The Tower King

Chapter 5: Sora vs The Skeletal Moss

[ Système0 Launching Localization of the Nearest Alfa of Oblivion to the Climber ]

[ Système0 Found 5: Alfa of Oblivion Less Than 10 Meters from the Climber ]


That's not too bad. At least it will help me increase my understanding of this plant.

Système0, can you display them for me?"

[ Negative ]

[ Système0 Cannot Fulfill the Climber’s Request; Reason: The Climber Lacks Sufficient Knowledge of This Plant ]

"Oh, so I’ll have to find them myself.

It should be fine; within 10 meters, they shouldn’t be too hard to locate."

Having no major difficulties finding the 5 Alfa of Oblivion around him, Sora crushed them as well, making sure to prevent the fluorescent blue powder from entering his nose or mouth.

"Système0, show me all the rewards I earned."

[ Calculating Rewards ]

[ The Climber Defeated: Alfa of Oblivion x5 ]

[ Here Are the Rewards the Climber Earns: +9 Alfa of Oblivion Seeds / The Climber’s Understanding of This Plant Has Slightly Increased ]

[ However, Since the Enemy Was Harmless, All Rewards Will Be Halved ]

[ Final Gain After Restriction: +5 Alfa of Oblivion Seeds / The Climber’s Understanding of This Plant Has Slightly Increased ]

[ The Climber’s Understanding of This Plant Has Changed From: Nonexistent To: Very Very Low ]

"Not even 1 EXP, this is going to take a while.

I might as well look for a plant that gives me more than this.

Système0, are there any plants I can defeat that give me more EXP than this one?"

[ Affirmative ]

"And can you tell me which ones?"

[ Negative ]

[ Système0 Cannot Fulfill the Climber’s Request; Reason: Current Level Below Minimum Required Level ]

"Yeah, that was obvious.

Well then, I have only one way left to do this.

Good old random searching."


"Hey, Système0, use the Collector’s Catalog on this plant, please."


[ - Name: Skeletal Moss ]

[ - Age: 98 years ]

[ - Sex: _ ]

[ - Status: 100% (50 HP) ]


[ - Strength: _ ]

[ - Intelligence: _ ]

[ - Agility: _ ]

[ - Speed: _ ]

[ - Vitality: 0.35 ]

[ - Magic: 0.75 ]

[ - Magic Resistance: 1.20 ]


[ - Bone Trap ]

"Oh, it’s already more resilient than the other plant, and above all, it has way more magic.

Système0, what is the skill 'Bone Trap'?"

[ Système0 Does Not Fully Know This Skil l]

[ But It Is a Conditional Skill ]

"A conditional skill?

That means nothing will happen unless a certain condition is met?"

[ Affirmative ]

"And can you tell me my chances of winning?"

[ The Climber’s Chances of Victory Are: 75% ]

"Oh, that’s already a bit lower than with the Alfa of Oblivion, but it’s still a very high percentage.

Alright, no risk, no reward."

This time, heading toward the Skeletal Moss, Sora was a bit more hesitant than with the Alfa of Oblivion, as he knew he still had a 25% chance of losing, which wasn’t insignificant.

But ignoring this fear, he moved toward the moss and stomped on it as well.

"Système0, why isn’t anything happening?"

[ The Climber Has Not Killed the Skeletal Moss ]

"Oh, I see.

And how do I kill it?"

[ Système0 Cannot Fulfill the Climber’s Request; Reason: The Climber Lacks Sufficient Knowledge of This Plant ]

"Damn, so I have to figure out how to kill it myself.

Oh, that’s cool, it’s a puzzle.

The only problem is... I really suck at solving puzzles.

Oh, I got it! Maybe I just need to pull out the moss.

I’m a genius!"

Approaching the moss again, Sora crouched down and ripped it out in large handfuls.

In his enthusiasm, he didn’t notice the bone cage above him, which was slowly falling down.


"What’s with this cage!!??

Système0, help, I’m trapped!

What is this?"

[ This Is the Skill 'Bone Trap' ]

"Hey, how do I get out of here?

I don’t want to die of thirst and hunger."

[ To Escape This Trap, the Climber Must Break the Cage ]

"Oh yeah, that makes sense.

With my super powerful fists, I’ll smash this cage in two or three hits."




Système0, what’s it made of?"

[ Bone ]

"Oh right, I probably could have guessed that.

Système0, how can I break it?"

[ To Break This Cage, the Climber Must: Increase Strength Or: Increase Vitality ]

"Increase my vitality?

How would that help?"

[ Increasing Vitality Will Allow the Climber to Raise His Pain Tolerance and Thus Feel Less Pain When Taking Hits ]

"That could be useful.

But how can I increase my vitality while I’m trapped in this cage?"

[ The Climber Can Increase Vitality By: Repeatedly Hitting the Cage ]

"But that won’t help at all.

I’ll just end up hurting myself...

Wait, no—by hurting myself, my pain threshold will increase.

Système0, how many times do I need to hit the cage for my vitality to increase?"

[ Hitting the Cage 10 Times With the Same Strength Will Grant: +1 EXP ]

[ Hitting the Cage 20 Times With the Same Strength Will Grant: +2 EXP / +0.01 Vitality ]

"Once again, not very profitable.

But increasing my vitality by 0.01 means I’ll get a 5% boost in pain resistance.

And that’s not negligible.

Might as well endure extreme pain now to feel it less later."

With this brilliant plan in mind, Sora started punching the cage with all his strength.

1 hit.

2 hits.

3 hits.

/ ! \ WARNING / ! \

[ The Climber Has Lost 25% of His HP ]

[ Remaining HP: 75 ]




I didn’t think about the fact that my HP would drop.

25% is huge.

And worst of all, I only hit it 4 times.

Which means I’d be dead in 16 hits.

I wouldn’t even have the chance to increase my vitality before meeting God.

Système0, can’t you heal me?"

[ Negative ]

[ Système0 Does Not Have That Functionality ]

[ But Alfa of Oblivion Seeds Can Heal the Climber ]

"Oh really? Awesome.

Système0, tell me how many I have."

[ Affirmative ]

[ Does the Climber Want to Open the INVENTORY? ]

[ Accept / Decline ]



[ - Alfa of Oblivion Seeds x6 ]

"Oh, it’s pretty empty.

Système0, use the Collector’s Catalog on the seeds."


[ - Name: Alfa of Oblivion Seed ]

[ - Quantity: 6 ]


[ - Healing: Restores 10% of the Host’s HP When Ingested (Heals Up to a Maximum of *** HP) ]


[ - *** ]

"Oh, that’s really cool.

With 6 plants, I can heal up to 60 HP.

Uh, Système0, why can’t I see everything?"

[ The Climber Lacks Sufficient Knowledge of This Plant ]

"Oh, so it works that way too.

In that case, Système0, use one seed on me, please."

[ Affirmative ]

[ The Climber Has Healed 10% of His Maximum HP ]

[ Remaining HP: 85 ]

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