The Wanderer – A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

Chapter 129 – Bitter

[2009 – September]

Poking out her little head from my inner coat pocket as soon as Drumm left me behind to go and inform the Ancient One, Arya gave the surroundings a curious glance as she hooted softly.

Smiling, I raise my hand and placed her on my open palm as I addressed her: “Finally awake, you little sleepyhead?”

Hu hu!”, she called out while happily hopping around on my palm.

Raising my other hand, I pretended to poke her tiny body with my fingertips while Arya immediately snapped her beak at them.

I moved deliberately slow and she managed to peck at my 'attacking' fingers almost every time, which immediately caused her to hoot happily and hop around proudly as if to say 'Try again, slowpoke!'.

Her innocent joy was infectious and I couldn't help the gentle smile that spread on my lips as I continued to play with her.

As an owl, Arya was a natural predator which made her cautious and alert by instinct. Due to the Mental Link between us though, she had awakened her spiritual intelligence which meant that her personality could develop beyond her instincts.

Already she had the intelligence of an infant which made her emotions much more complex and varied. The tiny featherling had learned how to play and was very curious, though she did not display these traits of her in front of outsiders.

Her predatory instincts made her wary of unfamiliar people, and only with Jean or me around was she relaxed enough to set aside her caution.

I knew that Arya would only grow more intelligent as time passed as the formation of the connection between us was not a one-time benefit that allowed her to awaken her intelligence. In fact, as long as my own mind was growing stronger, Arya would also benefit.

Still, even without becoming stronger myself, her intelligence would grow greatly as long as some time passed and the connection between us was maintained. Therefore this effect was only going to become more pronounced as long as my own mind advanced even further.

Hearing the sliding door being moved aside, I put those thoughts aside for the moment as I saw Drumm appear again, my palm closing slightly while I turned my attention to him. Arya immediately became vigilant and stopped playing around, staring at the well-muscled Master from through gaps between my fingers, her amber gaze piercing and scrutinizing.

The Ancient One has agreed to meet you, she is waiting for you inside.”, Drumm voiced out calmly as he gestured for me to just enter while he stepped aside, his eyes flickering curiously to the tiny black owl that locked onto him as if deciding if he was prey or not.

Arya was indeed rather fearless, even daring to think about seeing a Master of the Mystic Arts as prey while being a baby herself. Though while part of that bravery was certainly inborn, my presence certainly had an influence on her daring.

Still, I found her antics rather adorable, so I didn't chide her mentally. With time, she would learn to better gauge her target's strength.

Nodding in acknowledgment, I replied politely while placing Arya on my shoulder beside my neck, which was one of her favorite places: "Many thanks for bringing me here, Master Drumm."

He gave a short nod back though didn't say anything as I passed by him and stepped into the Ancient One's office. Drumm didn't follow as he just closed the sliding door before leaving.

Upon stepping into the room my gaze immediately settled on the bald woman seated in a wooden armchair, a cup of tea in her hands while she looked at me calmly.

Elijah, welcome to Kamar-Taj.”, the Ancient One greeted with a slight smile as she turned toward me, her voice enigmatic as ever, “I see you have brought another guest with you again, how fierce.”

Her gaze rested on Arya for a short moment as her smile widened a bit, obviously recognizing Arya from my last visit.

"Greetings, Ancient One.", I returned her greeting respectfully. It was her mind and wisdom that I truly admired, not her power.

"Come, have a seat.", she invited with a gesture. A small table stood beside her seat with tea-making utensils atop, and another empty chair standing on the other side of the table.

The rest of the room looked very austere as there was no other furniture around. Two very large windows occupied the wall to my left with the chairs also facing this direction.

Taking her up on her offer, I didn't hesitate as I took a seat in the empty chair beside her.

Tea?”, she asked, gesturing to the pot on the small table.

"Only if it's black tea.", I said with a nod. I had always liked black tea as I found the bitter, yet clear taste, somewhat soothing.

Smiling, the Ancient One let out a small laugh as she replied: “It is indeed black tea.”

I wasn't shocked or surprised by her answer, and neither did I start having paranoid thoughts. My will was tough enough to not be shaken by something unimportant such as this. I knew that she had looked into my future before, which had happened before I had created my temporal shield, so for her to know some things about me was not a surprise at all.

Not to mention that this could also just be a simple coincidence as well.

Thinking about it from another perspective, I knew that being hung up on such a comparatively minor detail was what was most dangerous when conversing with an individual like the Ancient One.

The act of second-guessing everything by itself, would be a flaw in one's judgment and mentality, and a rather sinister one at that. Being afraid every step of the way and carrying with oneself endless doubt, was an incredibly self-destructive path.

Instead, I just stayed calm and collected, as I asked with a single raised brow: “You like black tea too?”

Smiling for a moment as she looked at me deeply, the Ancient One passed me the cup before turning forward again, her gaze resting in the distance as she looked outside the window.

"You should be aware that I have lived for a very long time.", she said serenely, "And most things have already lost their flavour after so long. The bitter moments though are memorable even after what seems like an eternity. I have learned to cherish them."

Nodding thoughtfully, I knew that she was right. There were many things one would easily forget after living for a lifetime, not to mention if one lived for several. The bitter and painful memories, the tribulations one had to go through along the path - they were different.

Most of them left inerasable marks on one's heart and soul, and forgetting about them wasn't done easily.

But like the Ancient One, I too cherished those bitter moments as I was aware of the fact that it was those that shaped me into who I was. Pain and suffering were indeed great teachers, even if the lessons were often harsh and never without sacrifices.

Taking out a small black marble from my pocket, I controlled the barrier to return to its original size and reveal the contents within. A moment later a small leather-bound notebook appeared on my palm.

It was the manual of the Quantum Tail. Well, 'manual' might be somewhat lacking to describe it, considering the amount of theoretical knowledge and wisdom contained inside this small book about different dimensions and their fundamental make-up.

Erwin Schroedinger might not have been able to study other dimensions as deeply as he had wanted, especially the Quantum Realm, but his insights and conjectures were certainly brilliant.

"I have finished comprehending its content. And as promised, I came to return it to Kamar-Taj.", I voiced out, explaining part of the reason that I had come to visit the Ancient One.

Kamar-Taj thanks you.”, the powerful sorceress replied as she took the book, smiling lightly, “Though I believe that there is another reason for your visit, is there not?”

Nodding calmly as I locked gazes with the Sorcerer Supreme, I said: "I came to inquire about your gift, 'The Cycle'."

The look in her eyes becoming undecipherable, a faint smile on her lips, the Ancient One acknowledged quietly: “Of course you did.”

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