, especially when it came to such a high-profile incident like this one.

The whole reason why Emma, Charles, and Erik were in a temporary alliance was that they wanted to unite their influence to prevent the Mutant Registration Act from becoming a thing, and stop the others from doing something that might endanger this goal.

Even the X-Men only acted independently to find and save mutant children in jeopardy. Every other kind of action on their part, even if it was to save humans was only done with official permission. At least that was how it was supposed to be, though I was sure that the Professor allowed his team to break this rule regularly when he thought it necessary.

Jean wasn't naive or lawless, and she naturally understood that her actions would have consequences in this kind of situation.

Not to mention that some already thought that Spiderman was a mutant vigilante who thought that he stood above the law just because he possessed special powers. It was a dangerous thought and it didn't do the public image of mutants any good.

Of course, there were also those that admired him and thought he was doing good for the city but from an official standpoint that hardly mattered. Politics were like this. It didn't matter if a mutant acted in self-defense or to save another person, rarely something good came from such actions.

In the end, this was just another reason why an open conflict was inevitable between humanity and mutantkind. This kind of oppression could only be endured for so long before most mutants would simply be unwilling to be treated like this.

Stopping in my tracks when we arrived in the small alley from where I would bring us back home, I turned to look at her and I saw it in her beautiful eyes: worry, care, and kindness. I saw purity – good, her desire to help others, a unique and beautiful trait.

Still, my heart ached at this sight as I knew that the look in her eyes would bring her much pain in the days to come. And while I wished to protect her from this pain, this was not a realistic goal.

It was impossible to save everyone as there would never be an end to the number of people that were suffering and were in need of help. I understood this clearly and I knew that this was something Jean had to learn too, probably the hard way, as it would be a painful lesson for sure.

This didn't mean that I didn't wish for her to follow her heart and help others. I just didn't wish for her heart to break when she realized that not everyone could or should be saved.

As the inheritor of the Phoenix Force, Jean didn't just represent life but also death and destruction, and one could not exist without the other. It was only a matter of time until she would have to face this universal truth.

Raising my hands, my fingers gently brushed back a few strands of flaming hair that had escaped her loose ponytail before I cradled her cheeks. Leaning down, I placed a light kiss on her soft lips while at the same time encasing us in a barrier and moving us back to the Hellion Mansion.

You're my heroine. You know that, don't you, Firefly?”, I asked quietly, our lips almost touching while I looked deep into her beautiful green eyes, my thumbs brushing gently over the smooth skin of her cheeks.

"I do.", she replied with a whisper, her small hands holding tightly onto my sweater, tender love shining in her glittering eyes, unshed tears threatening to fall, "It's why I love you so much."

Jean could see it in Elijah's beautiful shadowed eyes, her love knew how conflicted and helpless she felt. She wanted to do good and save others, but she also knew that her actions might be regarded as threatening by others.

Even when she had lived at Xavier's, there had been a lot of other students that had feared her because of her great power, even her teammates and the Professor hadn't been any different. So normal humans would likely only react worse.

Elijah was the only one that had never looked at her in fear of what she could do, there was only pride and love in his gaze when he saw her using her gifts. Not only that but her love also wholeheartedly believed that she could do good and save others even without her abilities.

Warmth and love overflowing in her heart, Jean didn't try to suppress her emotions as a cloak of gentle fire appeared around her form.

Tiptoeing a bit, she captured Elijah's lips in a deep kiss, her arms wrapping themselves around his neck.

She didn't have to voice out what she wanted at this moment as her love's hands just naturally fell on her perky behind before he lifted her up, his tongue lashing out against hers as he kissed her with passion and deep desire.

Jean only realized that they had arrived in their bedroom when Elijah leaned down and placed her fiery form on the bedding, his hands moving quickly as he unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down along with her slightly damp lacy panties and shoes.

Her own body was suffering from an equally urgent need as she could hardly hold herself back from incinerating her love's clothes, her fingers working on his belt and buttons along with his own until he finally pushed them down and stepped out of them.

Seeing him crouch to take off his shoes and socks, Jean couldn't help but call out to him needily, her lower body bare and legs spread invitingly, vulnerably.

Elijah … I need you … ”, she said almost breathlessly, her body and heart aching for his touch and warmth.

Leaning forward while still crouching, his lips fell on her inner thigh, leaving behind a path of kisses and gentle licks as he neared her core, his deep eyes burning with love and desire as he locked gazes with her.

"I'm here, my love.", he replied quietly between kisses.

Finally, his lips fell on her slit, his tongue diving into her flower without hesitation as he feasted on her like no one else ever had besides him.

Moaning and trembling, Jean fell back on her back, her hands buried in Elijah's dark locks while he pleasured her with a dark hunger that shone in his eyes and threatened to consume her whole.

The fire around her figure slowly reached its peak while Elijah's hands slipped beneath her own sweater, shirt, and bra, gently cupping her breast, and kneading her needy flesh while his tongue and lips pushed her to her peak.

Jean cried out her love's name as she came, her mind and body aflame as she reached her peak, trembling and moaning the whole time.

Elijah though didn't give her much time to come to herself as she felt his hard shaft push into her deeply just as she regained some modicum of control, the sudden invasion making her cry out again as she looked up at her love with hazy, loving eyes.

His lips fell onto hers just a moment later and Jean could taste herself on them as he penetrated her with deep and slow thrusts, one of his hands holding onto her right hip while the other cradled her cheek.

The way Elijah's larger frame pressed her into the sheets while he conquered her lips and lower body was something Jean could never get enough of.

She felt small and safe as she lay beneath him, welcoming him into her body without any resistance, her legs wrapped around Elijah's waist while her arms were wrapped around his neck, her hands buried in his hair and caressing his shoulders and neck.

Breaking their kiss, Elijah's burning gaze found hers as he whispered against her lips, his forehead pressed against hers: "I love you, Jean Grey."

His words pierced into her heart, causing Jean to shudder and tremble, her second orgasm hitting her with such force that the only thing that she could do was hold onto Elijah. She could feel his muscles tense up, his shaft throbbing while buried deep inside her.

The moment his seed rushed into her depths, her fire consumed them both.

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